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California Standards Test

California Standards Test. Parent Rally April 21, 2009 Oleander Elementary. Oleander’s Parent Rally. “Give me five more” “Dame cinco mas” “ No would of, should of, or could of… just do it !” “ No deberia de, hubiera de, o podria haber hecho… solamente hazlo!”. Why are we here?.

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California Standards Test

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  1. California Standards Test Parent Rally April 21, 2009 Oleander Elementary

  2. Oleander’s Parent Rally • “Give me five more” “Dame cinco mas” • “Nowould of, should of, or could of…justdo it!” • “Nodeberia de, hubiera de, o podria haber hecho…solamente hazlo!”

  3. Why are we here? • To learn about the CST • To understand what the CST means to your child and to the school • To help your child “do their best on the test”

  4. What is the CST? • The California Standards Test is designed to measure achievement of grade level standards. • It scores the students achievement at one of five performance levels.

  5. Performance Levels • 5 Advanced • 4 Proficient • 3 Basic • 2 Below Basic • 1 Far Below Basic

  6. Performance Levels • 5 Advanced • 4 Proficient • 3 Basic • 2 Below Basic • 1 Far Below Basic Our goal is that your child move up at least one level on the test.

  7. How can my child be proficient in English Language Arts?

  8. How can my child be proficient in Math?

  9. Scale Scores 350 Fifth grade sample Language Arts Math Performance Level Scale Score Scale Score 5 Advanced 395-600 430-600 4 Proficient 350-394 350-429 3 Basic 300-349 300-349 2 Below Basic 271-299 248-299 1 Far Below Basic 150-270 150-247 Your child’s score from last year is: PerformanceScaleMy Pledge or Level Score Goal this Year Language 2 280 Math 3 320

  10. Scale Scores 350 Fifth grade sample Language Arts Math Performance Level Scale Score Scale Score 5 Advanced 395-600 430-600 4 Proficient 350-394 350-429 3 Basic 300-349 300-349 2 Below Basic 271-299 248-299 1 Far Below Basic 150-270 150-247 Your child’s score from last year is: PerformanceScaleMy Pledge or Level Score Goal this Year Language 2 280 (+ 20) Math 3 320

  11. Scale Scores 350 Fifth grade sample Language Arts Math Performance Level Scale Score Scale Score 5 Advanced 395-600 430-600 4 Proficient 350-394 350-429 3 Basic 300-349 300-349 2 Below Basic 271-299 248-299 1 Far Below Basic 150-270 150-247 Your child’s score from last year is: PerformanceScaleMy Pledge or Level Score Goal this Year Language 2 280 (+ 20) 300 (Basic) Math 3 320

  12. Scale Scores 350 Fifth grade sample Language Arts Math Performance Level Scale Score Scale Score 5 Advanced 395-600 430-600 4 Proficient 350-394 350-429 3 Basic 300-349 300-349 2 Below Basic 271-299 248-299 1 Far Below Basic 150-270 150-247 Your child’s score from last year is: PerformanceScaleMy Pledge or Level Score Goal this Year Language 2 280 (+ 20) 300 (Basic) Math 3 320 (+ 30)

  13. Scale Scores 350 Fifth grade sample Language Arts Math Performance Level Scale Score Scale Score 5 Advanced 395-600 430-600 4 Proficient 350-394 350-429 3 Basic 300-349 300-349 2 Below Basic 271-299 248-299 1 Far Below Basic 150-270 150-247 Your child’s score from last year is: PerformanceScaleMy Pledge or Level Score Goal this Year Language 2 280 (+ 20) 300 (Basic) Math 3 320 (+ 30) 350 (Proficient)

  14. Oleander’s Performance on the AYP • AYP –Adequate Yearly Progress • All targeted students • ELL –English Language Learners • Racial Groups • Socio-economic • Low Performing Students –Title 1 • Must meet proficiency In May 2007 In May 2008 In May 2009 • ELA 24.4% 35.2% 46.0% • Math 26.5% 37.0% 47.5%

  15. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Express confidence in your child’s ability to do well • Be sure your child gets a good night’s rest beginning on Sunday night • Have their clothes ready the night before

  16. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Enjoy a moderate, protein-based healthy breakfast: • Eggs, fruit, lean meat, yogurt, cottage cheese • Juices with 100% juice, Low-fat milk • Whole grain cereals with protein, vitamins and minerals • Peanut butter

  17. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Enjoy a moderate, healthy lunch: • Fresh fruits, vegetables, salads • Low-fat protein: tuna fish, chicken, seafood • Low-fat milk, yogurt, peanut butter • Lean meat, beans, whole grains

