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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO Virtual Tour to Museums Secuencia Didáctica Profesora: Carmen Regina Aida Lara López. Aprendizaje. Temas. Estrategia.
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICOVirtual Tour to MuseumsSecuencia DidácticaProfesora:Carmen Regina Aida Lara López
Estrategia Los alumnos leerán sobre los museos virtuales, su estructura y funcionamiento. Se presentarán algunos de los museos en línea en el mundo, se ofrecerán las ligas para que puedan visitarlos y se harán algunas preguntas sobre el contenido y su opinión de la experiencia de aprendizaje.
Habilidades a cubrir • Comprensión de lectura: el alumno leerá textos con atención para obtener la idea general. Utilizará vocabulario nuevo para descubrir por contexto su significado y confirmará el uso de vocabulario conocido en entornos auténticos apoyándose en las imágenes ofrecidas por los sitios. • Expresión oral: recurre a las preguntas anotadas en la actividades como su guía para compartir con compañeros los descubrimientos realizados al revisar la información disponible así como llevar a cabo la reflexión sobre su experiencia en la visita a los museos virtuales. • Expresión escrita: el estudiante escribe las preguntas de reflexión propuesta para desarrollar esta habilidad. Además, puede escribir sobre su experiencia en general y estructurar nuevas preguntas que considere interesantes para conocer la experiencia de otros y compartir sus ideas con sus compañeros.
Tiempo didáctico • Tiempo total necesario para el desarrollo de la secuencia didáctica (en el aula y extraclase). Una hora y treinta minutos. Se propone 15 minutos dedicados a recorrer cada museo y 45 minutos para realizar las actividades de producción oral, escrita y comprensión de lectura.
Actividades: Inicio y Desarrollo INICIO: La mediateca o el maestro puede ofrecer un espacio en blogger o webs donde inserte el siguiente Power Point para realizar las visitas a museos virtuales como se muestra en la siguiente pantalla en el ícono que se llama Workshop. Los usuarios leen las instrucciones donde se les indica que lean el texto que presenta sobre tres museos diferentes: el Museo Smithsoniano, el Mouse del Louvre y la Capilla Sixtina. DESARROLLO: Los estudiantes entran a cada una de las ligas proporcionadas para que visiten un museo virtual. Se les solicita que lo exploren.
Reading • It was founded in 1846. The Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex. It consists of 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and nine research facilities. • This museum’s mission is the increase and diffusion of knowledge. • Their vision is shape the future by preserving human heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing resources with the world.
Reading • Their values are discovery, creativity, excellence, diversity, integrity and service. • Virtual museum and exhibitions have been created to fulfilled part of their challenges such as broadening access through digitizing their collections. • Their four grand challenges are: unlocking the mysteries of the universe; understanding and sustaining a biodiverse planet; valuing world cultures and understanding the American experience.
Visit the virtual museum • http://www.mnh.si.edu/vtp/2-mobile/ Instructions: • Click on above link to visit the museum. • Select a room. • You’ll see a panoramic view of the room. • On the screen bottom you will find icons to move through the rooms. • Advance as if you were walking by clicking on the arrows.
Reflection Answer the following questions: • Have you ever visited an on line museum? When? Did you enjoy it? Please explain. • What do you think about the Smithsonian? • What is your opinion about their challenges? • Complete a message to them about your experience in their virtual museum?
References • Smithsonian. (2013). National Museum of Natural History. Consultado en septiembre de 2013 desde: http://www.si.edu/ • Smithsonian. (2013). National Museum of Natural History. Consultado en septiembre de 2013 desde: http://www.mnh.si.edu/vtp/2-mobile/
Reading • The Sistine Chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV who had the old Cappella Magna restored. The 15th century decoration of the walls includes: the false drapes, the Stories of Moses and of Christ . Also there are portraits of the Popes. It was executed by a team of painters made up initially of Pietro Perugino, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Cosimo Rosselli. • The work on the frescoes began in 1481. There are works in marble and in 1508 to Michelangelo Buonarroti, who painted the Ceiling . The work was finished in October 1512 and on the Feast of All Saints (November 1st.), Julius II inaugurated the Sistine Chapel with a solemn Mass. • The nine central panels show the stories of Genesis, from the Creation to the Fall of man, to the Flood and the subsequent rebirth of mankind with the family of Noah.
