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外资有限合伙企业税务分析与规划 Foreign Invested Liability Partnership Enterprises Taxation Analysis and Planning 通力律师事务所 Llinks Law Offices 2010 年 1 月 January 2010. CCH 外资合伙企业研讨会 Investing in Partnerships in China 2010. 1. 1. 目录 Table of Content. 备受关注的外资有限合伙-外资进入中国内地的新篇章
外资有限合伙企业税务分析与规划Foreign Invested Liability PartnershipEnterprisesTaxation Analysis and Planning通力律师事务所Llinks Law Offices2010年1月January 2010 CCH外资合伙企业研讨会Investing in Partnerships in China 2010 1 1
目录Table of Content 备受关注的外资有限合伙-外资进入中国内地的新篇章 Foreign Invested Limited Partnership Enterprises (“FI LPEs”) - A new chapter for foreign investment in Mainland China 合伙企业在中国内地要缴纳什么税? How is a partnership taxedin Mainland China? 现行合伙企业所得税主要规定 Current major income tax rules on a partnership 有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践 Local practices on income taxes on LPEs 外资有限合伙架构下的所得税分析 Analysis on income taxes under the structure of a FI LPE 地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定Nature of local tax policies and financial subsidies 外资有限合伙典型案例 Case study on a typical FI LPE structure 2
备受关注的外资有限合伙-外资进入中国内地的新篇章FI LPEs – A New Chapter for Foreign Investment in Mainland China 3
备受关注的外资有限合伙-外资进入中国内地的新篇章(续)FI LPE – A New Chapter for Foreign Investment in Mainland China (Cont’d) *:现行合伙企业的税收法规主要适用于个人合伙人, 对于合伙人是法人和其他组织的则只规定缴纳企业所得税, 但未明确如何计算。 Current tax rules regarding partnership enterprises mainly focuses on individual partners. It is only stipulated that a partner who is legal person or other organization is subject to CIT. However, there lacks detailed rules on how to assess the CIT. **: 对于对外国企业或者个人在中国境内设立能否设立以投资为主要业务的合伙企业暂未有明确规定。 It is still not clear whether a foreign enterprise or individual may establish in China a LPE that is mainly engaged in investment business. ***: 可以适用协定税率。 May apply for treaty preferential treatments. 4
合伙企业在中国内地要缴纳什么税?How is a Partnership Taxed in Mainland China? 财产税 Property Taxes • 土地使用税 Land Use Tax • 房产税 Real Estate Tax 流转税 Turnover Taxes • 营业税 Business Tax (“BT”) • 增值税 Value-added Tax (“VAT”) • 合伙企业不是所得税的纳税主体 • Partnership is not a income taxpayer • “先分后税”, 即合伙人各自纳税 • “Allocating before taxing”, i.e. income taxes paid by partners 所得税 Income Taxes 结论:合伙企业与其他组织税收上的区别主要体现于所得税方面 Conclusion: Income tax rules on partnership differ from other categories of organizations 5
现行合伙企业所得税主要规定Current Major Income Taxes Rules on a Partnership • 个人所得税 IIT • (Individual Income Tax) • 企业所得税 CIT • (Corporate Income Tax) • 《关于合伙企业合伙人所得税问题的通知》(财税[2008]159号) • Caishui [2008] No. 159 • 《关于调整个体工商户个人独资企业和合伙企业个人所得税税前扣除标准有关问题的通知》(财税[2008]65号) • Caishui [2008] No. 65 • 关于《关于个人独资企业和合伙企业投资者征收个人所得税的规定》执行口径的通知(国税函[2001]84号) • Guoshuihan [2001] No. 84 • 《关于个人独资企业和合伙企业投资者征收个人所得税的规定》(财税[2000]91号)Caishui [2000] No. 91) • 《关于合伙企业合伙人所得税问题的通知》(财税[2008]159号) • Caishui [2008] No.159) 6
