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JavaScript Logic Conditionals, Branches, Tests… Oh My!

INFO100 and CSE100. Fluency with Information Technology. JavaScript Logic Conditionals, Branches, Tests… Oh My!. Katherine Deibel. JavaScript So Far…. Plain text instructions for dynamic pages In <script type="text/ javascript ></script> tags Or in a separate file Variables

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JavaScript Logic Conditionals, Branches, Tests… Oh My!

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  1. INFO100 and CSE100 Fluency with Information Technology JavaScript LogicConditionals, Branches, Tests… Oh My! Katherine Deibel Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  2. JavaScript So Far… • Plain text instructions for dynamic pages • In <script type="text/javascript></script> tags • Or in a separate file • Variables • Boolean, string, or numeral • Declared with var • Operators • +, -, *, /, % • + concatenates strings Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  3. Read Line By Line • Remember, browsers read HTML, CSS, and JavaScript line-by-line • What if we want the browser to skip a line? • We could put it inside a comment but the browser would just ignore it • What we want is logical branching • Example: If I am out of underwear, do laundry Else put on underwear Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  4. Logic in Programming • Many names: conditionals, branches, tests • Programs are typically step-to-step and sequential • Branches allow programs to follow different paths of execution based on • User feedback • Variable values • Comparisons between values Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  5. Vocabulary • Boolean: a value that is true or false • Boolean variable: a JS variable that has been set to either true or false • [Boolean] test: a computation that returns a Boolean value Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  6. Conditionals • Conditionals test an expression to see ifit is true or false • General Form: if(<Boolean expression>) <Then statement>; • In JavaScript:if(day == "Monday") evening_plan = "Watch HIMYM"; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  7. No ; after if • Do not put a semicolon after an if statement: if(day == "Monday");  BAD!! • View the if statement and its following line as one statement: if(day == "Monday") plan = "HIMYM"; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  8. Effects of a Conditional Test • Only some statements are executed "Are they equal?" test day == "Monday" Yes evening_plan= "Watch HIMYM" No Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  9. True or False? • All conditions result in either true or false • The condition is usually a test • Example: day == "Monday" • Conditions can also be a Boolean value • Suppose leap_year is a Boolean variable: if(leap_year)Feb_days = 29; • Which is equivalent to: if(leap_year == true)Feb_days= 29; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  10. If-Then-Else • Branch both ways with If-Then-Else: if(<Boolean expression>) <Then statement>; else <Else Statement>; • In JavaScript: if(leapYear)daysInFeb = 29; elsedaysInFeb= 28; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  11. If-Then-Else if(leapYear) True False daysInFeb = 29 daysInFeb = 28 Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  12. If-Else If- Else if(month == "January") days = 31; else if (month == "February") days = 28; else if (month == "March") days = 31; … else if (month == "December") days = 31; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  13. A Slight Diversion:Some JS Functions Alert, Confirm, Random Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  14. Functions (in programming) • Functions are not like math functions • Functions are subroutines • One or more statements separate from the main program • Functions are called by the main program or other functions • Functions simplify writing code by allowing coders to reuse complex statements without copying/pasting Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  15. JS Function: Math.random() • Returns a random decimal number x from the range 0≤x<1 • Usage: var x = Math.random(); Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  16. JS Function: alert("…") • Generates a message box with an OK button • Message box displays the message string that is alert's parameter • Example:alert("Let's show off the alert() function"); Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  17. JS function: confirm("…") • The operation confirm() is like alert() except it has two buttons: Cancel and OK • When the user clicks a button, the system returns to the program the information of which button was clicked: • Cancel  0 • OK  1 • We can illustrate this behavior Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  18. Demo: confirm() <html xmlns="http;//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>FirstJavaScript</title> <style type="text/css"> body {background-color: black; color: gold; font-family; corbel;} </style> </head> <body> <h1>ShowingSimple JS</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> varwhatButton; whatButton= confirm("Do you bring your clicker to class every lecture?"); if(whatButton== 1) alert("You clicked OK"); else alert("You clicked Cancel"); </script> </body> </html> Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  19. Demo: confirm() Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  20. Doing More Work • With if and if-else statements, only the immediate statement after the if and the else are executed: if(temp < 32) water = "ice"; state = "frozen";  always executed • To do more stuff, we could test again if(temp < 32) water = "ice"; if(temp < 32) state = "frozen"; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  21. Compound Statements • A better solution: compound statement • Any number of statements enclosed in curly braces { }, is treated as one statement • Example: if(temp < 32) { water = "ice"; state = "frozen"; } No semicolon after the brace!! Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  22. If within an If if(clean_clothes > 0) if(day=="Saturday") morning_plan = "Sleep In"; else morning_plan = "Do_Laundry"; If there are no clean clothes …? Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  23. If within an If: Caution if(clean_clothes > 0) if(day=="Saturday") morning_plan = "Sleep In"; else morning_plan = "Do_Laundry"; Else always associates with the nearest if. Indentation does not matter! Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  24. How JS Interprets the Code if(clean_clothes > 0) if(day=="Saturday") morning_plan = "Sleep In"; else morning_plan = "Do_Laundry"; Put nested ifs in compound statements Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  25. The Better Code if(clean_clothes > 0) { if(day=="Saturday") { morning_plan = "Sleep In"; } } else { morning_plan = "Do_Laundry"; } Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  26. Recommended Practice • Always use curly braces with if and if-else statements • Most of the time, you will be doing it anyhow • Easier to add more statements later Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  27. Relational & Logic Operators Paging Dr. Ruth or Dr. Spock… Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  28. Relational Operators • Make comparisons between numeric values • Used in if statements and for stop tests in loops (later topic) • Outcome is a Boolean value, true or false < less than <= less than or equal to == equal to != not equal to >= greater than or equal to > greater than Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  29. = versus == • = is the assignment operator • == is the test for equivalence • Never use = in an if-statement! • It will usually always default to true. Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  30. Logic Operators • Allow you to combine multiple testsx && y both x AND y must be truex || y either x OR y must be true • Good practice to put each test in parentheses • Example:if(leapYear && (month == "February")) days = 29; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  31. Comparing Strings • You can use relational operators with strings as well • "Alice" < "Bob"  true • "Alice" == "Bob"  false • "Alice" >= "Bob"  false • "Alice" == "Alice"  • "Alice" == "alice"  • "Alice" >= "Alice"  • true • false • true Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

  32. Summary • Conditional statements allow us to execute some statements and not others • The test is enclosed in parentheses • We always use compound statements to group the operations of conditional statements properly • A compound statement is just a bunch of statements inside of { } … DO NOT follow it with a ; Katherine Deibel, Fluency in Information Technology

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