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A). korant. klopotec. ptuj. pust. B). S. NIJA. LOVE. Lane A. Lane B. Lane A: distance = 243 km time of travel = aproks. 3,5 h. Lane B: distance = 171 km time of travel = aproks. 2,5 h. GENERAL DATA Area: 20273 km2 Population: 1964000 Capital: Ljubljana

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  1. A) korant klopotec ptuj pust

  2. B)


  4. Lane A Lane B Lane A: distance = 243 km time of travel = aproks. 3,5 h Lane B: distance = 171 km time of travel = aproks. 2,5 h

  5. GENERAL DATA Area:20273 km2 Population:1964000 Capital: Ljubljana Official languages:Slovenian, Italian, Hungarian Money: Euro • HISTORY • 7th century → Karantania • End of 8th century → Bavaria • 10th century → first sloenian written document: Freising manuscripts • 14th century → Habsburg monarchy → Austria-Hungary • 1918 State of Slovenians, Croats and Serbians • 1929 Kingdom of Yugoslavia • After 2.w.w. → Democratic Federation Yugoslavia → Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) • 25.6.1991 finaly independent Republic of Slovenia • 1.5.2004 EU • 1.1.2007 euro POPULATION: Slovenians 83,06% Serbians 1,98% Croats 1,8% Bosnians 1,10% Muslims 0,53% Hungarians 0,32% Albanians 0,31% Macedonians 0,20% Montenegrins 0,14% Gypsys 0,17% Italians 0,11 % Austrians, Czechs, Germans, Poles, Russians all togethel less than 0,1% Didn’t ansver 8,90% of population

  6. Šum Javornica Snedca Martuljek Peričnik Rinka WATERFALLS Nežice 150 registrated Savica Lobnica

  7. Bled Ledvica- Triglav 7 lakes Bohinj Zelenci Planinsko Ledavsko Črno LAKES Around 1300 Empty- Cerkniško- Full

  8. Kanin Krvavec Vogel Planica Pokljuka Over 40 SKI CENTERS Mariborsko Pohorje

  9. Križna Škocjanske CAVES Over 120 Pekel Postojnska

  10. Socerb Predjama Žuženberg CASTLES Over 1000 Loški Otočec Murski Ljubljanski Bogenšperk Celjski

  11. Etno

  12. Belokranjska Kostelska Bohinjska Dolenjska N O Š E Prekmurska Rateška Primorska Štajerska

  13. Slovenian NOŠA (national, ethnical autfit)

  14. Piran Štanjel Celje Maribor Ljubljana Nova Gorica Novo mesto Kranjska gora Most na Soči CITYS Only 76 city’s, but over 6000 villages

  15. Potica Bograč Gibanica Krajnska klobasa Jota Bujta repa Štruklji Kraški pršut- Karstic prosciutto Polenta Žganci NATIONAL DISHES

  16. Typical Panonian House PREKMURJE- Overmur Brod over Mura Pozvačin Typical tree lines Mill in Ižakovci Spa The most agricoltural Part of Slovenia Stork

  17. Štajerska- Styria Typical Vinic House Vineyards Hiking Spa Farm turism Mountain biking & Downhill Coal- Mine museums The oldest Slovenian city Adrenalin park

  18. Uršlja Mountain Mountain Peca Koroška-Carinthia Kamniško sedlo King Matjaž Railway museum Skulpture simposium Hydro power plant Dravograd Logarska dolina Prežihova crib

  19. The biggest monastery River Krka DOLENJSKA- Lower Carniola River Island with long history Ribnica masks Museum of slovenian history Hiking way from Litija to Čatež The only gothic church in Slovenia Spa Suha roba

  20. Cave Škocjan NOTRANJSKA- Inner Carniola Proteus anguinus Castle & cave PREDJAMA Rakov Škocjan Castle Snežnik Monastery in Kostanjevica Štanjel karst

  21. Triglav GORENJSKA- Upper Carniola Vintgar Russian chapel

  22. PRIMORSKA- Littoral Osp Gulf of Trieste Salt fields Hrastovlje

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