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“Transnational Conversations in Migration, Queer, and Transgender Studies: Multimedia Storyspaces”. Gema Pérez-Sánchez Associate Professor of Spanish University of Miami. Hybrid Storyspaces: Redefining the Critical Enterprise in Twentieth-Century Hispanic Literature Conference
“Transnational Conversations in Migration, Queer, and Transgender Studies: Multimedia Storyspaces” Gema Pérez-Sánchez Associate Professor of Spanish University of Miami Hybrid Storyspaces: Redefining the Critical Enterprise in Twentieth-Century Hispanic Literature Conference Cornell University/Union College, April 30-May1, 2010
Two sample photographs from Moisès Martínez’s self-portrait 2005 exhibition, Falosinplastia (Phallus without Phalloplasty).
Moisès Martínez: “Mi camino da un vuelco el día que me encuentro con la obra de Del LaGrace Volcano. El fotógrafo de transexuales más famoso del mundo. Me veo representado en esos hombres que nacieron mujeres y respiro hondo. Están aquí transformados en obra de arte. Me emocionan. Me emociona comprobar que no se ocultan, que muestran con tranquilidad su transformación.” “My path experiences a jolt of joy the day that I encounter the work of Del LaGrace Volcano--the most famous photographer of transsexuals in the world. I see myself represented in those men that were born as women and I can breathe deeply. There they are transformed into works of art. They move me. It moves me to see that they do not hide themselves, that they show calmly their transformation.” “El camino de Moisès,” Dir. Cecilia Barriga, 2003.
Moisès Martínez: “Joel siempre ha tenido la capacidad de hacerme mirar para otro lado. Le tengo junto a mí, observando el mundo y me pregunto ¿cuál es realmente mi destino? ¿Hasta qué punto mi existencia tiene que seguir atada a la transformación de mi cuerpo? Quizás debiera apostar por otro tipo de camino.” “Joel has always had the capacity to make me look a different way. I have him next to me, observing the world, and I ask myself: what is my destiny, really? To what extent must my existence remain tied to the transformation of my body? Perhaps I should bet on another type of path.” “El camino de Moisès,” Dir. Cecilia Barriga, 2003.
Moisès Martínez: “La transexualidad no es un delirio, sino una forma diferente de estar en el mundo . . . Cuando me encuentro con alguien que quiere saber si me he operado, le contesto: ‘Eso no se pregunta. Se descubre.’ Quiero hacer lo que nunca he hecho: correr aventuras, estudiar otras culturas, seguir dando la batalla en otros países.” “Transsexuality is not nonsense, but a different way of being in the world. . . . When I run into somebody who wants to know if I have undergone [sex reassignment] surgery, I answer: ‘You can’t ask that; you have to find out for yourself [or: you discover it on your own]’. I want to do what I have never done: to have adventures,to study other cultures, to go on with the fight in other countries.” “El camino de Moisès,” Dir. Cecilia Barriga, 2003.