现行税法下有限合伙所得税处理Income Taxes Treatments of a LPE under the Current Tax Regime • 基本原则 Principles • “先分后税”的原则 Allocating before taxing • 合伙企业以每一个合伙人为纳税义务人 Income tax paid by partner of the partnership enterprise • 适用税率 Applicable Tax Rates • 合伙企业合伙人是自然人的, 缴纳个人所得税 IIT paid by individual partners - 生产经营所得比照“个体工商户的生产经营所得” 计征个人所得税(5%-35%) Operating incomes are taxed at 5%- 35%, with reference to those on “income from production, operation derived by industrial and commercial households” - 通过合伙企业对外投资分回利息、股息比照“利息、股息、红利”计征个人所 得税 (20%) Interests and dividends obtained from the invested entity through the partnership are taxed at 20% • 合伙人是法人和其他组织的,缴纳企业所得税(25%) CIT paid by partners with legal-person status or other organizations (25%) 7
现行税法下有限合伙所得税处理(续)Income Taxes Treatments of a LPE under the Current Tax Regime(Cont’d) • 应纳税所得额的计算 Calculation of taxable income • = 收入总额 –成本 / 费用 –损失 = Total income – Costs / Expenses – Loss • 年度亏损可以在五年内弥补 • Losses may be carried forward for 5 years • 合伙人应纳个人所得税税款,按年计算, 分月或者分季预缴年度终了后3个月内汇算清缴 • IIT payable by each partner shall be calculated on annual basis and paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. Final settlement shall be made within three months after the end of each tax year. 8
现行税法下有限合伙所得税处理(续)Income Taxes Treatments of a LPE under the Current Tax Regime (Cont’d) • 现行税法下有限合伙所得税处理主要问题-现行合伙企业税制落后于合伙企业发展 • Major issues on prevailing tax regimes of a LPE-currently tax legislation on partnerships is behind the development of partnership • 仅适用于民事合伙 only applicable to civil partnerships • 集中于个人 mainly focus on individuals • 没有充分考虑到有限合伙组织形式 did not comprehensively consider the LPE structure • 没有考虑到外资进入问题 did not consider the foreign investment in partnership structure • 展望:随着越来越多的企业采用合伙企业组织形式,各地在此方面可能会制定一些更为明确的法律规定 • With more and more enterprises established in the form of partnerships, more related regulations and rules will be issued in this regard 9
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践——上海Local Practices on Income Taxes on LPEs —Shanghai • 适用对象:股权投资企业和股权投资管理企业 • Applicable entities: Equity Investment Enterprises and Equity Investment Management Enterprises • 地方政策 Local policies • 执行有限合伙企业合伙事务的自然人普通合伙人, 按“个体工商户的生产经营所得”应税项目, 适用5%-35%的五级超额累进税率, 计征个人所得税 An individual who acts as a General Partner (“GP”) of LPE should be subject to IIT as “income from production, operation derived by industrial and commercial households”, the applicable progressive rates are from 5% to 35% • 不执行有限合伙企业合伙事务的自然人有限合伙人,其从有限合伙企业取得的股权投资收益,按“利息、股息、红利所得”项目计征20%个人所得税 An individual who acts as a Limited Partner (“LP”) of LPE should be subject to IIT as “interests and dividends income”, the applicable IIT rate is 20% 10
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践—上海(续)Local Practiceson Income Taxes on LPEs —Shanghai (Cont’d) 注:上述政策执行到2010年12月31日止, 且可能根据企业有所不同 Note: The above policies are to be implemented till 31 Dec 2010, may vary among enterprises 11
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践—北京Local Practiceson Income Taxes on LPEs —Beijing • 适用对象:股权投资基金和股权投资管理企业 • Applicable entities: Equity Investment Funds and Equity Investment Management Enterprises • 地方政策 Local policies • 合伙制股权基金中个人合伙人取得收益, 按照“利息、股息、红利所得”或“财产转让所得”项目征收20%个人所得税 Income derived by an individual LP shall be taxed as “interests and dividends income” or “property transfer income” • 合伙制股权基金从被投资企业获得的股息、红利等投资性收益, 属于已缴纳企业所得税的税后收益, 该收益可按照合伙协议约定直接分配给法人合伙人, 其企业所得税按有关政策执行 Where investment profit such as dividend income derived by a partnership and is subsequently distributed to a legal person partner pursuant to partnership agreement, the investment income is regarded as after-tax profit and taxed in accordance with CIT regimes 12
