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‘Input’ for an NLG system. weather(bremen, wet) weather(bremen, windy) event(bremen, arts-festival) event(bremen, film-festival) event(munich, oktoberfest) nearby(bremen, moors) quality(bremen,attractive) quality(bremen,green) population(bremen, 750000) industry(bremen, service)
‘Input’ for an NLG system weather(bremen, wet) weather(bremen, windy) event(bremen, arts-festival) event(bremen, film-festival) event(munich, oktoberfest) nearby(bremen, moors) quality(bremen,attractive) quality(bremen,green) population(bremen, 750000) industry(bremen, service) atmosphere(bremen, clean)
What can we express with ‘primitive actions’ and what needs to be expanded with a plan? How much do we want to fit inside one sentence?
(1) putting everything together (pa4 / property-ascription :tense present :domain (c / climate :lex climate :owned-by (bremen / city)) :class-q nonclass :range (w1 / material-quality :lex wet)) weather(bremen, wet) weather(bremen, windy) event(bremen, arts-festival) event(bremen, film-festival) event(munich, oktoberfest) nearby(bremen, moors) quality(bremen,attractive) quality(bremen,green) population(bremen, 750000) industry(bremen, service) polution(bremen, low) (i / generalized-possession :domain (b / city :name bremen) :range (f1 / festival :use-modification-q use :use-modification-id (a / area :lex art))) (pa1 / property-ascription :speechact assertion :domain (b / city :name Bremen) :range (b3 / city :property-ascription (g / color-quality :lex green)))
These individual SPLs are in the file given on the website You can try generating with this file and see what you get… Note that the first line of the file is a simple list of the names ‘facts’ to be expressed (pa4 pa5 i1 i3 gp0 pa2 pa0 pa1 pa3 gp3 gp1) You can try varying the order of these elements to see what happens to the ‘text’ Alternatively, or in addition, you can try varying the individual pieces of SPL within the list: make sure that you keep the brackets balanced!
Here’s one result of such a generation… "Bremen is a green CITY , and Bremen has NEARBY MOORs , and Bremen 's POPULATION is seven hundred and fifty thousand SOULs , and Bremen 's CLIMATE is wet , and Munich has many EVENTs , and Bremen is an ATTRACTIVE CITY , and Bremen has a film FESTIVAL , and Bremen has low POLLUTION , and Bremen 's CLIMATE is windy , and Bremen has industries in the SERVICE SECTOR ."
Task • Set out as clearly as possible all the steps necessary to get from the input to the output • making the output a better text than the last one! • state just what each stage of the process is to achieve: what does it expect as input and what does it deliver as output • what knowledge does it need to achieve this • use all of the material that we have touched upon so far
Kinds of RST elaboration • Elaboration-general-specific • Elaboration-object-attribute • Elaboration-set-member • Elaboration-specific-general • Elaboration-whole-part • Elaboration-process-step Moore & Paris (1993, p670)
Elaboration-object-attribute Intention: (know-about ?hearer ?concept) (know-about ?hearer has(?object,?attribute)) The RST structure elaboration ?object has(?object,?attribute)
‘Conceptual’ aggregation weather(bremen, wet) weather(bremen, windy) event(bremen, arts-festival) event(bremen, film-festival) event(munich, oktoberfest) nearby(bremen, moors) quality(bremen,attractive) quality(bremen,green) population(bremen, 750000) industry(bremen, service) atmosphere(bremen, clean)
“Bremen is an attractive and green city with nearby moors.” (pa / property-ascription :domain (b / city :name Bremen) :range (b2 / city :property-ascription ((a / evaluative-quality :lex attractive) (g / color-quality :lex green)) :relations ((ac / accompaniment :participation-q participation :domain b2 :range (m / geographical-feature :lex moor :number plural :property-ascription (n / spatial-quality :lex nearby)))))) Aggregation quality (bremen, attractive) quality (bremen, green) nearby (bremen, moors)