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Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 商务书信写作的基础知识. Basic Knowledge. Contents. I. Structure of Business Letters. II. Form of Business Letters. III. Addressing Envelopes. 商务英语函电. IV. Writing Principles of the Business Letter. 必须的内容 1---letterhead 信头
Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing商务书信写作的基础知识
Basic Knowledge Contents I. Structure of Business Letters II. Form of Business Letters III. Addressing Envelopes 商务英语函电 IV. Writing Principles of the Business Letter
必须的内容 1---letterhead 信头 2---reference number and date 编号和日期 3---inside name and address 封内地址 4---salutation 称呼 5---body 信文 6---complimentary close 结尾敬语 7---signature 签署 Structure of Business Letters 商务英语函电
可选内容 8---attention line 注意事项 9--subject line 事由 10--enclosure 附件 11--carbon copy notation 抄送 12--postscript 附言 Structure of Business Letters 商务英语函电
一般放在整封信的中上方或左上方,有些公司为方便直接将信头印在信笺上,内容包括发信方公司名称、地址、邮政编码,电话号码、电报挂号、电传号、传真号码等。这里须强调一下,国外地址写时应注意从小写到大,而不是中国人的习惯从大写到小,如中国广东省广州市天河街14号,英文应为:No.14 Tianhe Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. 试试看:中国广西南宁市大学西路168号广西国际商务职业技术学院 Guangxi International Business Vocational College, No.168 West Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China. Letterhead 信头 商务英语函电
---our ref. --- your ref. ---Date 在外贸业务联系中,当一个公司向另一个公司发函时,双方都会给信函编号。编号一般应包括卷宗号码,部门代号或者该封信的签发人及打字员姓名的首字母。一般放在紧挨信头下面的位置,目的是便于归档、查找。 Reference number 编号 商务英语函电
(1) 序数词后面的词尾-th, -st, -nd, -rd 可以省略,比如可以用May 5 代替May 5th,用 June 1代替June 1st.年份中不能用04年代替2004年 (2)日期的表达式最简单的主要有日/月/年(英国),及月/日/年(美国)两种排列法, 如 March 4,2005 March 4th, 2005 4th March, 2005 避免使用:8/28/05 或2005。8。28 Date 日期 商务英语函电
12. 06. 07 S M T W Th F S 18.10.07 S M T W Th F S 21. 03. 07 S M T W Th F S 25. 04. 07 S M T W Th F S 26. 07. 07 S M T W Th F S 05. 11. 07 S M T W Th F S 11. 02. 07 S M T W Th F S 25. 05. 07 S M T W Th F S 27. 12. 07 S M T W Th F S 19. 01. 07 S M T W Th F S Pair Work Activity:Tell your partner the whole date using the information given. 商务英语函电
此名称和地址实为收信人的名称和地址,和信封上的名称地址一样,由于写在信内而称为封内名称地址,目的是为了确保信封与信件的一致性以免装错信封寄错信。封内名称地址的写法与信头写法一致。 在这里要注意的是,有些公司名称使用人名,为了表示尊敬,会在公司名称前加上 Messrs, 如Messrs Bob& Michael Trading Co.。但是如果公司名称里不含人名,或者已经具有尊称,或者有定冠词the时,则不能再使用Messrs这一尊称。此内容放在日期之下,齐左边。 inside name and address封内地址 商务英语函电
Wangfujing Avenue CHINA 49 Beijing 100003 10509 T5H 4K1 CANADA AB Kingsway Avenue Edmonton Word Strips:Put the word strips in correct order. • 126 • Nanjing Road • Shanghai • 200053 • CHINA • 10720 • AB • Princess Elizabeth • Avenue • CANADA • Edmonton • T5G 3K4 商务英语函电
1)写给认识的男性,用Mr.加上姓名,如 Mr. John Smith 对认识的男性,可用头衔或职称代替Mr.表示尊重,如: Doctor John Smith, Professor Joyce willian 3) 对认识的男性,可以同时写上职称甚至工作单位,如: Mr. John Smith, manager Camera Shop 4) 对数位男性,可用Messrs., 如: Messrs. Thomas Wood and John Smith 5) 写给不知姓名的人,可写其职务或所在机构,如: The manager Oriented Bank 6) 写给未婚女性,用Miss, 接姓名;给已婚女性,用Mrs., 给不知婚姻状况的女性,用Ms. 姓名的写法 商务英语函电
外贸英文信函中的称呼跟中文及一般英文信函不同,dear 这个字在普通信函中是“亲爱的”意思,可在商业信函中只表示尊称,如dear Mr. Perton, 对某个人称呼时使用Dear sir, Dear Madam;对两个或两个以上人的称呼使用Dear Sirs ,Dear madames或 Gentlemen.注意:Dear Sirs后面用逗号(,)Gentlemen 后面用冒号(:)对某个人称呼放在封内名称地址之下,齐左边。 Salutation 称呼 商务英语函电
Write a subject line for each of the following messages. Subject: Sundry Goods Quotation Subject Line Please quote us your lowest price for sundry goods, including synthetic fiber good, such as nylong, vinylon, and saran made in Japan. 商务英语函电