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践—北京(续)Local Practiceson Income Taxes on LPEs —Beijing (Cont’d) 注:上述政策执行到2013年1月1日止,且可能根据企业有所不同。 Note: The above policies are to be implemented till 1 Jan 2013, may vary among enterprises 13
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践—天津Local Practiceson Income Taxes on LPEs -Tianjin • 适用对象:有限合伙企业 • Applicable entity: LPEs • 税收政策 Local policies • 合伙人是法人和其他组织的, 按有关政策规定缴纳企业所得税 Partner with legal-person status shall pay CIT • 不参与执行业务的有限合伙自然人取得的股权投资收益, 按“利息、股息、红利所得”计征20%个人所得税, 在有限合伙企业注册地税务机构缴纳 Income derived by an individual who does not act as a managing partner of LPE shall be subject to IIT as “Income of interest and dividend” with a tax rate of 20%. The IIT should be settled with the tax authority in-charge of the partnership • 自然人普通合伙人, 既执行合伙业务又为基金的出资人的,取得的所得能划分清楚时, 对其中的投资收益或股权转让收益部分,税率适用20% An individual GP who is also investor may pay 20% on the investment income and share transfer gain, to the extent that such income is clearly identified • 法人合伙人分得的生产经营所得和其他所得, 可在合伙企业注册地地税局缴纳企业所得税;或到法人合伙人投资者所在地缴纳企业所得税 A legal person may choose to settle taxes on operating and other income with the tax authority where the partnership is registered, or with the tax authority of where the partner is located. 14
有限合伙所得税政策的地方实践—天津(续)Local Practiceson Income Taxes on LPEs -Tianjin (Cont’d) 注:上述政策执行到2012年12月31日止,且可能根据企业有所不同 Note: The above policies are to be implemented till 31 Dec 2012, may vary among enterprises 15
有限合伙所得税政策各地实践汇总Summary of Local Practices on Income Taxes on LPEs 16
有限合伙所得税政策各地实践汇总(续)Summary of Local Practices on Income Taxes on LPEs (Cont’d) 17
外资有限合伙架构下的所得税分析Analysis on Income Tax under the Structure of a FI LPE • 外国企业合伙人如何在中国内地纳税?How does a foreign enterprise partner pay tax in China? • 企业所得税? CIT? • 预提所得税? WHT? • 外国企业合伙人来源于合伙企业所得有哪些? What kind of incomes will be derived by a foreign enterprise partner? • 生产经营所得(营业收入)? Operating income? • 投资收益(利息、股息、红利)? Investment income (interests and dividends)? • 出资转让所得? Capital gain on transfer of investment ? • 该外国企业合伙人是否在中国有常设机构?Does the foreign enterprise partner constitute a Permanent Establishment (“PE”) in China? • 税收协定关于常设机构的概念 Definition of a PEunder Treaties • 企业进行全部或部分营业的固定场所 • Fixed place of business through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on. • 缔约国一方企业通过雇员或其他人员,在缔约国另一方为同一项目或相关联的项目提供劳务,包括咨询劳务,仅以在任何十二个月(或一个公历年度)中连续或累计超过六个月的为限。 • The furnishing of services, including consultancy services, by an enterprise through employees or other personnel engaged for such purpose, but only if activities of that nature continue (for the same or a connected project) within a Contracting State for a period or periods aggregating more than 183 days within any twelve month period. 18
