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National Consumer Agency Grocery Shopping Market Research Findings July 2009 A Report by. A. Research Background & Methodology.
National Consumer Agency Grocery Shopping Market Research Findings July 2009 A Report by
A. Research Background & Methodology • Amárach Research was commissioned in 2009 to continue the programme of research being conducted by the National Consumer Agency with a view to maintaining the considerable momentum gathered throughout 2007-2008 in terms of empowering the consumer. • Key to the research is the comparison (where possible) of data collected in previous waves i.e. Benchmark (Nov/Dec 2007), Wave 1 (Aug 2008), Wave 2 (Nov/Dec 2008) with the current consumer landscape Wave 3 (May/June 2009) illustrating the impact of the NCA in relevant areas and highlighting areas for further development. • The research was conducted by means of face-to-face interviewing with 1,000 people between the ages of 15-74. • To ensure that the data is nationally representative, quotas were applied on the basis of age, gender, social class and region. • Interviewing was conducted over a 4 week period in May/June 2009.
B. Profile of Sample – I (Base: All aged 15-74 – 1,000) MAIN GROCERY SHOPPER % % % % 15-17 AB 18-24 Married Male C1 Yes No 25-34 Living as Married C2 35-44 Single 45-54 Female D 55-64 E Wid/Div/ Sep F50+ 65-74 F50-
B. Profile of Sample – II – Main Grocery Shoppers (Base: All Mainly Responsible for Grocery Shopping in Home – 556) % % % % 18-24 (16) AB (12) Male (45) 25-34 (24) C1 (26) Married (43) 35-44 (17) Living as Married (10) C2 (26) Female (55) 45-54 (17) Single (37) D (20) 55-64 (10) Wid/Div/ Sep (10) E (7) 65-74 (9) F50+(7) F50- (2) ( ) = Total Sample
Main Reasons for Choice of Main Grocery Shop (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Wave 3 2009 Wave 2 2008 Wave 1 2008 Benchmark 2007 Main Reasons % % % % ** ** – Price continues to be the key driver of choice of the main grocery shop, followed by convenience. ** Not asked in July 2008.
Own Brands versus Regular Brands x Sub-Groups (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Wave 3 2009 Total Male Female ABC1 C2DE % % % % % Own brand (32) (27) (34) (33) (35) Regular brand (68) (73) (67) (66) (65) Identical to the previous wave, on average, just over one third of goods bought by consumers are own brand goods. Men and ABC1s continue to be more inclined than women to buy regular brand goods. () = wave 2 2008
Own Brand Goods Bought Most Often (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Primary Secondary % % Those who are responsible for the main grocery shop are most likely to buy own branded toilet tissue and household cleaning products. They are least likely to buy own branded beer, baby products and tea or coffee. * New Question ( ) = % of grocery shoppers who buy products
Branded Goods Bought Most Often (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Primary Secondary % % Of those who buy beer., tea/coffee and baby products, over 4 in 5 buy branded goods. * New Question ( ) = % of grocery shoppers who buy products
Features of Convenience which Determine Choice of Shop (Base: All choosing their main shop for convenience – 275) Features of Convenience % Wave 3 2009 Wave 2 2008 Wave 1 2008 (+11%) - As with previous waves, the location of the store accounts for the largest share of the element of “convenience” when choosing main shop. Good prices/best prices is on the increase. All others 1% or less
Change in Grocery Shopping Since the Start of the Year (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Change in Grocery Shopping % Male 38% Female 54% Continual change evident, setting in habits not evident yet. Yes No ABC1 58% C2DE 49% (51%) (49%) Consistent with Nov/Dec, 1 in 2 have changed the way in which they do their grocery shop since the start of the year. Women and ABC1’s are most likely to have changed their grocery shopping behaviour. () = Wave 2 2008
Changes Made to the Grocery Shopping Since the Start of the Year (Base: All who changed their shopping behaviour since the start of the year – 281) Wave 3 2009 Wave 2 2008 Wave 1 2008 Changes to Grocery Shopping % % % (+14%) (-8%) ** ** Cutting back on treats is the main change that grocery shoppers are beginning to do since the start of the year, followed by buying cheaper versions of products. However, the greatest change from the previous wave is the amount of grocery shoppers who are buying less since the start of the year (34%). 14% have begun shopping up North. ** Not asked in previous waves
Reasons for Changing Shopping Habits (Base: All who have changed their shopping habits – 281) Wave 3 2009 Wave 2 2008 % % - Almost 1 in 4 of those who have changed their shopping habits tend to be spending less. This is more than likely down to the fact that where they are shopping now is cheaper and they are cutting down on what they are buying. All others 2% or less
Shopping Around (Base: All aged 15-74 – 1,000) Comparison of prices Where most likely to shop around/compare prices* % % % I always compare/shop around for better prices 75% 75% I sometimes compare/shop around for better prices I very rarely compare/shop around for better prices I never compare/shop around for better prices # All others 1% or less Consistently, 3 in 4 shop around for better prices with over 2 in 5 most likely to shop around and compare prices for supermarkets & newsagents. * New Question
Key Influencing Factors in Determining Where to Shop (Base: All Aged 15-74 – 1,000) Strongest Influencing Factor Wave 3 2009 Wave 2 2008 % % Price Convenience Shopped there previously Service Other Don’t know Price has increased its importance as a key influencing factor in determining where to shop.
Biggest Influencing Factors Across Sectors – I (Base: All aged 15-74 – 1,000) Price Convenience Service Having shopped there previously % % % % * Asked of the full sample – both grocery shoppers and non-grocery shoppers. – Service is the biggest influencing factor in determining what restaurants or hotel to visit. Price, convenience and having shopped their previously are all most important when choosing a supermarket or newsagents to shop in. # New question
Biggest Influencing Factors Across Sectors – II (Base: All aged 15-74 – 1,000) Price Convenience Service Having shopped there previously % % % % – – – – – – – – – – # New question
Appendix Branded v. Unbranded Product Category Choices
Own Brand V’s Branded Goods – I (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Own Branded Goods Most Likely to Buy Branded Goods Most Likely to Buy % % Consumers who are responsible for the main grocery shop are most likely to buy branded goods of tea/coffee, breakfast cereals, yoghurts, bread, chocolate and sweets. They are most likely to buy branded goods of toilet tissue/kitchen towel, household cleaning products and milk. * New Question
Own Brand V’s Branded Goods – II (Base: All main grocery shoppers – 562) Own Branded Goods Most Likely to Buy Branded Goods Most Likely to Buy % % Those responsible for the main grocery shop are least likely to buy own branded baby products and beer. Just over 1 in 4 are likely to buy branded toilet tissue/kitchen towel. * New Question