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Mauterhebungsysteme. MATTHIAS PRETSCH Großes Seminar. Structure. General reasons for toll „Poll-Situtation“ in Europe „Autobahnmautgesetz für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge“ (ABMG) Setup and function of „Toll Collect“ Dial-up (Terminal, Internet, Automatisch) functionality of GSM / GPS

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  1. Mauterhebungsysteme MATTHIAS PRETSCH Großes Seminar

  2. Mauterhebungssysteme Structure • General reasons for toll • „Poll-Situtation“ in Europe • „Autobahnmautgesetz für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge“ (ABMG) • Setup and function of „Toll Collect“ • Dial-up (Terminal, Internet, Automatisch) • functionality of GSM / GPS • Chance Toll Collect • Extra services • Assets & drawbacks from „Toll Collect“ • Eventuel alternatives • Austria & Schwitzerland • Sum up

  3. Mauterhebungssysteme General Reasons for Freeway-Toll • „Heavy-traffic on german freeways encumbered the road-network“ (BMVBW ¹) • „Autobahnmautgesetz für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge“ (ABMG) become operativ at 12. April 2002 • Included are all LKWs up to 12 t total weight • in force from 31. August 2003 • On an average of 15 Cent / Km ¹ Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen

  4. Mauterhebungssysteme Possible expansions of the toll-system • Increase in evade-traffic on federal-roads • Expance of the freeway-toll on sections which are concerned • Expansion on minor LKWs an other roads maybe possible, if the stress increases • The increases on PKWs seems system-conformable, but can‘t politically enforce

  5. Mauterhebungssysteme area-toll / route-toll • route-toll: • Mostly fees for use the freeways • sideeffect: roundaround of LKWs on routes beside the freeway • area-toll: • Demand on all driven kilometers • No diffenrence between roads and freeways

  6. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-forms (1) • Bridge-Toll: z.B. Oeresund Dänemark (Kopenhagen - Malmö) Preise: PKW: Basic 32,- ; Return 64,- ; • Tunnel-Toll: Tauernautobahn, St.Michael: Price: 10.- € für PKW’s Frejus- & Mont Blanc-Tunnel Price: Basic: 15,30 €, Return: 19,30 € • City-Toll: London, Tokio, Melbourne Price: 7.50 € pro Einfahrt Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim Price: 3,- DM pro Einfahrt

  7. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-forms (2) • Freeway-Toll: route-toll: • Austria: Vignette till end of 2003, Costs: 73 - 727 € LSVA (Start: 01.01.2004), 21 Cent / Km • France, Spain, Ireland and most members of EU: Euro-Vignette (at 12t hzG) • Germany: Start: 31.08.2003 Lite-Version: at 4. quarter 2004

  8. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-forms (3) • Freeway-Toll: route-toll: • Belgien, Holland, Luxemburg, Dänemark, Schweden Euro-Vignette (Kosten: 960 – 1550 € / Jahr) area-toll: • Schweiz Start: 01.01.2001

  9. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-Situation in EU (1) • FRANKREICH: type: Freeway-Toll carrier: Cofiroute (www.cofiroute.fr) kind of payoff: cash-desk-modell, pay at the face, credit-card costs: 5 € / 100 km capture-unit: not necassary

  10. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-Situation in EU (2) • DEUTSCHLAND: type : LSVA carrier : Toll-Collect (www.toll-collect.de ) kind of payoff : GPS-Ortung und Mobilfunktechnik costs : ~ 15 Cent / Km capture-unit : OBU (OnBoard Unit , ~500 Euro aufwändiger Einbau in Werkstatt) developmental period: Fertigstellung nach einem Jahr, Entwicklung dauert allerdings an (leistungsabhängige Schwerverkehrsabgabe)

  11. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-Situation in EU (3) • SCHWEIZ: type : LSVA carrier : FELA (www.fela.ch ) kind of payoff : costs capture-unit : Tripon CH-OBU1, funkgestütztes System, 221 € developmental period : fünfjährige Entwicklungsarbeit

  12. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-Situation in EU (4) • ÖSTERREICH: type : LSVA carrier : EUROPPASS (www.europpass.at ) kind of payoff : Mikrowellentechnik, Post-Pay oder Pre-Pay costs: 22 Cent / Km capture-unit: Go-Box, 5,- € pro Gerät developmental period: 50 jährige Mautsystemerfahrung

  13. Mauterhebungssysteme LKW-Toll in Germany • „Autobahnmautgesetz für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge“ (ABMG) am 12. April 2002 • Route-toll • LKWs with hzG at 12 Tonnen • Exaltation becomes operativ at 31. August 2003, concerns all german and foreign LKW

  14. Mauterhebungssysteme LKW-Toll in Germany • - High of Tax: • Distance, Amount of Axis and the class of emission • averaged 15 Cent / Km • - On oblivion: fine up to 20.000 €.

