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Reflect on the Easter message of renewal and new life in Christ. Give thanks for the love of the Lord and commit to living joyfully in His resurrection. Renew your faith and dedication to following Jesus on this journey of faith.
I remember That I am baptised in the name of the Father who renewsme in the name of the Son who restores me and in the name of the Holy Spirit who fills me with life.
I recall • THESE WORDS OF SCRIPTURE Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for his love has no end. Let the people of Israel say: ‘His love has no end.’
I reflect • ON How the RISEN JESUS GIVES US NEW LIFe • Where do I see signs of new life in myself and others? • On LIVING A New LIFE • In what ways do I feel renewed and strengthened by living the new life of Easter?
I respond Loving God I give thanks that you raised your Son Jesus from death to new life. Help me on my journey of faith this Easter to renew my commitment to follow You. Help to live in the joy of the Easter message and to remember every day that Jesus is Risen.
I renew My commitment to live in the joy of the Resurrection, giving thanks at all times that I am baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.