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. fl. Sci.nnaclt.s.drch I ( 1):.lail-.14:, :Lrl l. r(Lll.-lj.r11.lorllil. iltir tli.l. ssf. '. :rlll. l)_ sl l),LLtic ti.ri,,. l'fr] tolro rnr ornl Responses of Sunllo$cr (ftulilnthas an us t,.). ro,Ixgnetizcd lYnter. nnd Seed undcr \'rter Deticit Cordit'iurs.
\ fl Sci.nnaclt.s.drch I ( 1):.lail-.14:, :Lrl l r(Lll.-lj.r11.lorllil iltir tli.l ssf. ' :rlll l)_ sl l),LLtic ti.ri,,. l'fr] tolro rnr ornl Responses of Sunllo$cr (ftulilnthas an us t,.) ro,\Ixgnetizcd lYnter. nnd Seed undcr \\'rter Deticit Cordit'iurs T.. -"1 \ sat,,.L -..,,t ..ltt. ttt.r \tor.1 4ta,ta,- t.t.\rtt, t.D.dd P.li,ej.lC, :tldro d ittashhd.tj .lLbdt B ooj.lr dhd I Sa.e./ I'Iafdth.l.i t r;\glcullu!: lt.s.rrch C.nicr, Ishmic Azad Unil.rsiry. Krrlj U.&ch, trrn :Tirbirl Nroailem L'nirersity, Tchran, If.n .\bit.r.t: a;:Ll'ro n- "-ra*t rvar.r rnder \raicr dc cill'.t,f *d", ., t" ,.,t1!m ino.fri"t" .f This expe rnenl nos r-r* ",t,t. condjt'oB, 'n rrrin dd irBnrio| trzcd s...1 magnerizld 1vrrh a.i.t .nd Inotine son,. lh)td,orrnoncs h nollo{..r (Az.rsol lybrid). Erpe.imed.l Jlxign was eptit pLot in rh. Ionn ot ,drdon,iad condele block.l.s\,en |RCBD) wid1 loLr .eptLcalions T rcarn.rts ;rctlded nlsario! wtrtr nomnl rud nrrgrltized ret.r, ca.| i! oDe oftIe seEirat. fi.lds, ivater rlel,cir in jn.i,r ptots ar t00o (co ot),ajrg;.nd - j 0; ol rv rila bl. rc il moistu c .tspletion Normat dd ,ragnerized seed w.rc in nrb pt..rs ltls,trs slLon,ed lt[t llt).s oI rdg.tidi.nd l.v.ls ol warcr defi.it afectcd lrotjne .r p ! 0 05 drd O 01, .lslcorively bur i]t,cs ot rr il!1,.u lttud..l ibscisc ac d i clrokinilaip!001 Nater deficr.ncy tar.t sigrificut.lt.cr nt i Lrlrj on ! .,.d ]figition .rd ,n,icislc ibb.reLlir signii.mrty at I I 0 rt I \\!i.r leticit rvarcr deliclt atncted a!N;r drd ( s ri .! rrn.r,te I dt 61) tud :S'fr ,ncr.as ed Folnc tud altrsoisic .cid content \.var.. d.ticit I t 7 59 ; ot a\. ijtaLrte soil rFrsrue dclilctr.n\ ilc..rsed |!olne by:5 i 3r'0 a.d absc;lc icid b), I rt 3i 0/o brt rdrDe.l cltoklrn b), 6 I rq,, rNn, Lr' : 1 l:9 t ,nd grLb.r elln by l : .l:9 0 conpde.t r! 1rh conaol tlill.0 of arrr labl. slrl norstrc .j.t l.tio ) lI.,qctircd \kt.r.l$ rncD.s..t ill rre.n&djralts on areras€ I ? .t59,0 brr see.l (nomal Dd maenetized) cotrkl or I rf.cl duur si.eDlficanrt.rp. ! 0j ncrd. \u\n,. CvtoUtuD. ciblereLlln. Prollre rRoDtIc'fT()N difLrent plryoscs It is of dro li,ctors lh.t ou. todav l1\_ oDc is lused on it.nd n, rccc.r de.ides clrlli2ation .!st inp.d.nt oil crops SnnU.lrer ]s one of thc h.re tried to inveshgatc rrs Lqiologrcnl resed.heF ,{ 'lr ..i, ..411 , .,o,r .. rnfllcnccs but it N not rve undcB to.{l tcr \ Iosr of ttr}c 11 d.ficienc,v rt bu{ tlowe,ins and sFc.pliLrle ro {,atcr erperiments h,!e focL6ed o! lr.tc, id rrrl inimal cells ir gfu;r llirg sLiqes .nd its vi.ld rvrll dedeas. n drolrhi hare rcsultcd that n.gneilc 1i.16 iticd a \rrlc irgc ot srress .osdrrio6 fl, ll. lvhcn plaDrs t:ce l.cl of w!r.r. celluld linctiors c'rly tirv e\perirnerrs hrle tcited how rl,$,:1tr\\ rliltiL{rt,tro{tx,lo.:iorl ind trr.\,siologicrl m.gneh. tl.tJs.ftcctplmi c.lls [i;, i] ,.tcri(i,s Sdnc fl. s icc(rrtlis| r]l.tr titc ctcle bcfo.e Drrect mdgnctic fields a1t sonctin.s cotrsldercd as . llr ,",,.a Ll 'I ( ir Ft.t te o. sbess to limg o,gtnsns [8] \I.gr.ir. lie kle caD.fi.ct il.reir. JirDirrsh rheir shoot gro\'t]! 1.afi1.n. nLunte. of cetl q.tabolsms n,d)e sam. way rs l)car rtucss do.r .nd ,1, .' ' r(1,.11 .'l , o ,,h, o. tJ d ,rr'i I nre( dsmr ls..r,r.ul '., heai slr.ss Son,e studi.s bave also test.d rhe eltucti ol rrc rlso Dsponslblc lbr durgl,t Loterunce erh as ;,Lemction of n,asneiic fields rnd orh.. cnvirotun.nt.t r! rrh..is olsorn. p,--l)?.piidcs 11. jl \lig|uic fi.ld is dn wroi,hbl. .trvirome nial hervy nrct.ls etc. l9l cef.rilly. .eporrs rlD\r rlr.l ll,clor rlrLr rlicts rll li\';E o.gmirns o lhe c.ut IL's stirDriallon or l.hibition ol growth by rtugi.ric fields. rLfL,1 lnx,.l..ds ofyr.,r thut lnm.n lxN udeFtood the depends @ slecles rd |Lysiol%icil ch r.crt,nlicji ol .,s."c. ol nrgnet .nd .leotl i.itl' ,nd Ned dris cn..$, tb. chansi.g pllses olrnrg.dic tietds cd, drc pldxs llul r (,{ rr\|l,n'rinS,\uthor: UohntrNl R.a Ard*mi. ,\gdculrue RcsD4ch C$t{. jst!mrc ,!!.1 Uri\'.r,jly. Kd.t Dr,nch.ltu! E nmjl moh.dD.rdrla lrdlldllahln lcn a6i