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MBA WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP MODULE 1: GENERAL MANAGEMENT. Sarah Davis MA MBA MCIPD Tel: +971-558668919 sdavis@synergydubai.ae. MODULE TOPICS. Topic 1: Introduction to General Management Topic 2: The Organization Mission Topic 3: Strategic Organizational Planning
MBA WOMEN IN LEADERSHIPMODULE 1: GENERAL MANAGEMENT Sarah Davis MA MBA MCIPD Tel: +971-558668919 sdavis@synergydubai.ae
MODULE TOPICS Topic 1: Introduction to General Management Topic 2: The Organization Mission Topic 3: Strategic Organizational Planning Topic 4. The Structure of the Organization Topic 5: The Role of the Manager Topic 6: Decision Making in the Organization
INTRODUCTIONS Please introduce yourself to the group: Name Role and organization Reason for studying for the MBA
GROUP WORK In groups, reflect on the journey that you are starting to achieve your MBA. What resources do you need to be successful? What support do you need from your work, family and friends? What are the potential barriers or challenges that could get in the way in achieving it? How can you mitigate ask these challenges?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this topic students will be able to: Define management and differentiate it from leadership. Understand trends in the political, regulatory economic, social and demographic environments in which organizations compete. Analyse the internal and external environment of an organization you are familiar with. Understand influences on the evolution of management thinking. Explain at least 3 management theories in the evolution of the history of management. Identify different methods of research in the organization and pros and cons of different methods
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP WORK In groups, discuss the following: What is the difference between leadership v management? In your current role when do you act as a manager and when do you act as a leader? Agree a definition of management Share your thoughts with the rest of the group
GETTING WORK DONE THROUGH OTHERS ‘Good Management consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people.’ John Rockefeller ‘The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work.’ Agha HasanAbedi ‘Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.’ Henry Mintzberg ‘Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done.’ Peter Drucker ‘Management is not about doing easy things. Management is about doing things that, usually, people don’t want to do.’ Carlos Ghosn CEO Nissan Motor
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT V LEADERSHIP ‘Managers do the right things, leaders do things right’. Warren Bennis
Topic 4: MANAGER IN Organization Leadership v Management
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP WORK In groups, review and discuss the Bains & Co Management Tools and Trends list from the 2013 survey What are the top 3 most used tools or trends in your organisation? Compile a group list, showing the most popular across the group What do you think your list says about general management in the Middle East? Share your thoughts with the rest of the group
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Context of Management http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmwwrGV_aiE
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT External Macro environment
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP WORK Use the PESTEL framework to analyse the macro environment of one of the organization’s in the group, or one that you are familiar with operates within.
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT SWOT • Skills • Brands • Services • Reputation • Processes • Infrastructure • Products • Pricing • Profit • Costs • People • Quality A SWOT analysis summarises the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of an organisation that are most likely to impact. The aim is: Maintain and leverage strengths Remedy weakness Optimise opportunities Counter or eliminate any threats Internal focus External focus
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP ACTIVITY Use the same organisation used in the PESTLE activity to develop a SWOT analysis.
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP WORK Review the case study information about IKEA In your groups discuss: What are the key macro economic factors and other influences that affect the demand for IKEA products? What are the implications of social and environmental factors on the culture and operations of IKEA? With reference to key demographic, lifestyle, political and social trends, evaluate the likely success of IKEA worldwide in the next few years.
