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2009 Payable 2010 Levy Certification

2009 Payable 2010 Levy Certification. Independent School District 196 Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools December 14, 2009 Educating our students to reach their full potential. Agenda. Levy certification process Basic school funding 2009 Payable 2010 Levy Analysis.

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2009 Payable 2010 Levy Certification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2009 Payable 2010Levy Certification Independent School District 196 Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools December 14, 2009 Educating our students to reach their full potential

  2. Agenda • Levy certification process • Basic school funding • 2009 Payable 2010 Levy Analysis

  3. Levy Certification Process • Started in August – selection of hearing dates • September – School Board set levy limit • November – County sent out proposed tax statements • December – Final levy certification by School Board

  4. How Schools Are Funded • State determines funding formula

  5. Basic Funding Formula History • 01-02 $4,068 • 02-03 $4,601 • 03-04 $4,601 • 04-05 $4,601 • 05-06 $4,783 • 06-07 $4,974 • 07-08 $5,074 • 08-09 $5,124 • 09-10 $5,124 • 10-11 $5,124

  6. How Schools Are Funded • State determines funding formula • Majority of revenue is determined by the number of students served in the district

  7. District Enrollment

  8. How Schools Are Funded • State determines funding formula • Majority of revenue is determined by the number of students served in the district • Revenue = Formula x Pupils served • Under current law formulated revenues are primarily paid by state aid

  9. Source of Revenues – All Funds

  10. How Are Local School Taxes Determined? • Voter determined • Bond votes • Operating Levy votes • School Board decisions • Authority is limited through legislation • Special levy authority…Safe schools levy, Alternative Facilities levy, Health and Safety levy etc.

  11. What Is The School District’s Recommended Levy?

  12. How Does This Compare To Prior Years?

  13. How Will This Impact Taxes In The District 196 Community?

  14. Questions?

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