  15. Mauterhebungssysteme LKW-Toll in Germany • Accept for bid Telematik-System „Toll Collect“ (Combination of mobile radio and navigation ) • Toll Collect : Consortium of DaimlerChrysler, Telekom & Confiroute • DaimlerChrysler Services: experience in set-up and finace complex IT-Systems as well as road-traffic-planning • Deutsche Telekom AG : knowledge about planning and operating of communication-systems Kommunikationssystemen ein • Cofiroute: competence in design, set-up, finance and carry-on toll-systems

  16. Mauterhebungssysteme Set-up and functionality of Toll Collect • System check-in: • manual: Ticket-automat, Call-Center or Internet • automatic: On-Board Unit (OBU)

  17. Mauterhebungssysteme Manual check-in - Ticket- automat • for users with small amount of km • 3500 automats in Germany on freeway-access and petrol stations • input of relevant vehicle-data: - number of axis, - vehicle-weight and - exhaust gas emission • With ticket, authorization to drive on chosen route

  18. Mauterhebungssysteme Manual check-in - Internet • via ticket-automat: independent in space and time • - Startside: www.toll-collect.de • check in only für registered users • input of revelant vehicle-data and choice of the saved • vehicle from the list • predefinition of the route with • start and end-point

  19. Mauterhebungssysteme Automatic check-in - OBU • Installation of OBU in vehicles, costs about 500 Euro, build in garage: 3-4 Stunden • Costs will crediting on asset • GPS-receiver and GSM-Sender • on-time input of revelant vehicle-data • the OBU calculates on taxable street with vehicle-data the right amount of the toll • Data will be send via GSM to Toll-Collect-Central

  20. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-Collect-Central • finishing of manually or automatically vehicle-data from checked-in vehicles in System • advantage for Toll Collect: easy integration of extra services • „Fleet Monitoring“ (allocate of exact vehicle-position) • „Vehicle Management“ (call vehicle-status via internet)

  21. Mauterhebungssysteme Communication-process of Toll Collect System

  22. Mauterhebungssysteme GPS (Global Positioning System) • network of 24 satellites, 20200 km above earth, hovering in earth orbital • per 4 satellites moves on six different level, which are inclined 55° against the equatorialy level • the satellites are not geo-stationary, the time of cirle is nearly 12 hours

  23. Mauterhebungssysteme GPS (Global Positioning System) • For positioning 3 signals form 3 different satelittes are necessary • depending on amount of satellites and position of satellites the receiver (OBU) is able to qualify its position exactly nearly 15 meters

  24. Mauterhebungssysteme Alternatives to Toll Collect • Austira: • Microwave-technologie • Start: 01.01.2004 • Schweiz: • GSM & GPS • Start: 01.01.2001

  25. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System in Austria • taxes on all vehicles at 3,5 t • system realized from „EUROPPASS LKW-Mautsystem GmbH“ • road-toll • 22 Cent / Km, indeed OBU only 5 € • Amount of tax depends on numbers of axes and driven kilometers • Manual check-in via internet possible

  26. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System in Austria • Go-Box (OBU) • attachment at windscreen • measures:: 110 x 66 x 27 mm, weight: 100 Gramm • communication in high frequency range with over 400 area-wide fix installed toll-stations in austria • transfer by means of DSRC

  27. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System in Austria • data-transfer activates as soon as the vehicle navigates in the „communication zone“ of the bake • Go-box sends its number to bake by going through „communication zone“ • bakes transfer data to clearing central • Account of car owner will be charged by gathered bill

  28. Mauterhebungssysteme Fare dodger haben’s schwer • On up to over 200 around the freeway-net stationed Gantries the fare dodgers are filtered by microwave- or infrared-technologie • if fare dodger passes a gantrie, he will be unmask at once and a picture is taken of him • the system sends vehicle-data and the tag to the central

  29. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System of Switzerland • taxes on all vehicles at 3,5 t • Worldwide first fully automatic toll data logging system • area-toll, thereby only the covered distance is recorded by the system • realized by „FELA Management AG“ • since 01.01.2001 the system works without any bugs • On-Board Unit : Tripon CH-OBU1 chipcard-payoff • GPS & DSRC (modified form of GSM)

  30. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System of Switzerland On-Board Unit Tripon: • By crossing microwave-antenna at the border of switzerland the kilometercounter will be activated • box records the driven kilometer with the help of the impulse of the tachograph an the integrated GPS-receiver • for payoff the chip-card is recorded and read out in the slot of the OBU • Unit is prepared for all contingencies today • use Gerät ist heute schon für alle Eventualitäten und die unterschied- lichsten Abgabesysteme in Europa tauglich

  31. Mauterhebungssysteme DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) • für die Nahbereichskommunikation • auf Infrarot-Basis mit den Kontrollbrücken, mobilen Kontrollfahrzeugen sowie Stützbaken, die in Gebieten mit gestörtem GPS Empfang • am Fahrbahnrand aufgestellt werden. Dieses Modul wird im Gegensatz zu der eigentlichen OBU, die auch in einen DIN-Schacht eingebaut werden kann, an der Windschutzscheibe angebracht.

  32. Mauterhebungssysteme Toll-System of Switzerland

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