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DEMÀ ( Departament d’Estudis dels Medis Actuals ) ( Department of Studys of Current Means) is a non profit association located in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) Trafalgar, 25 2n 2a 08010 BARCELONA E-mail: projectes@dema.cat Tel.: +34 933198184 Fax: +34 933197522
DEMÀ (Departament d’Estudis dels Medis Actuals) (Department of Studys of Current Means) is a non profit association located in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) Trafalgar, 25 2n 2a 08010 BARCELONA E-mail: projectes@dema.cat Tel.: +34 933198184 Fax: +34 933197522 Web-site:www.dema.cat / http://sites.google.com/site/demaproj What is DEMÀ?
DEMÀ(DEPARTAMENT D’ESTUDIS DELS MEDIS ACTUALS) is a non-profit Association, founded in October 1998, that intends to work in several areas in adult education, particularly in the field of labour and social integration, training for trainers; development of active citizenship, pedagogical and methodological research, etc. They are part of DEMÀ professional of diverse areas, such as educational consultants, psychologist, experts in design and programming of courses, sociologists, graphic designers; experts in new technologies of the communication, etc. What is DEMÀ?
DEMÀ’s action fields Actions for social inclusion: We try to work with young-adults as with elderly people. We understand that there are socially vulnerable sectors in both patterns. Research on adult education:To improve and to exchange new pedagogic experiences in this area. Training for Trainers on adult education: To introduce educational activities centered in the learners. Research on social issues:To improve the knowledge of the reality can facilitate the social inclusion and the active citizenship.
Actions for social inclusion (1) The REINS project: Occupational training course for unemployed workers on Internet and Teleworker. Promoted by the Worker’s Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonian Government) and ESF. The “Trenca” (Break-off) programme, addressed to young people from 15 to 20 years old who are in risk of social exclusion. The programme tries to provide them with social and labour orientation. It is funded by the Barcelona’s Province Council. Programa de Voluntariat a Cornellà de Llobregat: Management of the volunteers’ information desk in the city of Cornellà. (In agreement with City Council of Cornellà) Youth in Action project's 1st , 2nd and 3rd Euro Mediterranean Youth organisations Meeting. Barcelona. Organised by REDS Youth in Nature. Koprubasi EU Projects Group. Koprubasi-Manisa (Turkey) Together for Nature. Vilnius University Student's Representation (Lithuania) I Exchange. AYAFE (Baku. Azerbaijan) Digital Youth and Digital Citizenship. Gaziantep (turkey)
Actions for social inclusion (2) Leonardo da Vinci Mobility project’s (Placements for Vocational practices and Spanish and Catalan Language courses): Marco Polo (Euroform RFS, Italy); Nepetinus (Amantea Local Council, Italy);ETIB (Istituto P. Boselli, Savona. Italy); Diversamente Abili (Eta-Beta, Torino, Italy);Mercurio 2000 (Formazione 80, Torino Italy); Fundaçao da Juventude (FdJ, Lisboa, Portugal); Free Moves (AuL, Hamburg, Germany); Fit for European Care (AWO Bundesverband e,V. Germany): Mobility Office for Students in Care (AWO. Germany) Grundtvig Senior Volunteering Project: Development of the local society through exchange of experiencie between a group of elderly people. (Volonteer Centre Vaeksthuset. Varde. Denmark) http://sites.google.com/site/developmentlocalsociety
Research on adult education (1) Local project: A research on the Training needs of the unskilled workers over 45 years old. The funds for this project are provided by FORCEM (the institution for continuous training in Spain) and ESF. The Socrates-Grundtvig Partnership project’s: Immigrant Language Learning (Signum Sprachenschulen, Germany); www.signumschulen.de Adult Education – Key to development in our Regions (Soros Educational Center. Romania); www.sec.ro/all
Research on adult education (2) Learning for New Oportunities (Menningar-or fraedslusambannd althydu. Island); www.learninglinks.co.uk/view/menu.do?id=33 16+ (C.E.S.I. Europa LTD. Bulgaria); http://16plus.sofianet.net Advocates of the people with disabilities (EuroEd. Romania); http://grundtvig.euproject.net/go:cfm?GroupId=381 Comedu-Eu – Community Education and non-formal learning in European Context. (Arbeit und Leben. Germany); www.hamburg.arbeitundleben.de/html/projekte/comedueu.php Learning Parents. (Sehit Selçut Gökdag Ilkögretim Okulu. Turkey)
Training for Trainers on adult education (1) The Leonardo da Vinci project: Adult Guidance for Education: Training for trainers (Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia);www.tlu.ee/agett VALIDATION OF KNOWLEGDE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ADQUIRED THROUG NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING. Partnership Leonardo da Vinci. (Coordinated by ABU. Germany).http://sites.google.com/site/validationoflearning The Socrates-Grundtvig Multilateral project’s: Mobility 55: (Lunària, Italy); www.lunaria.org Citoyens d’Europe: Formation des cadres des organisations d’Education Permanente (ACCS, Belgium); www.citoyens-europe.org
