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Admission s & R eco r ds 101. Adjun c t Orient a tion Steve Erwin Di r ec tor of Admis s ions an d R ec o r ds. Y our Clas s R oster.
Admissions&Records 101 AdjunctOrientation Steve Erwin DirectorofAdmissionsand Records Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
Your ClassRoster • Go to my.canyons.eduto emailyourselfa copy ofyour roster.ClickonTerm Roster in PDF,selectterm, select email,then checkyouremail-includingyour junk folder. • Infoonroster • PrintedDate/TimeStamped(bottomrighthandofroster) • Deadlinedates foryour classarein the upper right hand sideofthe roster. Pleaseincludetheseonyoursyllabus. • Checkyour roster each week. • Verifythestudents in yourclassareon yourrosterand thoseon your roster are • sitting inyour class. • Verify your Canvas Roster and your My Canyons roster match one another as well. • Rosterincludes enrolledstudents, waitlistedstudents, and add codes. • Firstpage–enrolledstudents • Secondpage –waitlistandadd codes Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
Waitlist • Ifyour classgoestoa waitlist,you willneed addcodeson your firstday ofclass. • Priorto the start ofyour class,ifa seat opens inyourclass, we willfill your classwithstudents from your waitlisteachday. Westopenrollingstudents fromthewaitlisttoyour roster on theFridaybefore your classstarts. • On the firstday ofclass,take rollto see how manyseats you have available.Onceyou have seats available,please enroll students into your course startingwith #1on your waitlist. Continue to godown your waitlistuntilallseats in your class are full. • Studentswill needanaddcodeformfromyouto enrollin yourclass. • Enteryourclassname, section number,firstdateofattendance,add codenumber, and sign the form. • Thestudent canprocessthe formonlineorin person. Allinformationon • the formis neededifthey processthe formin person. Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
Drops • AtCollegeofthe Canyons,there arethreetimesyoucandropstudents fromyourclass;twoofwhich aremandatory. • No Show–mandatory • A no-showdropis processed ifthe studentdoesnotattendthe firstdayof class.A no-showdropmustberecordedduringthefirstweekofyourclass. • Census–mandatory • A censusdropmustbeprocessed after thefirst day ofclassbut beforethe add deadlineofthe course.This willbeused ifthestudentattendedthe first day ofclassbut stoppedattendingpriortothe add/dropdeadline. • Withdrawal– optionalbutrecommended • A withdrawalmaybe processedupuntilthewithdrawaldeadlineofyour course (75% of the course).Ifthe studentstoppedattendingduringtheterm,pleasedropthe studentwithawithdrawal.Ifyoudonotdropthestudentpriortothe withdrawaldeadline, youmustassignagradeto thestudentat theendofthe term. • AlldropsshouldbeprocessedthroughMyCanyons. Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
CourseDeadline Dates FinalExamsarethelastweekofclasses. Thereis no“finalsweek”at College ofthe Canyons. Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
Grades At CollegeoftheCanyonswehavea 48hourdeadline.Allgradesmustbe turnedin nolaterthan 48 hours after your last class meeting.AllgradesareenteredintoMyCanyons. A,B, C, D,F, andFWcanbe assignedtoa studentas afinalgrade. Ifyourclassisofferedasa Pass/NoPass option,you willseethecolumnP/NP marked asYes. Please usethose gradesforanyclassorstudentmarked withaYin the P/NP columnin MyCanyons. Incompletesaregiventostudentsifthereisanextenuatingcircumstancethat preventedthestudent fromcompletingyourcourse.It is yourchoiceifyou wanttoofferthe studentanincomplete,youare not required to offer an incomplete grade. Also, you willworkwiththe studentindependentlyforthefollowingtermforthemto complete thecoursework.Theycannotattenda classin the nextterm to make upcoursework. Incompletegradecontract–mustbe turnedinwiththefinalgrades. i. ii.Changetoagrade–Thegradewilldefaulttothegradeassignedon theincompleteform ifa grade changeformwasnot turnedin by theend of the followingterm. FWgradesareusedfora studentwhostopped attendingthecourseafter thewithdrawaldeadline.This showsotherschools,financialaid,andcounselorsthat thestudentdidnotcompletethecourseortake thefinal. We do nothave +or–grades. You cannotassignaW gradeat the endoftheterm. Ifyou forgottodropa student,thenagrademust beassigned.Thegradewillmostlikelybea FW. Gradescannotbe turnedin early. Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
GradeChanges Cannot change a gradeto drop/withdraw;however, student may petitionto have a grade changedto a drop or W. Gradechanges areinduplicateforms–one for you and one for Admissions& Records. The only reasonyou may filea gradechangefor a student is becauseofMistake,BadFaith,Fraud,orIncompetency (Title5 section55025andBoard Policy4321). Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
Petitions There aremany petitionsinthe Admissions andRecords office thatmay be brought to you by astudent.Eachpetition is reviewedinthe Admissions andRecordsFacultyHandbook. Copiesofthe petitionscanbe foundon www.canyons.edu/intranet,underdepartments,then Admissions. Overlap Repeat In Progress Level/SectionTransfer Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation
FERPA Allstudentrecords aretobe kept confidential.Pleasedo not share student information withanyone but the student. Use the student’s @my.canyons.eduemailaddressonly. Do not speak withparents about theirstudent’s gradesor attendancein your class. Visitone ofour many FERPA FLEXpresentationsfor more information. Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation 10
A&ROfficeIntranetSite For usernameand password,please contact theIT help desk. intranet.canyons.edu->OfficeDirectory->Admissions and Records MYCANYONS Everythingis easily accessibleon my.canyons.edu. A&R CONTACT Linda De Leon FacultyLiaison (661) 362-3629 Linda.deleon@canyons.edu Collegeof the CanyonsFacultyOrientation 11