Write a subject line for each of the following messages. Subject I Please quote us your lowest price for sundry goods, including synthetic fiber good, such as nylon, vinylon, and saran made in Japan. Subject: II Kindly let us know at what price you are able to deliver quantities of best refined sugar. Subject: III At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling Texas cotton for November? Subject: IV Would you please send me a copy of your leather handbag catalogues with details of your prices and payment terms? Subject V Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? Writing Subject Line 商务英语函电
正文的内容一般都包括开头、正文、结束三部分。开头(opening)讲述写信的原因,正文(body)阐述自己的要求与愿望,结束部分(closing) 向对方表示感谢或表达期望。正文内容会根据具体的交易环节而有所改变,正文格式根据信件格式不同有区别,齐头式下正文全部齐左边,缩进式下正文每一段首行往里缩进 Body 正文 商务英语函电
一般没什么具体的意义,是为了表示尊敬,这类表达式有 yours faithfully, yours truly, yours sincerely, truly yours, etc,. 下面是几组最常见的配套使用的称呼语和结尾敬语。 complimentary close结尾敬语 商务英语函电
签名根据信件格式不同位置有区别,齐头式和简化式下签名放在左边,混合式和改良式下签名放在右边。签名根据信件格式不同位置有区别,齐头式和简化式下签名放在左边,混合式和改良式下签名放在右边。 在结束敬语下面写上签名人姓名,职称打在姓名的下方,如果写信人代表某机构,在签名的上面要打印其代表的机构名称。如: Yours truly, (signature) (Miss) Lucy Steinbeck Yours faithfully, MITSUBISHI CORPORATION (signature) Thomas C. Sutton General Manager, Sales Department Signature 签署 商务英语函电
有时写信人特别希望将这封信送交给谁,会在封内名称地址下添上这一内容,格式多为attention (att.) Mr. Xxx,此内容均齐左边。 如: Attention: The Advertising Manager (由广告经理亲阅) Attention line注意事项 商务英语函电
此内容目的是为了让收信人清楚明了本信函的主要内容,有关商品,与哪些信件是一类的,便于归档,一般放在称呼之下,正文之前,位置根据信函格式有所不同,齐头式下标题放在左边,其它格式的信中,打印在信函的中上部。标题可为商品名称,合同号码,信用证号等。此内容目的是为了让收信人清楚明了本信函的主要内容,有关商品,与哪些信件是一类的,便于归档,一般放在称呼之下,正文之前,位置根据信函格式有所不同,齐头式下标题放在左边,其它格式的信中,打印在信函的中上部。标题可为商品名称,合同号码,信用证号等。 subject line 事由 商务英语函电
如本信函附有目录,价格表,定单,电文复印件或其他相关文件,须在信函中注明,以便查找,格式多为encl., en., 一般放在签名之下,不论信件格式如何,均齐左边。 如: enclosure: 3 copies as stated Enclosure 附件 商务英语函电
此内容表示本信函复制了一份送给某部门或某人,一般放在附录之下,不论信件格式如何,齐左边。 如:c.c.Manager carbon copy 抄送 商务英语函电
此内容为信后忘写部分,类似中文信件中的“另”。常常将附言补写在比“抄送”低两行的地方。此内容为信后忘写部分,类似中文信件中的“另”。常常将附言补写在比“抄送”低两行的地方。 C/O: in care of 由。。。转交 如: Prof. Henry K. Wenger C/o Mr. Michael L. Mogan postscript: P.S. 商务英语函电
(1)齐头式(Full Block Form) 信头 编号 日期 封内名称地址 称呼 正文 结尾敬语 签名 Form of Business Letters 商务英语函电
Blyco Arts and Crafts Grorp B.V Ossterstra2, 7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: +31-671-5387431 Fax: +31-671-5387432 Date: April 24,2004 Guangxi Arts and Crafts Import & Export Corp 168 Daxue Road Nanning, Guangxi, 530007 China Your ref: C9246 Our ref: bwbw Sub: Reply to Business Relationship Establishment Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004.We are a company that is ,for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your country, although not from Xi’an. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment , will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. Yours faithfully, Blyco Arts and Crafts Group B.V (signed)… J. Kistemaker Manager 齐头式信函 商务英语函电
信头 编号和日期 封内名称和地址 称呼 正文 结尾敬语 签名 (2)混合式(Modified Block Form with Indented Style) 商务英语函电
Ossterstra2, 7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: +31-671-5387431 Fax: +31-671-5387432 改良式 Date: April 24,2004 Guangxi Arts and Crafts Import & Export Corp 168 Daxue Road Nanning, Guangxi, 530007 China Your ref: C9246 Our ref: bwbw Sub: Reply to Business Relationship Establishment Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004.We are a company that is ,for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your country, although not from Xi’an. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment , will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. Yours faithfully, Blyco Arts and Crafts Group B.V (signed)… J. Kistemaker Manager 混合式信函 商务英语函电
信头 编号和日期 封内名称和地址 称呼 正文 结尾敬语 签名 改良式(Modified Block Form) 商务英语函电