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT History of Management Ref: Management Richard L Daft
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT The Work Place
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT The Work Place
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Classical Perspective A management perspective that emerged during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and sought to make organizations efficientoperating machines. Scientific Management Bureaucratic Organizations Administrative Principles
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Scientific Management It emphasizedscientifically determinedchanges in management practices as the solution to improving labourproductivity. Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856–1915)
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Bureaucratic Organizations It emphasizedmanagement on an impersonal, rational basis through such elements as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal recordkeeping, and separation of management and ownership. Max Weber (1864–1920)
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Administrative Principles It focuseson the total organization rather than the individual worker, delineating the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Henri Fayol Mary Parker Follett Chester I. Barnard Henri Fayol (1841–1925)
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Humanistic Perspective A management perspective that emerged near the late nineteenth century and emphasized understanding human behavior, needs, and attitudes in the workplace. Human Relations Movement Human Resources Perspective Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933)
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Human Relations Movement A movement in management thinking and practice that emphasizes satisfaction of employees’ basic needs as the key to increased worker productivity. Hawthorne studies were a series of experiments on worker productivity which begun in 1924 at the Hawthorne plant of Western Electric Company in Illinois; attributed employees’ increased output to managers’ better treatment of them during the study. Hawthorne Studies 1924–1932
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Human Resources Perspective A management perspective that suggests jobs should be designed to meet higher-level needs by allowing workers to use their full potential. Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) Douglas McGregor (1906–1964) Abraham Maslow (1908–1970)
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT Management Science Perspective A management perspective that emerged after World War II and applied mathematics, statistics, and other quantitative techniques to managerial problems.
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP WORK Review Fayol’s 14 Principles in the handbook and identify those which could apply in your management practices in your organization today? Present your ideas back to the class.
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODS There are many sources of environmental data Marketing research reports Management information systems Annual reports and accounts produced by known competitors Trade association and professional body research Media and commentary Official government reports, e.g. economic indicators External databases and commercial vendors to provide sector specific information
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODS Internally within the organization, quantitative and qualitative data can be collected, researched and analyzed through a variety of ways: Surveys e.g. customer surveys, employee Management data e.g. from ERP systems Interviews Focus groups Management tools like assessment and development centers
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODS There are advantages and disadvantages to different methods
Topic 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT REVIEW Define management What is the macro-environment in terms of business? What does the PESTLE acronym stand for? Why does management need to understand the external business environment? When would a manager complete a PESTLE? What does the SWOT acronym stand for? Which elements of SWOT are internal and which external? Name 3 theories of management List 3 of Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management
Topic 2: Organization MISSION LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this topic students will be able to: Define the concept of an organisations mission and understand its purpose. Explain the key steps in creating a mission Explain the relationship between the mission and strategy Describe the business planning process and how goals are cascaded Understand how the organization’s performance management process links to strategy Describe the balanced scorecard and the pros and cons of using it
Topic 3: STRATEGIC OrganizationAL PLANNING LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this topic students will be able to: Define strategy and other related key definitions. Identify different levels at which the strategy impacts the organization Explain the strategic planning models Identify 4 market development strategies using Ansoff’s matrix Review the alignment of Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics across an organization. (VMOST)
Topic 2: Organization MISSION Mission A mission is a statement that reflects its core purpose and principle business aims. It states what the business is and what it does. It defines the organization’s identity.
Topic 2: Organization MISSION A Mission Statement Four essential questions your company’s mission statement must answer: What do we do? How do we do it? Whom do we do it for? What value are we bringing?
Topic 2: Organization MISSION Mission Statement Examples
Topic 2: Organization MISSION GROUP ACTIVITY X is founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. The company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches The company’s business model is built to support 2 principal goals Helping clients succeed in delivering business value by becoming more efficient and competitive through the use of business insight and IT solutions; and providing long term value to share-holders. X seeks to enrich the lives of its customer by creating enduring objects of extraordinary beauty that will be cherished for generations.
Topic 2: Organization MISSION Steps to Developing a Statement 1. Decide who is going to write the statement Is this going to a group effort or a specific individual? 2. Agree on when the statement is going to be written A deadline is important to ensure the statement is written 3. Determine the target audience It makes sense to decide who you are talking to first 4. Decide what kind of language is important Each organization approaches its mission statement differently. Some use vision, some values some principles statements. 5. Adopt a format How will you communicate the message? Will it be in the annual company report, or framed on a plaque?
Topic 3: STRATEGIC OrganizationAL PLANNING Some definitions
Topic 3: STRATEGIC OrganizationAL PLANNING Strategy Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations • Ref: Exploring Corporate Strategy by Johnson and Scholes