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IPN, 20 years of incubation and technology transfer – a balance Universitites: Knowledge Partners for Intelligent Communities Mateus Meeting, 23-25th September, 2011. INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES. Created in 1991 by the University of Coimbra. INCUBTION. RT. Promotes innovation
IPN, 20 years of incubation and technology transfer – a balance Universitites: Knowledge Partners for Intelligent Communities Mateus Meeting, 23-25th September, 2011
INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES Created in 1991 by the University of Coimbra INCUBTION RT Promotes innovation Linksuniversity and industry Congregates 38 associates · Science and Higher Education Entities · Public Organizations for Enterprise Support · Municipalities · Industrial Associations · Companies TRAINING
RTD LABORATORIES · RTD Projects in consortia with industry · Innovation and Technological Development · Technology Transfer › LAS –Laboratory for Automation and Systems › LED&MAT – Laboratory for Wear, Testing and Materials › LIS - Laboratory for Informatics and Systems › LEC – Laboratory for Electroanalysis and Corrosion › LABGEO - Geotechnical Laboratory › LABPHARM - Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Sciences INCUBATION RTD TRAINING
RTD LABORATORIES – CASE STUDY #2 RTD PAPER ABRASION Need Develop methodology for testing paper abrasion Develop qualitative methods to analyze the paper surface at the Laboratory Quality Control Strategy RTD contract: Instituto Pedro Nunes and Soporcel Customized solution for client Results New testing methodologies (patented) Functional prototypes New knowledge about the paper’s behavior
RTD LABORATORIES – CASE STUDY #1 RTD SILVER NeedSolving the tarnishing silver problem, with particular emphasis on the filigree, which has caused a considerable decrease in Portuguese exports (in Japan, the volume has decreased around 60%). Strategy RTD project in consortia with IPN and filigree producer Ferreira Marques & Irmãos, co-funded by National Innovation Agency (ADI). ResultsA type of silver-based coating that can prevent the tarnished surface, chemicals agents action and adds resistance wear. Protection process that does not change the material chemistry base composition. Piece tests at real scale.
RTD LABORATORIES – CASE STUDY #3 RTD SMARTCATCH – FP7 Need· Development of a novel remote stress sensing system to increase safety, efficiency and to reduce environmental effects in fishing and mooring applications, contributing to improve the sector’s competitiveness.Strategy · Research for SMEs:13 partners: Instituto Pedro Nunes + HERI (UK) + Tech Institut (Norway) – Univ. de Gdansk (Pol) – Fishing Associations (Scotish, German, Norwegian) + SME producers of ropes and fishing materials (UK, Scotland) + SME from aquaculture sector (Italy) Results · New products · Decrease the energetic expenditures of ship · Increase safety in fishing activities · Decrease fish losses due to failure of cages anchorage
RTD LABORATORIES – organizational model RTD • Scientific Director – researcher from the University of Coimbra • Executive Director – IPN’s staff • Regular Collaboration from R&D Institutions (mainly UC) • Increased Market Oriented Research • Increased professional support on: • Commercial, Intellectual Property, Financial Issues(through common services)
RTD LABORATORIES – SOME FIGURES RTD 17 YEARS OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (1994 to 2010) . RTD projects and technology transfer contracts > 200 · Number of clients > 350 · Weight of international projects 2000 - 17% 2010 - 43%
BUSINESS INCUBATOR promotes startup creation supporting innovative and technology-based ideas INCUBATION RTD TRAINING
BUSINESS INCUBATOR - SERVICES INCUBATION Business plans technological viability, Economical viability, Training process Space and Logistices Rooms: 20,28,33,40,56,66 m2 conference rooms, administrative support, communications, ,etc Acess to Funding National and International Funding Banks, Business Angels, Venture Capital Management support business development, general accountancy fiscal planning, etc Physical Incubation Virtual Incubation › Start › Follow-up Training Science, technology, business Facilities Auditorium Access to scientific knowledge Coimbra University and other R&TD organizations Networking and Internationalization International projects “matching” events IP management Patents, tech transfer agreements Trademarks info, etc
“BEST SCIENCE BASED INCUBATOR AWARD 2010” BUSINESS INCUBATOR INCUBATION Academic SPIN-OFF (ASO): company created mainly based as a result of reserach projects or acquired knowledge at Universities and other R&D Institutions.
