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NANOSVIJET. Vesna Svetličić Zavod za istraživanje mora Institut Ruđer Bošković. “Plenty of room at the bottom”. PROTEST: Michigan Avenue, Chicago, maj 2005. “They were protesting against the company`s use of untested “nano-fibers” in their “nanotex” clothing”. REALIZACIJA IDEJE
NANOSVIJET Vesna Svetličić Zavod za istraživanje mora Institut Ruđer Bošković
“Plenty of room at the bottom” PROTEST: Michigan Avenue, Chicago, maj 2005. “They were protesting against the company`s use of untested “nano-fibers” in their “nanotex” clothing”
REALIZACIJA IDEJE NOBELOVA NAGRADA 1986 Feynman 1959 “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” prorekao je vizualizaciju i kontrolu pozicioniranja atoma i time idejno začeo nanoeru Nanoskop SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) mikroskop s pretražnom probom
iz sjevernog Jadrana nanolitografija 35 atoma Xe na površini Ni Eigler, Schweizer, 1990 pokrovna pločica nanoplanktona IRB, 2004 “Medo se sanjka” molekule polisaharida IRB, 2005 "NanoMan and Best Friend“ manipulacijom molekula DNA E.D. Gadsby, M. A. Poggi and L. A. Bottomey
AFM (atomic force microscope) mikroskop atomskih silaSPM(scanning probe microscope) mikroskop s pretražnom probomNanoskop Interakcija atomskih sila između probe i površime Tea Mišić Amela Hozić Zimmermann
Biofizički scenario Unos nutrijenata rijekom Po Cvat fitoplanktona uloga bakterija fazni prijelaz divovski gel 10 m vezikule Akumulacija biopolimera samoorganizacija agregacija fleksibilne mikročestice morski snijeg 1 cm
phytoplankton bloom Clorophyll a values , May 6, 2003
Giantgel AFM imaginig Seeing at the NANOSCALE giant gel formation in the Northern Adriatic aquatorium Phase I Phase II Phase III 12.5 μm x 12.5 μm x 8 nm 4 μm x 4 μm x 8 nm 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm x 12 nm
Scale-bearing nanoflagellates in the marine environment Giantgel trap for nanoplankton body scale Chrysochromulina polylepis 3.5 μm x 3.5 μm x 20 nm
1: “High tech needs high trust” 3: “Media love Nanotechnology” Media love nano. Give them the stories before somebody else does! 7: “Hype creates frustration” Disappointment is highly toxic to public acceptance! 8: “Balancing benefits and risks” One sided information breeds suspicions. 10 nano zapovijedi Communication is the key to increase public trust. It has to be personal, honest, transparent and open, covering benefits and risks. Dr. Christoph Meili, CEO, The Innovation Society Ltd, St.Gallen (Switzerland)