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Lesson Outline. Introductions Revisit week 2 Saying good bye Numbers 1-10 and 1 st -10 th Saying hello and asking how you are. Replying with various answers. Asking “Who is that?” and replying with “It is…”. Numbers…. Zero zero One un Two deux Three trois Four quatre Five cinq
Lesson Outline • Introductions • Revisit week 2 • Saying good bye • Numbers 1-10 and 1st-10th • Saying hello and asking how you are. Replying with various answers. • Asking “Who is that?” and replying with “It is…”
Numbers… Zero zero One un Two deux Three trois Four quatre Five cinq Six six Seven sept Eight huit Nine neuf Ten dix
Placings… First premier Second deuxieme Third troisieme Fourth quatrieme Fifth cinquieme Sixth sixieme Seventh septieme Eighth huitieme Ninth neuvieme Tenth dixieme
Exercise… “Je suis” means “I am” in French, so practise saying I am fifth, or I am seventh amongst yourselves for a quick minute. Any volunteers???
Asking “How are you?” • Salut, ca va? (Hello, how are you?) • Ca va, et toi? (I’m fine, what about you?) • Ca va. (I’m fine.) • Ca va bien (I’m doing well) • Je suis triste (I am sad) • Je suis malade (I am sick) • Je suis fatigue (I am tired)
Exercise… Person 1 - Say hello and ask how you are… Person 2 - Reply with how you are feeling and ask how the other person is. Person 1 – Reply with how you are feeling then say goodbye. • Salut/bonjour, ca va? (Hello, how are you?) • Ca va, et toi? (I’m fine, what about you?) • Ca va. (I’m fine.) • Ca va bien (I’m doing well) • Je suis triste (I am sad) • Je suis malade (I am sick) • Je suis fatigue (I am tired)
More greetings… • Ca va mal – not well/badly • Ca vatres mal – not at all well/very badly • Commeci, comme ca – so, so • Oui, ca va. • Non, ca va mal. • Moiaussi – me too/so am I