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Join us for a comprehensive training session on Title II, Part A grant compliance, eligibility, allowable expenditures, and final proposal preparation. Learn how to access funds, implement evidence-based activities, and evaluate outcomes for student achievement.
Title II Part A – Non-Public SchoolsFY20 Fall Technical Assistance TrainingSeptember 18, 2019 Dr. Elizabeth Berquist, Director Amanda Sills, Fiscal Assistant
Meeting Agenda Title II Part A Process Purpose of Title II Part A Grant ESSA: Private school use of funds Grant Compliance Overview Preparation to create FY20 Final Proposals Next Steps Reminders and Q & A
Title II Part A Process Overview Submit Preliminary Proposals (June14) Receive Allocation Letter (Today) Submit Final Proposal for approval Once approved, activities can begin Submit paperwork to access funding
Title II Part A Website http://oe.bcps.org/departments/organizational_development/title_ii_part_a___non-public_schools
Purpose of Title II, Part A Non-Public Funds To build capacity in one or more of the core academic subjects, and in effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills through high quality professional learning To contribute additional resources beyond the regular education program Outcomes must be linked to student achievement
Title II Part A Eligibility Change in ESSA Anyone within the school house can participate in Title II, exceptsubstitute teachers and contractual employees The activities must be aligned to the school’s Needs Assessment and be evaluated in order to be allowable
ESSA: Private School Use of Funds Differentiating performance and using evaluation results from professional learning plans Providing evidence-based professional learning for teachers, instructional leadership teams, principals, and other leaders Supporting teachers to effectively integrate technology; use data to improve student achievement Training to identify gifted and talented students and supporting their education Carry out STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Mentoring and paying teachers a stipend to present are no longer allowable as the contractor must be independent of the private school
Grant Compliance Overview Allowable expenditures must supplement not supplant school resources -Purpose of federal programs is to contribute additional resources to provide targeted services beyond the regular education program -The school’s general fund must be used for all activities that are the school’s responsibility
Grant Compliance Overview Allowable expenditures – key questions when considering supplement not supplant -Are we currently using non-federal funds to pay for this same expense for other students? -If we remove everything the grant would pay for, are we still meeting our legal obligations to students? -Did we use non-federal funds to support this expense last year?
Grant Compliance Overview • Expenditures must be reasonable and necessary in addition to being allowable • All grant paid expenditures must be used entirely for professional learning purposes • No student use or consumption of resources
Final Proposals Allocations are based on 9/30/18 enrollment figures as documented on the MSDE website: http://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Documents/DCAA/SSP/20172018Student/2018NonpublicSchoolReport.pdf $22.10 per pupil allocation due to a decrease in funding Download FY20 Final Proposal from the website under the “Forms” section -Three tabs once downloaded Submit Final Proposals before activities begin, and no later than November 1 -Be sure to save your electronic version in case you have to make revisions BCPS will notify schools of final approval or required revisions -Please allow at least two weeks for approval Activities can begin after receipt of written approval, and must end by September 30, 2020
NEW! Evidence Based Support Needs Assessment will focus on 2-3 areas, there can be several activities for each area In the Evidence Based Support section, use the warehouse handout to find an article(s) to support your need(s) Can no longer cite just the law • “Warehouses” with multiple resources on various research topics that have been evaluated on the strength of the link between evidence and outcome: • Evidence for ESSA (Hopkins) • Report on School Leadership Interventions under ESSA (RAND) • Social and Emotional Learning Interventions under ESSA (RAND) • What Works Clearinghouse (IES) • Evidence-Based Intervention Network (University of Missouri) • National Center on Intensive Intervention (AIR) • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Registry (SAMHSA) • Results First Clearinghouse Database (Pew) • Best Evidence Encyclopedia (Center for Data-Driven Reform) • Roadmap to Evidence-Based Reform for Low Graduation Rate High Schools (Hopkins) • Impact of Family Involvement on the Education of Children (MDRC)
Evaluating an Activity How will you determine the effectiveness? What will demonstrate how it translated to student achievement? How will success be measured? What data will be collected?
Methods of Evaluation Questionnaires, surveys, checklists Pre and post tests Teacher or student work samples Observations
Additional Evaluation Detail Required BCPS received guidance from MSDE, that more detail on the evaluation section must be provided -Same for BCPS, levels of evaluation are now used Non-publics are required to document and store all means of evaluation, no need to submit them but keep them in your school house MSDE can request the evaluation methods from the non-publics at anytime
Linking Evidence Based Practices What is research showing about the link between the activity and the outcome?
