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Agriculture : What does the Swiss public expect ?

Agriculture : What does the Swiss public expect ?. Presentation Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Sermin Faki, Parliament correspondent «Zentralschweiz am Sonntag» . What does the public expect ?. Good and healthy products for a reasonable price !

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Agriculture : What does the Swiss public expect ?

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  1. Agriculture: Whatdoesthe Swiss publicexpect? Presentation Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Sermin Faki, Parliamentcorrespondent «Zentralschweiz am Sonntag»

  2. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Whatdoesthepublicexpect? • Goodandhealthyproductsfor a reasonableprice! • (Well, it’s not that simple. Sorry.)

  3. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 ImaginationsofAgriculture

  4. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 ImaginationsofAgriculture Average sizeoffarms in comparison

  5. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 ImaginationsofAgriculture

  6. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 ImaginationsofAgriculture • Swiss areconvincedthat • regulationsconcerninganimalwelfareandenvironmentallyfriendlyproductionarestricterthanabroad • Swiss foodisproducedclosertonaturethanabroad • Swiss agriculturalproductshave a higherqualitythanimportedgoods • Swiss agriculturalproductsareworththeir (high) price

  7. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Surveys showthat … • ethicalhusbandry • environmentallysoundfarming • productionofhealthyfoodandsecurityofsupply … arethemostfrequentlymentioned expectations. Also importantare • reasonableincomeforfarmers • preservationofculturallandscape

  8. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Fragmentationofthe Swiss public University of St. Gallen, 2007

  9. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Conservatives • preservethe traditional agricultureandthe rural culture • small, familiydrivenfarms • securityofsupply (self-sufficiency) ismoreimportantthanecologyandanimalwelfare • so opening-upofthe Swiss market

  10. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Reformers • market-oriented • useoftechnologicalprogress (including GM) • ecomomizationofagriculure • opening-upofthemarket • nostrictregulationsconsideringanimalwelfareandenvironmentallysoundproduction (pricesandcompetitiveness)

  11. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Ecologists • animalwelfareandenvironmentallysoundproduction • preservationof traditional speciesandbreeds • preservationofpreciousland • Ecologitsarethemselvesfractioned in reformersandconservatives.

  12. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Whythisfragmentation? • urban vs rural population • high prices OECD

  13. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Whythisfragmentation? • consumersare also taxpayers • 3.35 billion Swiss Francs subsidiesper year

  14. Agriculture: What does the Swiss Public expect? Dairy Press Tour Switzerland 2013 Outlook • Bad newsfor traditional farmers: • urban population will grow • due to high spending power self-sufficiencyisn’t a big deal • Therefore reform-orientedfraction will grow. Thankyou!

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