外资有限合伙架构下的所得税分析Analysis on Income Taxes Under the Structure of a FI LPE (Cont’d) • 外国个人合伙人如何在中国内地纳税? • How does a foreign individual partner pay income taxes in China? • 合伙企业合伙人是自然人的, 缴纳个人所得税 Individual partner pays IIT - 生产经营所得比照 “个体工商户的生产经营所得” 计征个人所得税(5%-35%) Operating income are taxed at 5%- 35%, with reference to those on “income from production, operation derived by industrial and commercial households” - 通过合伙企业对外投资分回利息、股息比照“利息、股息、红利”计征个人所得税 (20%) Interests and dividends obtained from the invested entity through the partnership are taxed at 20% 19
外资有限合伙架构下的所得税分析Analysis on Income Taxes Under the Structure of a FI LPE (Cont’d) *:现行合伙企业的税收法规主要适用于个人合伙人, 对于合伙人是法人和其他组织的则只规定缴纳企业所得税, 但未明确如何计算。 Current tax rules regarding partnership enterprises mainly focuses on individual partners. It is only stipulated that a partner, who is legal person or other organization, is subject to CIT. However, there lacks of detailed rules on how to assess the CIT. **: 对于对外国企业或者个人在中国境内设立能否设立以投资为主要业务的合伙企业暂未有明确规定。 It is still not clear whether a foreign enterprise or individual may establish in China a LPE that is mainly engaged in investment business. ***: 可以适用协定税率。 May apply for treaty preferential treatments. 20
地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定Nature of Local Tax Policies and Financial Subsidies • 中央税, 指征税收入全部属于中央财政的税收。如关税、海关代征的增值税、消费税、中央企业的所得税等 • Central Taxmeans taxes of which the revenue fully flows to the central government, such as customs duty, VAT collected by customs, consumption tax and CIT on central enterprises, etc • 地方税, 指征税收入全部属于地方财政的税收。如营业税、土地增值税、城镇土地使用税、房产税等 • Local Taxmeans taxes of which the revenue fully flows to local governments, such as BT, land appreciation tax , urban land use tax, etc • 中央和地方共享税, 指征税收入部分属于中央财政、部分属于地方财政的税收。如企业所得税(中央60%, 地方40%)、个人所得税( 中央60%, 地方40%) 、增值税( 中央75%, 地方25%)等 • Shared Tax means taxes of which the revenue should be allocated between the central and local governments, such as CIT (Central Government: 60%, Local Government: 40%) , IIT (Central Government: 60%, Local Government: 40%), VAT (Central Government: 75%, Local Government: 25%), etc • 从目前的税收实践看, 适用地方财政返还、地方财政扶持政策的主要为增值税、营业税、企业所得税和个人所得税 • In practice, the major taxes revenue related to local financial subsidies are VAT, BT, CIT and IIT 21
地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定(续)Nature of Local Tax Policies and Financial Subsidies (Cont’d) • 《企业所得税法》 “CIT Law” • 第二十九条民族自治地方的自治机关对本民族自治地方的企业应缴纳的企业所得税中属于地方分享的部分,可以决定减征或者免征。自治州、自治县决定减征或者免征的,须报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准。 • Article 29 The autonomous authority of ethnic autonomous locality may decide on the reduction or exemption of the portion of CIT shared by the locality that shall be paid by Enterprises of the ethnic autonomous locality. Where an autonomous prefecture or autonomous county decides on the reduction or exemption, they must report to the people's government of province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government for approval. • 第三十五条本法规定的税收优惠的具体办法,由国务院规定。 • Article 35 The specific measures of preferential tax treatments prescribed by this Law shall be formulated by the State Council. • 第三十六条根据国民经济和社会发展的需要,或者由于突发事件等原因对企业经营活动产生重大影响的,国务院可以制定企业所得税专项优惠政策,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。 • Article 36 Where there is a significant impact on the business activities of Enterprises pursuant to the needs of national economy and social development, or due to unexpected public incidents, the State Council may formulate the preferential policy of CIT and report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record. 22
