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Reducing Broadcast Latency in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)

Reducing Broadcast Latency in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). Cyrus Minwalla Maan Musleh COSC 6590. Presentation Layout. Overview Broadcasting in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) Broadcast configurations in WMNs: Fully multi-rate multicast (FMM) Single “best-rate” multicast (SBM)

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Reducing Broadcast Latency in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)

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  1. Reducing Broadcast Latency in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) Cyrus Minwalla Maan Musleh COSC 6590

  2. Presentation Layout • Overview • Broadcasting in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) • Broadcast configurations in WMNs: • Fully multi-rate multicast (FMM) • Single “best-rate” multicast (SBM) • Performance Evaluation • Conclusion

  3. Brief overview of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) • Network Topology • Properties of WMNs

  4. Network Topology in WMNs

  5. Properties of Wireless Mesh Networks • Nodes: • Wireless but static • Connected in an ad-hoc manner • Energy a non-issue (nodes generally plugged in, or easily rechargeable) • Network: • Topology is cluster-based: • Static routers connect subsets of the network. • Routers can serve as source nodes for sub-trees (useful for topology construction, scheduling, etc.)

  6. Why Broadcasting in WMNs • Motivation: • Carried over from wired networks • Useful for many applications: • OS updates • Video conferencing/streaming • Multiplayer gaming • Have fewer packet transmissions due to “wireless broadcast advantage” (WBA)

  7. What is Wireless Broadcast Advantage (WBA)? • Refers to a unique quality belonging to wireless networks • Wired networks perform broadcast by separate unicasts across the network (separate to each root node in a tree) • In wireless networks: • Direct neighbours of the source node require only one tx • Multiple unicast tx in wired = 1 broadcast tx in wireless Potential Energy and bandwidth savings!

  8. Exploiting WBA for Broadcast • Achievement of WBA in broadcast transmissions  configuration changes at link level • Link level changes involve: • Number of radios/channels • Rates • Radio power (for channel reuse) • Antenna gain (direction)

  9. Node Configuration • Various node configurations in literature • Authors discuss the following two configurations: • Single-radio single-channel multi-rate • Multi-radio multi-channel multi-rate

  10. What is Minimum Latency Broadcasting (MLB)? • Definition: • To provide the best QoS by minimizing latency at the slowest node • Goal: • All destination nodes must receive packet within same time frame • Maximize the transmission rate of the slowest node • Metric: • RAP (Rate-Area Product)

  11. Why do we care about MLB? • Motivation: • Want to guarantee quality of service (QoS) to all users in the multicast session • Want to decrease the latency encountered by the slowest link.

  12. Overview of Techniques • Both techniques involve the idea of using multicasts across partitioned nodes to achieve broadcast • Single-channel multi-rate: • Also known as “fully multi-rate multicast” (FFM) • Multi-channel multi-rate: • Referred to as the “single best-rate multicast” (SBM)

  13. Multi-rate vs. Multi-radio • FMM: • Uses an optimum rate per link to maximize throughput and minimize latency • Attempts to minimize the number of transmissions • Needs scheduling per transmission to avoid interference • SBM: • Determines a single best-rate metric for the entire network • Simplifies the construction algorithm by using one rate • Uses multiple channels, thus simplifying the scheduling algorithm

  14. What about Energy Efficiency? • Both techniques transmit a packet multiple times from the same node: • Multi-rate uses multiple rates for various neighbours (based on RAP) • Multi-channel uses multiple channels (channel diversity  non-interference) • The goal: To minimize broadcast latency, not energy efficiency

  15. Fully Multi-rate Multicasting (FMM)

  16. Fully Multi-rate Multicasting (FMM) • Topic Layout: • What is fully multi-rate multicast? • Why we want to use it • How it works • Topology Construction Algorithm • Multicast Grouping Algorithm • (Simplified) Transmission Scheduling • Maximum end-to-end throughput • Pros and Cons • Recap

  17. What is “Fully Multi-Rate Multicast” ? • Broadcast achieved via sequential multicasts • Multicast to separate subsets in network • Algorithm in four steps: • Construct a tree to span the entire network • Calculate the optimum rate at every link • Provide scheduling for all transmissions • Recalculate maximum end-to-end throughput • Caveat: Most of the solutions are NP-hard

  18. Why choose FMM • Motivation: • Multi-rate allows us to minimize the MLB • Current radios work with setup • RAP metric is easy to calculate

  19. Current 802.11 metrics • Transmit rates and ranges for 802.11b • Obtained via Qualnet simulation • Consider network topology in next slide

  20. A Motivational Example • Node 1 wants to broadcast to 2, 3, 4 and 5. • Node 2 @ 11 Mbps, node 5 @ 1 Mbps • One single transmission at lowest rate or two transmissions (one at either rate)

  21. Motivational Example: The Single Transmission Case • Node 1 broadcasts to nodes 2 and 5 • Transmission rate = slowest link i.e. 1Mbps • Transmission to node 2 @ 1Mbps  4 is starved until 33 u.t.