Visit the virtual museum • http://www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/sistina_vr/ Instructions: • Click on above link to visit the museum. • You’ll see a panoramic view of the room. • On the screen bottom you will find icons to move through the view. • You can have a view of 360 degrees by clicking the arrows.
Reflections Answer the following questions: • Were you interested in The Vatican before? How? Please explain. • What do you think about this kind of artwork? Do you preferred a different one? Which one? • Have you been in a place like that? Who did you go with? If not, please explain why not. • Can you describe your experience of virtually visiting the Sistine Chapel? Use adjectives and adverbs to explain it.
References • Vatican Museums. (2007). Holy See. Recuperado desde: http://www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/sistina_vr/ • Vatican Museums. (2007). The Sistine Chapel. Recuperado desde: http://mv.vatican.va/3_EN/pages/CSN/CSN_Storia.html
Louvre Museum Virtual TourReading • The Louvre, in its successive architectural metamorphoses, has dominated central Paris since the late 12th century. The museum is located in the city's western edge, the original structure was gradually absorbed as the city grew. • The dark fortress of the early days was transformed into the modernized dwelling of François I and, later, the sumptuous palace of the Sun King, Louis XIV. • Nowadays, the Louvre is owned by the French government; however, since the 1990s it has become more independent.
Egyptian antiquities • The department has over 50,000 pieces, includes artifacts from the Nile civilizations which date from 4,000 BC to the 4th century. The collection, among the world's largest, overviews Egyptian life including Ancient Egypt, the Middle Kingdom, the New Kingdom, Coptic art, and the Roman, Ptolemaic and Byzantine periods. • It is guarded by the Large Sphinx , the collection is housed in more than 20 rooms. The collection includes art, papyrus scrolls, mummies, tools, clothing, jewelry, games, musical instruments, and weapons.
Visit the virtual museum • http://musee.louvre.fr/visite-louvre/index.html?defaultView=rdc.s46.p01&lang=ENG Instructions: • Click on above link to visit the museum. • You’ll see a panoramic view of the room. • There is an arrow that you move with your keyboard to visit the rooms. • You can have a view of 360 degrees.
Reflection • Did you hear before about any French Museum before? How? When? Please explain. • If you have to send an e-mail to the administration, what would you tell them? It may be a congratulation message or something you consider they should change about the exhibition. Which would be your comment? Write about it. • Would you recommend virtual museums to your friends? What would you tell them?
References • Louvre. (2007). Egyptian Antiquities. Consultado en septiembre de 2013 desde: http://musee.louvre.fr/visite-louvre/index.html?defaultView=rdc.s46.p01&lang=ENG • Louvre. (2007). History of the Louvre. Consultado en septiembre de 2013 desde: http://www.louvre.fr/en/history-louvre • Louvre. (2007). Tales of the Museum. The Egyptian Expedition. Consultado en septiembre de 2013 desde: http://www.louvre.fr/en/tales-of-the-museum/egyptian-expedition?list_type=index • Photo Piggy as Mona Lisa recuperado de: http://expohumor.blogspot.mx/2013/02/mona-lisa-me-das-risa.html • Photo Homer Simpson recuperado de: http://users2.ml.mindenkilapja.hu/users/bartman/uploads/homer-god.jpg • Photo Snoopy recuperado de: http://www.kungdesign.com/portfolio-item/snoopys-garden/
Extra Activity Do you know where you can find the originals?
References • Photo Piggy as Mona Lisa. Extraído en agosto de 2013 desde: http://expohumor.blogspot.mx/2013/02/mona-lisa-me-das-risa.html • Photo Homer Simpson. Extraído en agosto de 2013 desde: http://users2.ml.mindenkilapja.hu/users/bartman/uploads/homer-god.jpg • Photo Snoopy. Extraído en agosto de 2013 desde: http://www.kungdesign.com/portfolio-item/snoopys-garden/
Referencias de Apoyo Para consulta y uso de profesores, creación de blogs y accesos directos: http://www.webs.com/ https://accounts.google.com http://support.microsoft.com/kb/140443/es
Anexo 1. Rúbrica para la evaluación de la producción oral y escrita
Anexo 1. Rúbrica para la evaluación de la producción oral y escrita