地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定(续)Nature of Local Tax Policies and Financial Subsidies (Cont’d) • 《税收征收管理法》“Tax Collection and Administration Law” • 第三条 税收的开征、停征以及减税、免税、退税、补税,依照法律的法规执行, 法律授权国务院法规的, 依照国务院制定的行政法规的法规执行。任何机关、单位和个人不得违反法律、行政法规的法规, 擅自作出税收开征、停征以及减税、免税、退税、补税的决定。 • Article 3 The collection of taxes or the cessation thereof, the reduction, exemption and refund of taxes as well as the payment of taxes underpaid shall be implemented in accordance with the law or the relevant provisions stipulated under administrative regulations formulated by the State Council, provided that the State Council is authorized by the law to formulate the relevant provisions. No governmental organs, entities or individuals may be permitted to, in violation of the law or the administrative regulations, make decisions without authorization regarding the collection of taxes, or the cessation thereof, the reduction, exemption or refund of taxes, or the payment of taxes underpaid and other decisions contradicting tax laws and administrative regulations and rules. 23
地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定(续)Nature of Local Tax Policies and Financial Subsidies (Cont’d) • 《关于加强依法治税严格税收管理权限的通知》(国发[1998]4号) • “Notice on Strengthening the Tax Administration according to Law and Tightening the Tax Administration Powers” (Guofa [1998] No.4) • 中央税、共享税以及地方税的立法权都集中在中央, 各地区、各部门要依法治税, 依法理财, 不得超越权限擅自制定、解释税收政策, 也不得越权批准减免税收、缓缴税收和豁免欠税 The legislative authority on Central Tax、Shared Tax and Local Tax are exclusively reserved by the central government. All districts and departments shall govern taxation and finance by law, and shall not stipulate or interpret tax policies beyond their authority, or approve tax concessions, tax deferrals or exemptions on outstanding taxes. • 减免税收必须依照税法规定执行, 任何超越税法和税收管理权限规定的减免税必须立刻纠正; Tax reduction and exemption shall be implemented in accordance with tax laws. Any tax reductions or exemptions beyond tax law or tax administration authority shall be immediately corrected. • 要坚决杜绝以缓代欠, 以缓代免的现象, 严禁以任何理由减免纳税人的欠税, 凡已经减免的欠税, 要限期追缴入库。 Tax arrears and tax exemption through tax deferral should be firmly resolved, prohibiting tax arrears for any reason. The exempted outstanding taxes shall be recovered and deposited in the treasury within provided time limits. 24
地方税收政策以及财政扶持的性质界定(续)Nature of Local Tax Policies and Financial Subsidies (Cont’d) • 结论: 地方政府承诺的财政返还/财政扶持不是税收优惠 • Conclusion: Financial refund or financial subsidies by local governments is not tax preferential treatments • 实践: 各地政府仍然在地方财政范围内, 通过建立扶持基金等方式给予企业一定 的返还或者扶持, 从而变相给予税收优惠。因此, 投资者在选择投资地点时应当 对于地方政府许诺的政策进行“识别”, 以控制投资风险 • Practice: Local governments, within local finance revenue, provide certain return or subsidy by ways of establishment of local supporting funds, which may be deemed as a disguised tax preferential treatment. Hence, in order to control investment risk, investors should discern the policy commitments by local governments when determining the investment locality 25