BUSINESS INCUBATOR – CASE STUDY #1 INCUBATION CRITICAL SOFTWARE Information Technologies for Critical Systems CONTEXT · Software for critical systems · Projects for industry - national and international (NASA) RESULTS · Jobs created > 300 · % exports / Revenue 70% . R&D Expenses / Revenue 12% · Nº spin offs created: 5 · Delegations in EUA, UK, Brasil, Roménia, Mozambique PROMOTORS . 3 PHd students Informatics Department – University of Coimbra
BUSINESS INCUBATOR – CASE STUDY #2 INCUBATION CONTEXT · Microelectronics · controllers for domestic appliances . Product development RESULTS · Jobs created > 80 · % exports / Turnover 40 % . R&D Expenses / Turnover 15% PROMOTORS . 4 researchers Electronics Department – University of Coimbra
BUSINESS INCUBATOR – CASE STUDY #3 INCUBATION CONTEXT . Portuguese participation in ESA . Expertise of the promotors in a very specialized area . Market knowledge RESULTS . 15 high qualified jobs created . Leadership in european projects . Product patents PROMOTORS . 2 young entrepeneurs (mechanical eng. and informatics eng.) . Professional expoerience at ESA (European Space Agengy)
BUSINESS INCUBATOR / RTD LABS – CASE STUDY RTD CYBERCAR (FP5) – R&D Project – University of Coimbra CYBERMOVE (FP5) Partners Instituto Pedro Nunes (LAS) + CN Serpentine SA + DITS + Fiat Research + Frog navigation System (NL) + INRIA + ISR + Robosoft + Ruf Danmark + Technion +TNO + Transportation Research Group + University of Southhampton + University of Bristol + Yamaha, etc. Main ObjectiveShow the potential of new transportation systems, cybercars – small automated vehicles Activities Contexts for use new vehicles were designed and tested in a set of european towns INCUBATION
BUSINESS INCUBATOR / RTD LABS – CASE STUDY RTD TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AT IPN (LAS) Development Develpment of an electronic kit to be integrated in Automated Guided Vehicles, to transform them in Cybercars; by: · detecting fix or mobile objects and avoiding collision; · answering WiFi or GPRS calls done by users through PDAs or Laptops; · providing great flexibility - product can be customized INCUBATION Tests Tests were performed at an hospital, an airport and in historical centres of different size towns.
BUSINESS INCUBATOR / RTD LABS – CASE STUDY RTD INCUBATION PROMOTORES · A spin-off of Critical Software · Some pelople from the development team at IPN CONTEXT · Last mile transportation – Complement transportation systems like bus, rail, metro, etc · Contribute to the traffic reduction in towns · Create a new paradigm: “customized public transportation” ACTIVITIES · Starting from the concept of horizontal lift, develop a cybercar to be used in towns, historical centres, airports, hospitals, etc.
BUSINESS INCUBATOR – RESULTS INCUBATION 15 YEARS OF INCUBATION (1996 to 2010) · Total firms supported (Dez. 2010): > 150 · % of firms in activity > 80% · Anual Turnover (2010) > 70 M€ % exports > 35% · Direct Jobs > 1.500
BUSINESS INCUBATOR - AWARDS INCUBATION IPN – Incubadora 1st place on the international competition “Best Science Based Incubator Award” 2010, byTechnopolicy Network Evaluation by an international juri of scientists and experts from the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
BUSINESS INCUBATOR - SOME AWARDS INCUBATION Critical Software Among the 500 enterprises with higher growth in Europe Active Space Technologies Young Professionals Entrepreneurship Prize – International Astronautical Congress Critical Links Convergence Product of the Year – (Produto Edge Box) TechWorld FBA. – Ferrand, Bicker & Associados Vencedora de Red Dot Award – Projecto Exposição Weltliteratur Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen – Germany Silver European Design Award – European Design Project, Rotterdham AIGA 50 Books/ 50 Covers – Minotauro project, New York Feedzai 1º place BES-INOVAÇÃO 2009 Banco Espírito & Santo Wit-Software, Crioestaminal, CWJ - Electrónica PME Excelência IAPMEI
TRAINING DEPARTMENT Organizes high level specialized continuous training and training directed to young entrepreneurs engaged in the creation of start-up companies. INCUBATION RTD TRAINING
VCI – KNOWLEDGE VALORIZATION AND INNOVATION DEPARTMENT 1) Gives support across all IPN’s units, stimulating cohesion and boosting synergies Support to spin-offs creation - promotion of tech-based entrepreneurship from researchers and students; Intellectual Property - Support to firms, researchers and students in Industrial Property issues; Tech Commercialization - Support in the technology transfer and product development (contract licensing, financial management, etc.); Funded R&D – National and european R&D project’s elaboration and management. 2) Management of networks INCUBAÇÃO INCUBATION I&DT RTD TRAINING
INTERNACIONAL NETWORKS UTEN University Technology Enterprise Network EARTO European Association of Research and Technology Organisations NATIONAL & REGIONAL NETWORKS GAPI Rede de Gabinetes de Apoio à Propriedade Industrial TICE.PT · TICE.Health · TICE.mobilidade . International links EBN European Business & Innovation Centre Network TII European Association for the Transfer of Technologies, Innovation and Industrial Information RIERC Rede de Incubação e Empreendorismo da região Centro INOV.C (innovation ecosystem around UC) Health Cluster Portugal · DHMS · AAL4all TOOL NET (moulds) · Tooling Edge INOVcluster (agro-industrial) . InovWine INCUBATOR FORUM PROTON Europe European Knowledge Transfer Association
BUSINESS ACCELERATOR Local · Pólo II - Tech Campus of the University, contiguous to ISEC (Instituto Politécnico) · High Concentration of Technological Infrastructures (Higher Education, R&DT, Tech Transfer) · Integrated in town Construction Area 8.000 m2 Objectives Accelerate the growth of enterprises through: · more sophisticated support, after incubation . acess to knowledge · support to enter international markets · innovation environment
CONTACTOS Instituto Pedro Nunes Rua Pedro Nunes 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal T +351 239 700 962 F +351 239 700 965 www.ipn.pt