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Biotech. Abbreviations Set: 2

Biotech. Abbreviations Set: 2. Steve Harris Instructor. AB. a nti b ody. AG. a nti g en. ALS. a myotrophic l ateral s clerosis (Lou Gehrig’s). ARMG. a ntibiotic r esistance m arker g ene. BMR. b asal m etabolic r ate. BSE. b ovine s pongiform e ncephalopathy. CAD.

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Biotech. Abbreviations Set: 2

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  1. Biotech. AbbreviationsSet: 2 Steve Harris Instructor

  2. AB antibody

  3. AG antigen

  4. ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s)

  5. ARMG antibiotic resistance marker gene

  6. BMR basal metabolic rate

  7. BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy

  8. CAD coronary artery disease

  9. cDNA complementary DNA

  10. CoA coenzyme A

  11. dd dideoxy

  12. DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

  13. DNase deoxyribosenuclease

  14. dscDNA double-stranded complementary DNA

  15. EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid

  16. ER endoplasmic reticulum

  17. EtOH ethanol

  18. FAB fragment antibody binding region

  19. FSH follicle stimulating hormone

  20. GC gas chromatograph

  21. GM genetically modified

  22. GTL gas-to-liquid

  23. HDL high-density lipoprotein

  24. HGP human genome project

  25. HPV human papilloma virus

  26. IGY immunoglobulin Y

  27. ISH in situ hybridization

  28. kb kilobase

  29. L liter

  30. LPS lipopolysaccharide

  31. g microgram

  32. mRNA messenger RNA

  33. MPC mesenchymal precursor cells

  34. MSDS materials safety data sheet

  35. NMR nuclear magnetic resonance

  36. -OH hydroxyl group

  37. p plasmid

  38. PD Parkinson’s Disease

  39. PFGE pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

  40. RA rheumatoid arthritis

  41. RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism

  42. RO reverse osmosis

  43. SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate

  44. SEM scanning electron microscope

  45. ssDNA single-stranded DNA

  46. Taq Thermus aquaticus

  47. TM melting temperature

  48. UV ultraviolet

  49. VRE Vancomycin - resistant Entrococcus

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