  18. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Enjoy a moderate, healthy dinner: • Fresh salads, fruits, vegetables (broccoli, spinach, carrots) • Lean meats, chicken, fish • Soy, milk, beans, whole grains • Best time for carbohydrates like pasta, rice and potatoes

  19. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Have your child get plenty of water • Brain consists of about 78% water and needs 8-12 glasses a day! • Have your child get plenty of exercise • Deep breathing, exercise and movement increase oxygen to the brain! • Limit TV viewing and video games • Reading is more beneficial

  20. So, how do I help? Prepare your Child • Get your child to school on time, between 8:05 and 8:15 a.m. • If your child wears glasses, be sure he/she has them at school on these days • Do not make any doctor or dental appointments during testing time • Do not check out students during testing time

  21. What strategies is my child practicing at school? • Remind your child to concentrate and sit in a comfortable position • Remain calm and do your best • Listen carefully to directions given by the teacher • Read directions on the test and follow them

  22. What strategies is my child practicing at school? • Read the whole question before making a choice • Select only one answer per question • Don’t take too long on one question • Eliminate choices that you know are wrong

  23. What strategies is my child practicing at school? • Try the rest to see which one makes the most sense and select it • Use scratch paper for math operations or as needed • Be aware of time and don’t leave answers blank

  24. Test Released Questions • You may see them online at: • www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/css05rtq.asp • English-Language Arts by grade • Mathematics by grade

  25. How is my child being motivated to do the best? • Student rally –”Give me five more/ Dame cinco mas” • Prizes during testing • STAR Pledge • “NOwould of, should of, or could of…just do it!” slogan • Nuestra lema es “Nodeberia de, hubiera de, o podria haber hecho…solamente hazlo!”

  26. How long is the test? • Grades 2-5 will be testing between Tuesday, May 5 and Thursday, May 15 • Absent students will do make-ups the following day when they return • Testing will be in the mornings except for those taking make-up tests • There are between 4 and 6 tests

  27. When do we get results? • Test results usually arrive in the summer • They will be mailed to parents • A copy goes into the student’s cum file in the office

  28. Sample Questions 2nd Grade Language Arts Which sentence includes the MOST details? A The boy threw a toy up for the dog to catch. B Her lunchbox held a ham sandwich. C The driver went down the winding road. D The large spotted dog has huge paws and a long tail. Which sentence has an underlined word that is spelled wrong? A Did your little sister crawl into your room? B I like that book becuase it has bright pictures. C My dog ate my best shoe. D James is busy writing his story today.

  29. Sample Questions 2nd Grade Math • A NUMBER HAS NINE ONES, SIX TENS, AND EIGHT HUNDREDS. WHAT IS THE NUMBER? • A B C D • 869 896 968 986

  30. Sample Questions 3rd Grade Language Arts • Read this sentence. • Even though I felt like I was lost in the new school building, I was able to locate the class where he was sitting. • Which word is a SYNONYM for the word locate as it is used in the sentence • A hold • B find • C rescue • D shift

  31. Sample Questions 3rd Grade Math • What is 1413 rounded to the nearest hundred? • A 1000 • B 1400 • C 1410 • D 1500

  32. Sample Questions 4th Grade Language Arts • The root word in subterranean is terra, which in Latin means “earth” or “ground.” Subterranean must be something • A made out of dirt or soil. • B planted in the ground. • C under the earth or ground. • D on a beach or riverbank.

  33. Sample Questions 4th Grade Math • Marisol is counting by 3s. If she starts counting at -30,what two numbers are missing below? • -30,-27,-24,-21,___,___,-12 • A -18,-15 • B -19,-17 • C -20,-13 • D -22,-23

  34. Sample Questions 5th Grade Language Arts • Read this sentence. • My dog, Tibbs, is a truly extraordinary animal. • In this sentence, what does extraordinary mean? • A regular • B amazing • C imaginary • D perplexed

  35. Sample Questions 5th Grade Math • If k = 6,what is the value of 7k− 2? • A 30 • B 40 • C 54 • D 65

  36. How important are the results? • They are used to determine your child’s needs for additional services: • Student Intervention Team • Classroom Interventions • After School Interventions • Intersession • Retention

  37. How do these results affect my child for the future? • Education is the path to economic and political power • U.S. Census (Kahlenberg, 2004) reveals that: • Those with less than a high school diploma earn about $19,000 per year • Those with a high school diploma earn an average of $27,000 per year • Those with a bachelor's degree earn $51,000 a year

  38. So let’s work together • Ask your child how they did everyday • Ask your child what kind of questions they had • Remind them to: “No would of, should of, or could of…just do it!” AND “Give me five more!” “Dame cinco mas!”

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