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Anglicky v odborných předmětech "Support of teaching technical subjects in English “. Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Presentation and Rhetoric (7 principles /steps of a correct presentation) Prepared by : Ing. Jiří Durďák.
Anglicky v odborných předmětech"Support ofteachingtechnicalsubjects in English“ Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Presentation and Rhetoric (7 principles /steps of a correct presentation) Prepared by: Ing. Jiří Durďák Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
1) StrategicPlan – Focusing on TargetGroupsandDeterminationoftheObjectsofthePresentation • Set clear and verifiable objectives. • Prove whether the objectives are realistic. • Remember: Youalso submit "impression of your personality". • Helpful means.
2) StrategicPlan - Create a Convincing Structure of Information and Arguments • Your fate will be decided in five minutes. The rest are just "the bells“. • Presentations and sports competitionsrequire a quick start and astrong finish. • Investments into the first five minutes shall be paid even in the large topics. The following details are ready to hit the preparedground. • Dividethe presentations intominipresentations.
3) Visual Plan — theWay to the FigurativePortrayal of Ideas • From the (abstract) texts to the (specific) image. • Instructional aidsare shown to be more effective. • The visual element is the best source of entries.
4) Creation of Visual Expression-from the Subject of the Picture to the”Superfoil“ • Clarity and readability are more important than anything else. • BEFOREalecturestarts, alwayscheck whether thedisplayed texts are legible, even from the last row! • Usingsimple drawings and thick coloured lines,even a “graphics antitalent“can “visualise“ withoutproblems.
5) Using Media and Technology as Amplifiersof a Speech • Your personalityis more important than a perfect show. • Find a suitable kind ofthe body position. • Show the slide. • Do not turnback. • Use a telegraphic style of speaking. • Payattention to your listeners´s sights. • The right mix of media and frequent application of your personality. • With a proper emergency program, you can face the risk associated with an impressive computer presentation.
6) Your PersonalPerformance: How to be Convincingduring the Lecture or Presentation • Stage fright is a sign that your body is working correctly and cansaveyour energy for critical situations. • A presumption for a successful performance is a positive attitude, a positive mood ("looking forward"). • It is necessary to act in a calm and relaxedway: • a firmstand, • controlled changes in the place • holding the listeners´attention to thevisualaids.
Clarity is the highest prime. • Explain and comment on. • The initial thirty seconds decide onthe first impression! • To arouseinterest, to encourage the"appetite“oftheparticipants! • The audience wishesthepresenter to beconfident and interesting. • A peaceful preparation of thelecturer´s workplace, a significant pause before the beginning of the interpretation and a friendly eye contact with the audience.
Resistthetemptation to leaveout the conclusion and to miss yourchance by saying just “Thank you for your attention!" • Finally, repeatallthe important messages and announcethe upcoming end. • At the very end of the discussion, YOU saythefinalword –YOUR discussion contributionwillbebetterembedded in your audience´s memory.
7)The Strategy for CriticalMoments • By far not everything proceeding as plannedis an accident-YOU determine whether it is an insignificant incident, or whether youwillchangeitinto disaster. • Your audience is on your side: it hopes that everything went well, and can accept a lot, except excuses and self-blaming. • If somethingreally goes wrong:correctit silently and continue. Remember: donot go on and on about it! • Eliminate foreign interferences (a phone!). • Never lecture without a safety net: a flipchart or a whiteboard. • Bebrief andkeepthecompactness.
ACTIVITIES: You are working in the Development Department of the company Argonaa.s., which deals with the sale of washingpowders. Your Department has developed a new software product for mobile phones. The program isabout abookofrides. Your task is to prepare a presentation to introduce this product. You arepreparing a presentation for the Management Board and Supervisory Board of the company. Your goal is not only to inform, but to convince both theboardsofan excellent product. • Processananalysis of the target group. • Create a convincingstructure of information and arguments. • Create a visual plan. • Process a PowerPoint presentation. • Process a scenario of a personal performance. • Makethe presentation. • Evaluate yourclassmates´ presentationsin termsof 7 steps of a good presentation.
RESOURCES: • HIERHOLD, Emil. Rétorika a prezentace : Od flipchartu k PowerPointu. Praha : GradaPublishing a.s., 2005. 392 s. ISBN 80-247-0782-9. • PIERCE, John. Mistrovství v Microsoft Office 2007. Brno: CompurerPress a.s., 2008. 1105 s. ISBN 978-80-251-2066-8. • Mužík, J. Management ve vzdělávání dospělých. Praha: EUROLEX BOHEMIA, 2000. ISBN 80-7361-269-7. • Operational program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, ESF 2007 – 2013. • Available on: http://www.msmt.cz/eu/provadeci-dokument-k-op-vzdelavani-pro-konkurenceschopnost