Final Proposals Reminders Please list enough information so that we know what activity is taking place If paying a stipend, you must list out a formula for example $25 p/h for up to 20 teachers For conferences/workshops/memberships please list out the specific conferences to ensure they are allowable Principal must sign off on the proposal, and submit for approval
Final Proposal Revisions Revise proposals as needed in advance before an activity occurs. There is no limit on the revisions Revisions are required for: - Increase or decrease in costs for an activity - Change in activity topics - New Activities -Deleting an activity
Eligible Expenditures Eligible expenses must meet all of the following criteria: Allowable Within the grant period Approved in advance Reasonable Necessary
Expenditures Schools should submit all required documentation to access allotted funding for approved activities -Prepare Requisition Orders ASAP for all planned activities requiring outside vendors -Check Request versus Requisition Order -Confirming PO versus Blanket PO -Submit all payment requests within 30 days of completed activity BCPS will monitor activities and expenditures, and update schools quarterly with remaining balances
Spending Timeline Please refer to the FY20 timeline throughout the grant period, I will be sending out reminders throughout the year as well Timeline is also available on the website Submit paperwork within proper calendar and fiscal year Importance of submitting paperwork timely
Allowable Activities Funds can’t be directly distributed to the non-public school • Stipends will be paid directly to the teacher • Payments for consulting services and supplies will be paid directly to the provider • Reimbursement for courses and conferences will be paid to participants with proof of successful completion and payment
Outside Vendor Outside vendors/consultants, are classified as businesses and individuals you want to pay for services provided that are not employed by your school Current BCPS employees are not eligible to be paid through Title II, Part A funds as vendors/consultants Please note, they must have a BCPS Vendor Number in order to reimburse/pay for their services https://businessservices.bcps.org/departments/fiscal_services/purchasing
Outside Vendor Required Documentation $1,000 or less: -Check Reimbursement Request, invoice, sign in sheets, and agenda Confirming Requisition Order: -Confirming Requisition Order, detailed invoice, completed sign in sheets, and agenda Requisition Prior to Services: -Quote and Requisition Order -After services: invoice, sign in sheets, and agenda
Spending Procedures Head of school cannot approve payment to self, include printed name/title of signer For reimbursements, proof of payment consists of: -Original receipts with itemized costs -Proof of payer and method of payment All Vendors/payees must have a BCPS assigned vendor number -Use legal names -Keep addresses current A copy of your school’s approved proposal must be submitted with all paperwork
Professional LearningSupplies Supplies must be used for an approved Title II Part A activity Before the PL: - Submit a Requisition Order, Vendor Quote, and Supplies Request form -Should be requested at least 8 weeks in advance After PL: -Submit a detailed invoice signed by the head of your school, sign in sheets, and an agenda
Teacher Stipend Payment December is a blackout period for stipend-related activities Stipend payment requests should be submitted by the stated deadlines -Recorded in proper tax and fiscal year Original signatures: forms must be mailed into our offices. Total prep and planning time cannot exceed duration of workshop time Documentation Requirements: -Check Request/Requisition Order, Teacher Stipend Payment form, Sign in Sheets, and agenda
Tuition Reimbursement 9 credit limit per teacher per fiscal year Audited classes are not allowable under the grant We require a check request/ requisition order, Tuition Reimbursement form, detailed statement or invoice showing proof of cost, and proof of payment For tuition reimbursement, proof of completion consists of: -Official transcript or Copy of official transcript -Continuing professional development form (CPD) signed by the instructor
Travel Expenditures Expenditures must be reasonable and necessary in addition to being allowable Mileage must be in excess of your normal daily work commute (.58 per mile) Use the per diem chart on the website to calculate meal allowances: • 75% first and last day • Less meals provided • Overnight travel only • No need to submit receipts, just populate Per Diem worksheet
Travel Expenditures Continued Taxi/Uber/Shuttle Update Title II can cover tips up to 20% of the fare If taxi/shuttle is taken to and from our local airport in lieu of submitting a mileage reimbursement and the cost of the fare exceeds the mileage reimbursement, Title II can only reimburse what would have been reimbursed for mileage
Conference Reimbursement Religious conference expenses prorated -For example: You attend a conference that has both secular and religious content. Title II funds can only be used to reimburse the percentage level of the conference that is secular. Conference Reimbursement Form Agenda Proof of attendance Proof of Cost/Payment
Praxis Test Reimbursement Check Reimbursement Request Proof of Payment Proof of Cost Proof of test grade
Membership Fees/ Subscriptions Check Requests Directly to Vendor: -Detailed invoice including member name and member ID numbers Check Requests Reimbursement to Staff: -Detailed invoice including member name and member ID numbers -Proof of Payment If >$1,000 -Requisition Order and quote
When in doubt… Refer to the spending procedures checklists on the Title II website required for each type of submission. Please feel free to reach out to us as well.
Note Regarding Procedures and Funding If guidelines and procedures aren’t followed, it may result in non-payment of Title II, Part A funds Expenditures are always subject to further review
What’s Next for FY20? Complete and submit the Final Proposals Once proposals are approved, spending can begin Mail documentation as activities occur to access allotted funding
FY19 Title II Reminders All approved activities have to occur by September 30, 2019 ALL paperwork to access funding is due no later then November 27, 2019
NEW! In the Spring… Instead of the standard Final Proposal form, there will be a new form which is on Word Created by MSDE for private schools This is consistent with the BCPS’ offices which will be using the same form to access Title II funds We will have time in our next session to introduce and practice the new form for FY21
Documentation Requirements Retain copies of all documentation submitted through the Title II, Part A grant for 7 years from the beginning of the grant period. Mail all submissions ASAP after each activity is completed to: Office of Organizational Development Baltimore County Public Schools 105 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Lower Level Towson, MD 21204 Attn: Amanda Sills, Title II Fiscal Asst. II
Contact Us: Dr. Elizabeth Berquist, Director 443-809-9507 eberquist@bcps.org Amanda Sills, Fiscal Assistant 443-809-6402 asills2@bcps.org