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Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Object Identification Using Hyperspectral Data

Learn about Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF) methods for object identification from spectral data in hyperspectral images. Discover how NTF is applied to solve the object identification problem by analyzing spectral abundances and material identification. Explore the use of NTF in the context of space object identification and characterization from spectral reflectance data, including the identification of man-made objects in orbit. Understand the principles and techniques of NTF for extracting features from 3-D tensors, and its role in hyperspectral data analysis.

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Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Object Identification Using Hyperspectral Data

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  1. Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Object Identification using Hyperspectral Data Bob Plemmons Wake Forest University Joint work with: - Peter Zhang, Han Wang, Paul Pauca: WFU Interactions: Kira Abercromby: NASA JSC Maj. Travis Blake: U.S. Air Force Related Papers at: http://www.wfu.edu/~plemmons

  2. Outline • Object Identification from Spectral Data (SOI) • Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) Methods for Spectral Unmixing • Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF), and Applications • 3-D Tensor Factorization: Applications to SOI, using Hyperspectral Data • Compression • Material identification • Spectral abundances • Another Application (Medical)

  3. Space Object Identification and Characterization from Spectral Reflectance Data More than 15,000 known man-made objects in orbit: various types of military and commercial satellites, rocket bodies, residual parts, and debris – need for space object database mining, object identification, clustering, classification, etc.

  4. The creation and observation of a reflectance spectrum

  5. Sample Spectral Scan

  6. Pixel (Semi) Blind Source Separation for Finding Hidden Components (Endmembers) Mixing of Sources …basic physics often leads to linear mixing… X = [X1,X2, …,Xn] –column vectors (1-D spectral scans) Approximately factor XW H = 1k w(j)± h(j) ±denotes outer product wj is jth col of W, hj is jth col of HT X sensor readings (mixed components – observed data) W separated components (feature basis matrix, unknown, low rank) H hidden mixing coefficients (unknown), replaced later with abundances of materials that make up the object.

  7. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)Actually an approximate decomposition

  8. Overview of the Object Identification Problem • Problem solution by learning the parts of objects (hidden components) by low rank nonnegative sparse representation • Basis representation (dimension reduction) can enable near real-time object (target) recognition, object class clustering, and characterization. (ill-posed inverse problem) • Match recovered hidden components with known spectral signatures from substances such as mylar, aluminum, white paint, kapton, and solar panel materials, etc. This is classification. • Fundamental difficulty: Find from spectral measurements: • Endmembers: types of constituent materials • Fractional abundances: proportion of materials that comprise the object.

  9. An Approach to Selecting Endmembers and Computing Fractional Abundances • Vectorize the spectral scans of space objects into columns of a matrix Y • Cluster the columns of Y using a NMF scheme Y WH, W ≥ 0, H ≥ 0 (Enforce smoothness on W and sparsity on H.) • Classify the basis vectors in W using lab data from Jorgersen and an information theoretic scoring method (Kullback-Leibler divergence, i.e., relative entropy). Represent these endmembers by a matrix B. • B represents a compressed database for Y and has a variety of uses, e.g., .... • Determine the spectral abundances of the space object spectral scans in columns of Y by iteratively solving nonlinear least squares problems with matrix B containing the classified endmembers. (We use a nonlinear least squares scheme to compute material abundancies.)

  10. Sample Results from Prior Work (P. Pauca)Formed Simulated Satellites from NASA Data

  11. A Few Combined Traces (time varying mixtures)

  12. Blind Source Separation Using NMF – Guided Blind Source Separation

  13. Original Recovered

  14. Hyperspectral Imaging • Hyperspectral remote sensing technology allows one to capture images objects (multiple pixels), using a range of spectra from ultraviolet and visible to infrared. • Multiple images of a scene or object are created using light from different parts of the spectrum. • Hyperspectral images can be used to: • Detect and identify militarily important objects at a distance. • Identify surface minerals, objects, buildings, etc. from space. • Enable space object identification from the ground.

  15. A Matrix of Hyperspectral Data

  16. A Better Approach?Tensors Multi-way Arrays in Multilinear Algebra Applications to Hyperspectral Data Analysis

  17. Extend NMF: Nonegative Tensor Factorization (NTF) • Our interest: 3-D data. 2-D images stacked into 3-D Array, forming a “box”

  18. Tensors in a Nutshell • A matrix is an order-2 tensor, a 2-array of elements • An order-k tensor is simply a k-array of elements • 1920s: tensor analysis became immensely popular after Einstein used tensors as the natural language to describe laws of physics in a way that does not depend on the initial frame of reference. • Standard concepts for matrices, such as rank, eigenvalues, etc. - more complicated for tensors • Our concern is tensors in a multilinear algebra context: T = [tj1…jk] 2 Rd1£…£ dk

  19. Multilinear NMF = Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF)

  20. NTF (for 3-D Arrays)

  21. Datasets of images modeled as tensors Goal: Extract features from a tensor dataset (naively, a dataset subscripted by multiple indices). Image samples with diversities, e.g., eigenviews. m £ n £ p tensor T Tensor (outer product) rank can be defined as the minimum number of rank 1 factors.