  22. Motivational Example: The Multiple Transmission Case • Node 1 makes two transmissions • Transmission 1 to node 2 @ 11 Mbps • Transmission sequence: 2  3  4 • Node 1  5 only occurs when 2  3 is complete • Node 4 receives packet at 23 u.t.

  23. Topology Construction in FMM • We want to reach all nodes within the network: • Build a connected dominating set (CDS): • Def’n of CDS: • In a graph G(v,e), the connected-dominating set is a set of edges S{e} | all non-leaf nodes v are connected. All other (leaf) nodes are one hop away from at least one node in CDS

  24. Connected-Dominating Set (CDS) • What this means: • In a CDS, the source has a path to all relaying nodes in the network • Calculate all possible CDSs in the network • Obtain the CDS with the minimum cost • Steps: • Calculate the set of possible CDSs • Attach a cost metric per CDS • Pick one that minimizes that cost (use Djikstra)

  25. Problems with CDS • Problem 1: • For k nodes, 2k possible sets to consider • Solution: • Use Djikstra with an approximation criteria • Problem becomes polynomial • Problem 2: • Minimum connected set will assume slowest rate to maximize downlink neighbours per node • Same as using slowest rate for all nodes • Solution: • Account for the rate metric: max (no. of nodes x transmission rate) • This is defined by the RAP

  26. Topology Construction in FMM • Algorithm steps: • Keep a set C of all covered nodes. • C starts with just source node s • Pick optimal product of rate x no. of nodes covered • Add covered nodes within optimal area to C • Continue until C satisfies CDS quality for G • This process ensures a minimum-cost, minimum-spanning tree

  27. Sample Network Topology

  28. Example: Minimum WCDS Tree

  29. Example: Minimum WCDS Tree with rates

  30. Multicast Grouping in FMM • Once the broadcast tree is constructed, need to determine two things for each node: • No. of times to multicast • No. of nodes covered by multi-cast • Need to find transmission delay to reach all downstream nodes with minimum latency • Every node’s latency depends on what happens downstream  follow bottom-up topology

  31. Bottom-up Topology • Algorithm Steps: • Start with leaf nodes • Calculate the minimum latency to the relay (based on optimal rate in previous step) • Latency maximum at relay node is stored in Cardinality Value (CV) • CV helps determine the transmission delay at relay node R

  32. Example: Multicast Grouping

  33. Example: Multicast Grouping

  34. Example: Multicast Grouping

  35. Example: Multicast Grouping

  36. Example: Multicast Grouping

  37. Bottom-up Topology (2) • CV values along nodes build up a transmission sequence • For k rates, there are 2k-1 possible valid transmission sequences (VTS) • Pick the VTS with the shortest possible transmission delay • Assumption • Grouping does not deal with nodal interference

  38. (Simplified) Transmission Scheduling • Transmission sequence determined by CV • Higher CV = higher latency  more critical transmission • All nodes assigned a start-time and a stop time • Nodes must have packet before start time • The goal is to avoid nodal interference • In our example, time is measured in packet time: • Packet tx @ 11 Mbps = 1 u.t.

  39. Example: Transmission Scheduling

  40. Example: Transmission Scheduling

  41. Example: Transmission Scheduling

  42. Example: Transmission Scheduling

  43. Example: Transmission Scheduling

  44. Problems with Transmission Scheduling • Problem 1: • Absolute times require centralized clock • Solution: • Algorithm assumes a centralized clock within source node • Problem 2: • Node schedules are broadcast throughout the network.. to set up broadcasting • Solution 2: • ...........

  45. Pros and Cons • Advantages • Obtains lower latency compared to standard techniques • Works with current hardware • Disadvantages: • Algorithms are NP-hard • Scheduling problem has no apparent solution

  46. Recap • The technique FMM: • uses selected multicasts to achieve broadcast over network • Minimizes latency in the network • Algorithms required to achieve optimal solution = NP-hard • Need a centralized station for clock synchronization + scheduling • The next technique resolves some of these issues

  47. Single Best-Rate Multicasting (SBM)

  48. Single Best-rate Multicast (SBM) • Decides a single transmission rate for all link layer data multicast. • Depends on the network's topological properties. • Simplifies broadcasting algorithms.

  49. Decisions To Be Made • Selecting 'best' transmission rate to use for all link layer broadcasts. • Deciding whether a certain node should transmit. • Deciding 'Interface Grouping'. • Scheduling each node's transmissions.

  50. 'Best' link-layer multicast rate selection • Can be predicted reasonably by the product of the transmission rate and transmission coverage area (rate-area product or RAP). • Higher RAP means more broadcast-efficient for SR-SC MR WMNs.

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