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Study of PF jet and Calo jet in HF with Z+1 HF jet events. Kittikul Kovitanggoon*, Sung-Won Lee, Nural Akchurin, Cosmin Dragoiu, Jordan Damgov Texas Tech University. Datasets. Datasets of 2012: 12 fb-1. /DoubleMu/Run2012A − 13Jul2012 − v 1 /DoubleMu/Run2012A −recover – 6Aug2012 – v1
Study of PF jet and Calo jet in HF with Z+1 HF jet events Kittikul Kovitanggoon*, Sung-Won Lee, Nural Akchurin, Cosmin Dragoiu, Jordan Damgov Texas Tech University
Datasets Datasets of 2012: 12 fb-1 /DoubleMu/Run2012A − 13Jul2012 − v 1 /DoubleMu/Run2012A −recover – 6Aug2012 – v1 /DoubleMu/Run2012B − 13Jul2012 − v 1 /DoubleMu/Run2012C − 24Aug 2012 − v 1 DoubleMu/Run2012C –EcalRecover –11Dec2012 – v1 /DoubleMu/Run2012C − Prompt − v 2 • JSON from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PdmV2012Analysis Cert_190456-196531_8TeV_13Jul2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON_v2.txt Cert_190782-190949_8TeV_06Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt Cert_198022-198523_8TeV_24Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt Cert_190456-203002_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON_v2.txt Cert_201191-201191_8TeV_11Dec2012ReReco-recover_Collisions12_JSON.txt
Selections • Triggers HLT_Mu17_Mu8_v* HLT_Mu17_TkMu8_v* • Muon Muon matched trigger objects Muon pT > 20 GeV and |Muon eta| < 2.4 Opposite charge muons Tight Muon ID from Muon POG Loose PF base Combined relative ISO from Muon POG Z mass window of 70 to 110 GeV • PF Jet PF Jet pT > 30 GeV Compare Z+ only 1 jet in HF (|eta| >2.4) veto events that have jet in Barrel and Endcap Loose Jet ID from POG Clean Jets from muons with DeltaR<0.5 • Calo Jet Match Calo jet to PF jet with DeltaR < 0.5 Loose calo jet ID
Jet Multiplicity Forward region only (|jet η| >2.4 and veto events with any jet in Barrel and Endcap) Inclusive jets Exclusive jets All 2012 data (19.3 fb-1)
Jet pT • The comparison of the # of events between PF jets and matched calo jets. • Slopes between calo jet and PF jet are well agreed • Due to calibration? • pT ratio between PF jet and match calo jet wrt |eta| • At |eta| < 3 PF jet has higher pT than match calo jet • But ratio drops and close to calo at |eta| > 3.5.
Raw Jet pT The comparison of the # of events between raw PF jets and matched raw calo jets. pT ratio between raw PF jet and matched raw calo jet wrt |eta| • Without JEC, raw jets behave the same way and corrected jets
Corrected jets/Raw jets The comparison of the # of events between JEC (corrected jet/Raw jet) JEC (corrected jet/Raw jet) wrt |eta| • Close JEC applied at 3.5<|eta|<4.0
HAD Energy In HF • HAD energy in HF of PF jets and matched calo jets are shown. calojet->hadEnergyInHF() pfjet->HFHadronEnergy() At |eta|>3 PF jets deposite more energy in HAD energy than calo jets? Calo jets dominated PF jets dominated
EM Energy In HF • EM energy in HF of PF jets and matched calo jets are shown. calojet->emEnergyInHF() pfjet->HFEMEnergy() At |eta|>3 calo jets deposite more energy in EM energy than PF jets? Calo jets dominated PF jets dominated • Opposite direction to HAD energy
Long Fiber Energy The comparison of the # of events between Long fiber energy Long fiber energy wrt |eta| L = Jet HadEHF*0.5 + Jet EmEHF
Short Fiber Energy The comparison of the # of events between Short fiber energy Short fiber energy wrt |eta| S = Jet HadEHF*0.5
HF Energy Variables • Calo jets • calojet->hadEnergyInHF() • calojet->emEnergyInHF() • PF jets • pfjet->HFHadronEnergy() • pfjet->HFEMEnergy() http://cmslxr.fnal.gov/lxr/source/RecoJets/JetProducers/src/JetSpecific.cc Calo Jets PF Jets
Conclusions and Plans Conclusions • Some calibrations have been done on HF EM and HAD deposits before JEC. • PF jets deposits more energy in HAD than calo jets in HF. • Calo jets deposits more energy in EM than PF jets in HF. Plans • Getting more information on HF energy for PF jets. • Confirmation of Long fiber and Short fiber energy definitions. • Understand the discrepancy between HAD energy and EM energy between PF jets and Calo jets. • We are exploring the options to use jets in HF for calorimeter calibration (especially short fibers).