外资有限合伙典型案例Case Studyon a typical FI LPE structure 企业 B Co. B 境内 PRC 企业 C Co. C 投资额:2000万元 Investment: 20M 投资额:1000万元 Investment:10M 实体 A Entity A 生产经营所得: 3600万元 Operating income :36M • 假设 Assumption • 2010年初,外国企业B和中国企业C分别投资2000万元和1000万元设立中国实体A, 双方约定由企业C进行实体A的日常经营管理, 企业B不参与管理 • At the beginning of 2010, overseas Co. B and domestic Co. C invested 20M and 10M respectively in domestic Entity A. Both parties mutually agree that entity A shall be managed by Co. C, while Co. C does not participate in the management of Entity A. • 2015年,扣除成本、费用和损失后, 中国实体A取得生产经营所得3600万元 • In 2015, Entity A receives net operating income of 36M after deducting cost, expenses and losses • 企业B、企业C于2015年底按投资比例从实体A取得利润(假设无需提取公积金) • Co. B and Co. C receive incomes from Entity A based on investment ratio (assuming no reserve fund is required here) • 企业B、企业C无其它收入、成本、费用 • Co. B and Co. C do not incur any other income, costs or expense 境外 Overseas 26
模式1 : 外资有限合伙 Module 1 : FI LPE 企业 B Co. B 境外 Overseas 企业 C Co. C 境内 PRC 投资额:2000万元 Investment: 20M 投资额:1000万元 Investment:10M 有限合伙 A FI LPE A 生产经营所得: 3600万元 Operating income :36M *假设企业B为有限合伙人, 现行税法未明确规定对企业B如何征税; 我们认为, 参考非法人中外合作创投企业纳税实践, 税务机关可能要求企业B按10%缴纳预提所得税 Assuming Co. B is a LP, currently no clear tax rule regarding how Co. B is taxed. In our experience, with reference to practice of Foreign Invested Venture Capitals with non-legal-person status, tax authority might request Co. B to pay WHT at 10% * *假设企业C为普通合伙人 Assuming Co. C is a GP 27
模式2 : 非法人制中外合作企业 Module 2 : CJV with Non-legal-person Status 企业 B Co. B 境外 Overseas 境内 PRC 企业 C Co. C 投资额:2000万元 Investment: 20M 投资额:1000万元 Investment:10M 非法人制中外合作企业A CJV A with non-legal-person status 生产经营所得: 3600万元 Operating income :36M 28 *假设企业B为有限合伙人 (Assuming Co.B is a LP) * *假设企业C为普通合伙人(Assuming Co.C is a GP)
模式3 : 公司 Module 3 : Corporation 企业 B Co. B 境外 Overseas 企业 C Co. C 境内 PRC 投资额:2000万元 Investment: 20m 投资额:1000万元 Investment:10m 中外合资公司 A Sino-foreign Invested Co. A with legal-person status 生产经营所得: 3600万元 Operating income :36m 29
税负比较 Tax Liabilities Comparison 结论:从纳税筹划考虑,有限合伙企业和非法人制中外合作企业模式可能被采用, 但因目前涉及有限合伙及非法人制中外合作税务法规不健全, 投资者应注意与投资当地税务机关沟通! Conclusion: From tax planning perspective, LPE or CJV with non-legal-person status could be considered. However, due to lack of detailed tax rules on LPE and CJV with non-legal person status, investors should effectively communicate with the local authorities! 30
联系方式Contacts 传真 Fax: 021-3135 8600 地址 Address: 19F, ONE LUJIAZUI 68 Yin Cheng Road Middle Shanghai 200120 P.R.China 31
声明Disclaimer 该讲稿中所反映的信息截止于2010年1月26日。在准备该讲稿的过程中, 我们依赖并假设我们所获得的所有公开信息是准确、完整的, 且我们并未对该等信息进行核查。本讲稿中的信息并不构成通力律师事务所正式的法律意见。 Information contained herein is provided on January 26, 2010. In the course of preparing this material, we assume that all the public information we have obtained and relied upon is accurate and complete. Furthermore, we have not undertaken any independent review or verification against such information. Any information contained herein does not constitute a formal legal opinion of Llinks Law Offices. 32