Blyco Arts and Crafts Grorp B.V Ossterstra2, 7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: +31-671-5387431 Fax: +31-671-5387432 Date: April 24,2004 Guangxi Arts and Crafts Import & Export Corp 168 Daxue Road Nanning, Guangxi, 530007 China Your ref: C9246 Our ref: bwbw Sub: Reply to Business Relationship Establishment Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004.We are a company that is ,for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your country, although not from Xi’an. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment , will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. Yours faithfully, Blyco Arts and Crafts Group B.V (signed)… J. Kistemaker Manager 改良式(Modified Block Form) 商务英语函电
信头 编号和日期 封内名称和地址 正文 签名 (4)简化式(Simplified Form) 省略了称呼语和结尾敬语等部份 商务英语函电
Blyco Arts and Crafts Grorp B.V Ossterstra2, 7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: +31-671-5387431 Fax: +31-671-5387432 Date: April 24,2004 Guangxi Arts and Crafts Import & Export Corp 168 Daxue Road Nanning, Guangxi, 530007 China Your ref: C9246 Our ref: bwbw Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004.We are a company that is ,for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your country, although not from Xi’an. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment , will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. J. Kistemaker Manager 简化式信函 商务英语函电
信头 编号和日期 封内名称和地址 注意事项(齐左边) 称呼 事由(齐头式下齐左边,其它格式下放中间) 信文 结尾敬语 签署 附件(齐左边) 抄送(齐左边) 附言(齐左边) 转交(齐左边) 格式一览表 商务英语函电
10720 Jasper AveEdmonton, AB T5H 6G6 CANADA 18th October 2005 T&T Ltd. 234 Pudong Ave Shanghai 200001 CHINA Dear Sirs: Label the parts We are glad to note from your letter of 8th October that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire. At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C. I. F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. 商务英语函电
10720 Jasper AveEdmonton, AB T5H 6G6 CANADA 18th October 2005 T&T Ltd.234 Pudong AveShanghai 200001CHINA Dear Sirs: We are glad to note from your letter of 8th October that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire. At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C. I. F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully,J.W.T. WongJoe Wong Label the parts Letterhead Date Inside address Salutation 商务英语函电 Body Signature Complimentary close
在商务书信的信封左上角,一般有提前打印好的写信人的地址。收信人的地址则打印在信封的中部。邮票贴在信封的右上角,而左下角是为了加印诸如“绝密”,“秘密”等字样。在商务书信的信封左上角,一般有提前打印好的写信人的地址。收信人的地址则打印在信封的中部。邮票贴在信封的右上角,而左下角是为了加印诸如“绝密”,“秘密”等字样。 Addressing envelope Sender’s name and address 商务英语函电 stamp Receiver’s name and address Remarks
1.Private 私人信2.Confidential 机密信 3.Registered 挂号邮件4.Express 快递邮件5.Ordinary Mail 平信6.Immediate(Urgent) 急件7.Printed Matter 印刷品8.Sample 样品 Remarks 商务英语函电
Over Trading Co., 153 Market Street London, E.C.3 China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. Corporation Er Li Gou, Xijiao Beijing, China Confidential Indented Form 商务英语函电
Over Trading Co., 153 Market Street London, E.C.3 China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. Corporation Er Li Gou, Xijiao Beijing, China Confidential Block Form 齐头式 商务英语函电
7 “C” 1) Courtesy 礼貌 语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。 2) Consideration 体谅 写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。 Writing Principles of business Letters写信的原则 商务英语函电
3) Completeness 完整 一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。 4) Clarity 清楚 意思表达明确,要注意: (一)避免用词错误:(二)注意词语所放的位置:(三)注意句子的结构: 商务英语函电
5)Conciseness 简洁 (一)避免废话连篇(二)避免不必要的重复 (三)短句、单词的运用 6)Concreteness 具体 7)Correctness 正确 商务英语函电