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Natural Cure For Piles Or Bleeding Hemorrhoids Problem

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Natural Cure For Piles Or Bleeding Hemorrhoids Problem

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  1. Natural Cure For Hemorrhoids Problem Hemorrhoids are inflated veins that are present in the bottom part of the rectum and the anus. Because of the increased stress within them, the veins become inflamed and this pressure is generally caused because of profuse diarrhea, constipation or even during pregnancy in women due to the enlargement of uterus.

  2. Internal Hemorrhoids Internal hemorrhoids: They are located in the inside lining of the rectum and it cannot be felt as this type is generally painless. However, the presence can be known by the presence of blood in the stool. In some patients, internal piles can protrude or prolapsed through the anus.

  3. External Hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids: They are those located underneath the skin that surrounds the anus. This type can be felt as it generally causes pain and itching sensation along with bleeding along with stool.

  4. Causes of Hemorrhoids • Thrombosed external hemorrhoids: When the blood within the vein clots, a condition called as thrombosed external hemorrhoids can happen and this type will cause significant pain to the patients. • What causes hemorrhoids? • Generally, this condition is associated with straining during evacuation and constipation.

  5. Causes of Hemorrhoids • In some women, pregnancy can also lead to piles as the uterus grows with the growth of the fetus and causes pressure to the organs around inclusive of the hemorrhoidal veins. • Other conditions like chronic liver disease can also lead to increased venous pressure, thereby leading to piles.

  6. Treatment of Hemorrhoids Irrespective of the above-mentioned reasons contributing towards piles, the relieving news is that patients can find relief with natural cure for piles and they need not have to face the embarrassment of visiting the doctor for obtaining this natural cure.

  7. Pilesgon Capsules This natural cure named as Pilesgon capsule is a non-prescription remedy for hemorrhoids. How can these capsules help? These capsules can provide natural cure for bleeding hemorrhoids problem due to the effective ingredient present and here are the details about the ingredients:

  8. Nagkesar • Nagkesarcan be effective in removal of toxins from the digestive system and it can cure slow digestion problem. It is added to this herbal remedy because it is known to be a hemostatic herb, which means that it can reduce excessive bleeding from the body.

  9. Ritha • Rithacan provide remedy to a number of conditions like constipation, nausea, epilepsy, pimples and common cold. As it can help with constipation, it is added to Pilesgon capsules as the natural cure for piles.

  10. Kttha • Ktthawith its scientific name as acacia catechu can bring about an inhibitory effect on the growth of fungi and it can stop bleeding as well. It is made as a part of these capsules because of its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties to provide natural cure for piles.

  11. Haritaki • Haritakidue to its laxative, stomachic, purgative and astringent properties became a part of this herbal remedy for natural cure for bleeding hemorrhoids problem.

  12. Other Ingredients In Pilesgon Capsules Rasaunt, kalijiri, ayapana, indrajau, khunshosha and shudhtakan are the other ingredients in Pilesgon capsules. All these herbal ingredients work together, to make these capsules the best natural cure for bleeding hemorrhoids problem.

  13. Subscribe Us Buy Pilesgon Capsules At AyushRemedies.in

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