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Downlink Segment Test Status (S17.0). Russ Laher September 17, 2007. Summary of S17.0 D/L Work Performed. D/L-group software changes implemented for S17.0 (all critical level 3 or 4) 31 pipeline-related CRs/AIs (Cf. 33 for S16.0) 12 database-related CRs/AIs (Cf. none for S16.0)
Downlink Segment Test Status (S17.0) Russ Laher September 17, 2007
Summary of S17.0 D/L Work Performed • D/L-group software changes implemented for S17.0 (all critical level 3 or 4) • 31 pipeline-related CRs/AIs (Cf. 33 for S16.0) • 12 database-related CRs/AIs (Cf. none for S16.0) • 17 ARs (Cf. 8 for S16.0) • D/L segment-testing to check specific downlink software changes • Moderately-sized cluster of pipeline-drones (mini “ops-like” environment) • Solaris-10 operating system (same machine types as operations) • Obtained a copy of the S16 operations database and applied the S17 changes to it • Product archiver run on pipeline results for end-to-end verification • ISTs doing science verification of pipeline products • QA team verification of QA sub-system upgrades • Test plan documents written by the Cog. E.s to help I&T
What’s New for S17.0 – IRAC • Updated input calibration files for “muxbleedcorr” module and changed perl script to allow querying of calibration files for different exposure times (CR #7703) • Changes to write new FITS-keyword “AORTIME” to skydark HDR BCD FITS header, which is the total AOR time of HDR observations (CR #7702) • Changes to write new FITS-keywords FRDLYDET, IMDLYDET, and LBDRKTD to BCD FITS headers (CR #7700) • Added banding correction to BCD-prime pipeline (CR #7698) • Added column-pull-down correction to BCD-prime pipeline, which includes new “pullcorr” module (CR #7697) • New artifact-corrected BCD product and uncertainty (CR #7695) • Modifications to make imask files for IRAC sub-array data (CR #7379) • New IRAC sub-array pipeline and new “procsub” and “submed” modules to compute median image from BCD (CR #7437) • Enabled pipeline 20 to process sub-array AORs (CR #7717) • Fixed skydark frame delay error (chan 4, >= 100 sec) (AR #7839)
What’s New for S17.0 – IRS • New “slope_finder” module for fitter IRS ramps directly, rather than fitting to differences (CRs #7009 and 7891) • Modified pointing-transfer script with expanded logic to allow the population of the dpIrsaPtgMetedata database table for all IRS BCDs (CR #7473) • Restructured the bksub pipeline so the filenames of the post-bcd nod-subtracted products include the correct exposure ID (CR #7662) • Modified the “imsubtract” module to compute output uncertainties by adding the two input uncertainties in quadrature (CR #7874) • Updated the “imsubtract” and “slope_finder” modules to eliminate Solaris-10 compile-time warnings (AR #7882) • Removed the overrides from extraction wrapper-scripts, so that the options are CDF-controlled(CR #7889) • New BCD FITS-header keyword FILETYPE (CR #7654) • Added option to the “extract” module to normalize by the height of the wavsamp rectangle when computing extracted fluxes (CR #7890)
What’s New for S17.0 – MIPS:Ge • Fixed table-read bugs in “mirrorsynch” module (AR #7672) • Fixed memory leaks in “mipsflat” module (AR #7380) • Replaced isnan() with iznand() in “mipsdark” module for cross-platform portability (CR #7441) • Added string.h include statement in “mipsdark” module for cross-platform portability (CR #7441) • Modified “interp” module to ignore all stim < background cases (AR #7769) • Modified “stacklayer” to add some missing include files and have -k option overwrite output file (AR #7779) • Fixed file-parsing bug in tokenize.c of “uprop” library (AR # 7859) • Modified interpstim module to cease extrapolating when negative stims are encountered and instead just use the nearest stim in time (AR #7877) • Modified 1600-series and 1800-series ensemble pipelines to register in the calProducts database table the fallback calibration files used, so that they will be Leopard-downloadable (AR #7533) • Modified 1600-series and 1800-series ensemble pipelines to copy log file to sandbox at the end of the pipeline, instead of the middle (AR #7883)
What’s New for S17.0 – Generic • Modified the “darkdrift” module to output jailbar corrections for all data planes to both output FITS header and log file (CR #7856) • Modified the “tranhead” module to make input FITS keywords RA_RQST and DEC_RQST optional; heliocentric-related calculations are not done if these keywords are not present (CR #7800) • Upgraded JPL “CSPICE” library to version 61 from version 52a (CR #7436) • Installed Montage library in common/Montage, and added it to the operator.csh environment and build script, and removed orphan installation of the mJPEG module (CRs #7761, #7762, #7764, and #7768) • Upgraded CFITSIO library to version 3.04 from version 2.44 (CR #7324) • Note that this software has been moved from downlink/libsrc to common/cfitsio • Build instructions are now different, in order to conform to the new location and developer’s build procedure (CR #7864) • Bugs fixed in tblio-library routinestbl_colval and tbl_setkey (AR #7624) • Changed “hdrupd8” module to insert lines before END (CR #7876)
What’s New for S17.0 – MOPEX • Modification to fix incorrect fluxes from the “aperture” module when distortion is present in BCD FITS keywords (AR #7565) • Fixed incorrect calculation of y-dimension pixel ratio in "sourcestimate" module (AR #7866) • Fixed memory bug in “sourcestimate” module (AR #7887) • Changes to permit population of post-BCD FITS headers with complete set of keywords (AR #7857) • Corrected source code to fix problem of mis-assigned Rmask files to BCDs (AR #7804) • Changes in table access routines in dlimage library (CR #7628) • Added new entry "ReadData” to read specific table column • Existing entry "HaveColumn" was changed to make a case insensitive comparisons of column names • Replaced functions "isnan" with "iznand” for cross-platform compatibility • Mopex script changed to make rad-hit rejection work with drizzle (AR #7511)
What’s New for S17.0 – Database • New perl API function for DB stored procedure hardResetDataProductVBest (CR #7881) • New DB stored function qaFindNew (CRs #7801 and 7854) • Improvements to QA-README-file DB stored function (master CR #7718) • Provide a filename glossary (CR #7634) • Provide info about pipeline execution and failures (CR #7618) • Provide instrument-specific data handbook URLs (CR #7619) • List archive DCE filenames instead of MIPL filenames (CR #7621) • Provide definitions of acronyms used (CR #7629) • Improved some wording (CR #7630) • Provide number of DCEs pipeline-processed by channel (CR #7632) • Modify to handle NULL middle initial properly (AR #7722) • Modification for handling IRAC sub-array mode in DB stored function computeIracDelayTimeBetweenSuccessiveRequests (AR #7871) • Efficiency changes to QA-table-loading DB stored procedures addqa_ptg_xfer, addqa_iracdce, addqa_iracdp, addqa_irsdce and addqa_irsdp (CR #7844) • Fill in comments field for archived products in productTypes DB table (CR #7803)
Issue • Several Mopex modules used both in Spitzer operations and the off-line GUI cannot be built with the GNU C++ 4.0.1 compiler. However, they are build-able with the GNU C++ 3.4.5 compiler. While this is not a problem for Spitzer operations, per se, this may indicate that there are residual bugs in the Mopex source code.