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Screening event Cherokee Nation. C h er o k e e Na t i o n N e w s R e l e a se ( 918) 207 - 3896 F ax ( 918) 458 - 6181 E - m ail: c o mm uni c a t ions@ c h er ok ee .o rg Da te Oc tob e r 17, 2006 Ch e rok e e N a tion D i a b e t e s P rogr a m
Screening event Cherokee Nation Cherokee Nation News Release (918)207-3896 Fax (918)458-6181 E-mail:communications@cherokee.org Date October17, 2006 CherokeeNationDiabetes Program STILWELL, Okla. – Cherokee Nation Diabetes Program will begin screening for new participants to join theLifestyleBalanceProgram. Thissixteenweekcourseisaimedtoprovideeducation,nutritioninformation,and lifestyle changes to people with pre-diabetes in an effort to prevent Type2 diabetes. “We will do a preliminary screening that will include an American Diabetes Association (ADA) paper risk test and a random finger stick test,” said Tonya Giger, Diabetes Prevention Coordinator for Cherokee Nation. “For people who meet certain levelsinthecommunityscreening,wewillreferthemtoanadditionaltesttodetermineif theyhavepre-diabetes forprogram eligibility.” The Diabetes Prevention Program will be conducting screenings at the following locations:November16atGreasySchoolfrom10am–noon;November16atPeavine Schoolfrom1pm–6pm;November28atMaryettaSchoolfrom3pm–6:30pm.All participants will receive a free t-shirt. If your community would like to sponsor a communityscreening,contacttheCherokeeNationDiabetesPreventionProgramat(918)- 453-5737 ortoll free1-800-256-0671 ext. 5737. -30-