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Socio-economic Profile, PERO & MERO CFO Forum 06 SEPTEMBER 2013

Socio-economic Profile, PERO & MERO CFO Forum 06 SEPTEMBER 2013. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFILE: 2013. Regional Development Profile 2013. Background: Regional Development Profile 2013. Legislative Mandate: Section 26 of the MSA

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Socio-economic Profile, PERO & MERO CFO Forum 06 SEPTEMBER 2013

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  1. Socio-economic Profile, PERO & MEROCFO Forum 06 SEPTEMBER 2013


  3. Regional Development Profile 2013

  4. Background: Regional Development Profile 2013 Legislative Mandate: Section 26 of the MSA The Council’s vision for the long term development of it’s communities. An assessment of the existing development in the municipality which includes communities that do not have access to basic municipal services. Council’s development priorities and objectives which includes it’s economic development aims and it’s internal transformation needs. Council’s development strategies which must be aligned with national and provincial sectoral plans. A Financial plan, which must include a budget projection of at least three years. The Key Performance Indicators and Performance targets as determined in terms of section 41 of the MSA 32 OF 2000.

  5. Purpose: Regional Development Profile Provide a regional perspective on the Metro, Districts and Municipalities. Ensuring that the Metro, District and local municipalities understand the socio-economic reality for their respective regions. Valuable insight can be gained as to the developmental challenges faced by communities within a specific municipal boundary. Regional Development Profile to be used as a data tool that can ensure that the information obtained will lead and guide planning & budgetary processes within municipal environment.

  6. CONTENT: Regional Development Profile 2013

  7. CONTENT: Regional Development Profile 2013

  8. CONTENT: Regional Development Profile 2013

  9. Sources of Data: Regional Development Profile Statistics South Africa: Census 2001 Statistics South Africa: Census 2011 Quantec Data Municipal Economic Review Outlook 2013 Sector Departments-Most Recent data

  10. STATUS QUO: Regional Development Profile 2013

  11. STATUS QUO: Regional Development Profile 2013

  12. PERO 2013

  13. PERO: WESTERN PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC REVIEW AND OUTLOOK Annual research report which provides an objective review and analysis of past and estimated future economic growth and socio economic development of the Province. Socio-economic scanning to provide an evidence-based platform to inform and guide provincial planning and budgeting. Analytical reference point for the provincial economic development strategies and interventions. Contextualizes the challenge of shifting towards a inclusive growth and development trajectory in the Province. Informs budget policy formulation and hence the budget of the Western Cape. The PERO is informed by provincial government policy initiatives while, although not producing recommendations, has some influence on policy decisions.

  14. Focus: Provincial Economic Review and Outlook

  15. Focus: Provincial Economic Review and Outlook

  16. MERO 2013



  19. WC industry growth across districts (average annual real GDPR growth, 2000-11) …

  20. Western Cape: Revealed comparative advantage across districts (2011: LQ > 1) • Cape Metro: • Tex, cloth & leather • Tourism • Finance, BPO, ICT • ‘Knowledge sector’ • Timber & furniture • Cape Winelands: • Agric & processing • Tourism • Building & construction • Communications & ICT • Eden: • Agric & processing • Tourism • Building & construction • Timber & furniture • West Coast: • Agric & processing • Tourism • Building & construction • Central Karoo: • Agric & processing • Tourism • Building & construction • Electrical machinery • Finance & insurance • Overberg: • Agric & processing • Tourism • Building & construction • Timber & furniture

  21. Business climate in informal sector: key points Sample of 200 spread across municipalities and towns Age, gender and education/skills Regulation: benefits of non-compliance  > costs (there is some effort to comply, e.g. by one third of respondents in WCD) Duration (e.g. WCD): 50% 1 to 5 years; 21% 6 to 10 years; 20% more than 10 years, implying high survival rate Employment (e.g. WCD): 40% single owner; 40% = 1 + 1; one enterprise 11 employees

  22. Infrastructure investment & district economic growth – salient points Differences in infrastructure investment and maintenance lead to different economic growth outcomes (as economic theory predicts): E.g. West Coast:

  23. % Share of agro-processing industry in District GDPR, 2010

  24. Non-Metro agricultural real GDPR, 2000-11 (2000=100): sideways or contracting

  25. WAY FORWARD: PERO & MERO • Provincial Top Management and Budget Policy Committee – September 2013 • Presentation on key findings and discussion • IDP Indaba – 16 September 2013 • Cabinet – 2 October • Presentation on key findings and discussion • Approval for publication • Tabling in Provincial Parliament by Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism – 17 October 2013 • Budget Committee in Provincial Parliament - 17 October 2013

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