  22. Properties of Matrix Rank • Rank of A 2 Rm £ neasy to determine (Gauss elimination). • Optimal rank-r approximation to A always exists, and easy to find ( SVD). • Pick A 2 Rm £ n at random, then A has full rank with probability 1, i.e., rank(A) = min{m,n}. • Rank A is is the same whether we consider A as an element in Rm £ n or in Cm £ n. • Every statement above is false for order-k tensors, k ¸ 3.

  23. NTF and Applications to Analysis of Massive Data SetsStanford MMDS workshop, June 2006 See: http://www.stanford.edu/group/mmds/

  24. Datasets of images modeled as tensors m £ n £ p tensor T

  25. PALSIR:Projected Alternating Least Squares with Initialization and RegularizationbyBoutsidis/Zhang/Gallopoulis/Ple.Presented atStanford MMDS Workshop, June 2006

  26. Data from Maui Imaging SiteSpace Shuttle Columbia in Orbit Separation by Parts using NTF – Peter Zhang

  27. Clustering for segmentation using NTF

  28. AEOS Spectral Imaging Sensor (ASIS) • Capable of collecting spatially resolved imagery of space objects in up to 100 spectral bands. • Collects adaptive optics compensated hyperspectral images on the 3.67 meter telescope at AMOS on Maui.

  29. Simulated True Hyperspectral Data Cube for Hubble Telescope Simulated Hypercube

  30. Our Purpose • SOI using tensor analysis • 3-D Tensor Factorization: Applications to SOI, using Hyperspectral Data • Compression • Material identification • Spectral abundances

  31. Again, the Basic Idea

  32. NTF Algorithm

  33. Simulated Data • 177 x 193 x 100 3-D model of Hubble satellite. • Assign each pixel a certain spectral signature from lab data supplied by Kira Abercromby (NASA). 8 materials used. • Bands of spectra ranging from .4 m to 2.5 m, with 100 evenly distributed spectral values. • Spatial blurring followed by Gaussian and Poisson noise and applied over the spectral bands.

  34. Images from Data Cube at 1.4 m

  35. Materials Assigned to Pixels

  36. Spectral Scans of 8 Materials Used

  37. Compression • k is the number of factors used in the tensor decomposition • Choosing k = 100 Original array 177x193x100 3,416,100 bytes X 177x100 17,700 bytes Y 193x100 19,300 bytes Z 100x100 10,000 bytes total 47,000 bytes • Compression factor (3,416,100/47,000) = 72.68 About 73 to 1.

  38. Reconstruction of Blurred & Noisy Data at wavelengths: .42, .68, 1.55, 2.29 m Top row – Original Images Bottom row – Reconstructions Illustrates need for deblurring, especially at short wavelengths.

  39. Recovered Spectral Abundances of 8 materials in Hubble Simulation

  40. Some Spectral Scan Matching Graphs Red is original, Blue is matched endmember scan matched from Z-factors. Black rubber edge (8%) not as well matched. Blurred and noisy data cube.

  41. 1st degree burn 3rd degree burn 2nd degree burn Potential Applications using Spectral Imaging and Tensor Analysis with NTF • DTO-ITIC: Hyperspectral imaging of objects at a distance (cars, buildings, people) for identification using lenslet array camera with spectral filters. • DTO: Burn and wound assessment (with team members at CUA)

  42. Papers on my web page on medical applications of NMF/NTF – joint with researchers at the Riken Brain Science Institute, Tokyo • Novel Multi-layer Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with Sparsity Constraints.A. Cichocki, R. Zdunek, S. Choi, R. Plemmons, and S. Amari. Preprint. To appear in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Warsaw, Poland, April 2007. • Nonnegative Tensor Factorization using Divergencies. A. Cichocki, R. Zdunek, S. Choi, R. Plemmons, and S. Amari. Preprint. To appear in Proc. of the 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, April 2007.

  43. Summary • NMF and NTF, SOI applications • Compression and reconstruction of image data using tensors • Hyperspectral data analysis • Tensor enabled classification and identification of space objects in terms of material features and spectral abundances • Some medical applications of NMF and NTF

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