Training for Trainers on adult education (2) NOVAFORM: Une nouvelle approche de l’ingenierie en Formation (CAFOC. France); www.novaform.eu.com Curriculum Guidelines for access programmes into higher education for underrepresented adult learners (Wiener Universitäten. Austria); www.vwu.at/chagal/index.php Community Centres promoting Sustainable Living (University of Malta. Malta); www.maltaforum.org/Com_Cen/Com_Cen.htm Inclusive Practices for Learners with Disabilities (CKU Poland); www.ipld.cku.sopot.pl/index.html Strengthening Participative Democracy through Collaborative Learning. Grundtvig Training Courses. (Fritid & Samfund. Denmark) www.learnship.eu
Training for Trainers on adult education (3)NEW ACTIVITIES The Grundtvig Course: Development of Participative Democracy and Active Citizenship Third session Barcelona (ES) from 26/09/11 to 01/10/11(DEMÀ) Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database. Ref. Num. ES-2011-263-002 http://site.google.com/site/participativedemocracy The Grundtvig Workshop: Dial-up: develop intergenerational activities locally: Unchain your Potential (Porto (Portugal) September 2009. Organizing: Associaçiâo VIDA) The Grundtvig Network: GINCO. Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers. www.ginconet.euCoordinated by ALDEN-BIESEN (Belgium)
Research on social issues (1) We have making a report about youth for the local Council of Cornellà de Llobregat (a city with around 80.000 population): Youth in Cornellà. Report about young people among 12 and 16 years old. The research project: Interculturality in Escoltes Catalans. Funded by Fundació J.Bofill (Barcelona). Ist, IInd and IIIrd Euro Mediterranean Youth Organisations Meeting. Barcelona. Promoted by REDS (Barcelona). We collaborate in the research phase of the projectBON VEÏNATGE (Good Neighbours) promoted by the Municipality of Barcelona for an European project; www.bcn.es/serveissocials/bonveinatge/ Parents go to Work, Children go to School. CFCU Turkey. Coordinating by Kocaeli Yeniköy Educational Association and Tokageder. Turkey. www.kyed-abproje.org
Research on social issues (2) Zaira Project - Invisible City of Memory and Understanding. European Commission. DG Employment and Social Affairs (Coordinating: Nova Ricerca-Agencia RES. Italia) ; www.zairaproject.net L’Educació i la millora de la qualitat de vida de la gent gran (Education and improve the life quality for a elderly people) And local research project, coordinated by ACEFIR, with the collaboration to University of Girona, University of Barcelona and University Ramon Llull. Financing by “Caixa de Sabadell” www.acefir.org 3D Project. European Union. ENEA program. DG Employment and Social Affairs (Coordinating: Thessaloniki Municipality. Greece) www.deekme.gr/3d/action_en.html Networking Europe. Promotion Civil Society dialogue between EU ans Turkey. Coordinating by TOKAGEDER (Turkey) www.networking-eu.com
DEMÀ’s Links (1) In DEMÀ we are aware of the necessity of transcending our activities by means of the work in net. For this reason we participate in diverse networks, so much at local or national level, like to European scale or of the Mediterranean area. This way we can learn and to share experiences. Local or National Networks: DEMÀ forms part of REDS (Red Europea de Diálogo Social- Social Dialogue European Network) REDS is composed of more than 70 members and partners, currently present in 5 European countries. www.redeuropea.org DEMÀ is a member to Plà Integral de Ciutat Vella (Integral plan for Ciutat Vella), network of social organisations in Barcelona’s old town. www.cascantic.net DEMÀ is member of the Xarxa EduGran, (www.acefir.org/index.html) local group to PEFETE Network (Pan European Forum for Education for the Elderdy) Financing by Socrates-Grundvig 4; www.pefete.wz.cz
DEMA’S Links (2) International Networks: • We are also members to Comenius-Network called MIR: Migration and intercultural Relations.www.migrationhistory.com/comenius • Wearemembersofthelocalnetwork to Anna Lindh. Euro Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures.www.eromedalex.org • DEMÀ is collaborator member of the International Observatory for Participative Democracy ; http://www.oidp.net • We are member to CONECT (Cooperation Network for European Citzenship)www.conect.eu.com • DEMÀ is also member to NAYD (Network of African Youths for Development)www.nayd.org
DEMÀ’s Structure Associative structure: Annually meets the general assembly of associates (at the moment around 30 persons). It is chosen the directive board (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vowels) According to the Law of associations of Catalonia, none of these positions -except the Secretary - can have a salary for their work in the association. Work structure: Clerk of the Directive Board, the most professional structure exists. At full time it exists the Coordinator of Projects, the responsible for the Voluntary Information Desk in Cornellà, a pedagogical collaborator, and a administrator. Also, and in a variable way according to the projects in development, exist a net of collaborators on part time and the voluntary work of the associates.
DEMÀ’s continuity Many Thanks for your attention Are you any question or suggestions?