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W hales

W hales. By: Brenton. Interesting Facts . Whales baleen tooth whales use their teeth to catch fish and squid . It traps krill and shrimp. M ale and female whales mate every two to three years. A whale calf is born 9 to 6 17 months . Important Fact.

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W hales

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Whales By: Brenton

  2. Interesting Facts • Whales baleen tooth whales use their teeth to catch fish and squid. It traps krill and shrimp. Male and female whales mate every two to three years. A whale calf is born 9 to 6 17 months.

  3. Important Fact Female whales give birth to baby or calf. She nurses her calf for a number of month.

  4. Adaptations • Whales need water because they can’t live on land. They will die. Their skin need to be moist. Whales can have teeth or baleen to eat squid, krill, fish.

  5. Important fact • Female whale give birth to a baby or calf she nurses her calf for number of month.

  6. Inherited trait • Baleen whale do not have teeth instead they have blade-sharp plates hanging from roof of the mouth.

  7. Habitat • Most whales live in the ocean and sea all over the world. Blue whales live in south Atlantic Ocean. Orcas live in the pacific ocean. Some whales live in the river.

  8. Change its environment • Blue whale mostly eat krill single adult can swallow.

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