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Busan 4 th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. Syamsul Ardiansyah / Yayasan Kristen Untuk Kesehatan Umum. What’s HLF4 Busan ?.
Busan 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness SyamsulArdiansyah / Yayasan Kristen UntukKesehatanUmum
What’s HLF4 Busan? • Ministers from across the globe, from both developing and donor countries, government representatives, parliamentarians, civil society organisations and private sector representatives will come together for the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness at the Bexco convention centre in Busan, Korea, from 29 November to 1 December 2011. • Approximately 2000 delegates will review global progress in improving the impact and value for money of development aid and make new commitments to further ensure that aid helps reduce poverty and supports progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
Aims • Participants will: • assess global progress in improving the quality of aid against the agreed commitments; • share global experiences in delivering the best results; and, • agree on a Busan Outcome Document to further enhance efforts globally and within countries to make aid more effective in reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Road to Busan • The Working Party on Aid Effectiveness is actively preparing for Busan. Its members include representatives of multilateral and bilateral aid agencies, partner countries, representatives of civil society and parliaments. • Partner countries across four continents have provided input through regional workshops and an online consultation, which will help to fuel discussion and action at the political and technical levels throughout 2011. • A first draft of the Busan Outcome Document has been prepared. This was discussed at the July meeting of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness. The Outcome Document will be further discussed and developed and will be finalised at the Busan Forum itself.
What is Aid Effectiveness? • Aid effectiveness is about ensuring maximum impact of development aid to improve lives, cut poverty and help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
1st HLF Rome 2003 • In February 2003 representatives of donor and developing countries met in Rome for the first High Level Forum on Harmonisation. In Rome, donors committed to work with developing countries to better coordinate and streamline their activities at the country level.
2nd HLF Paris 2005 • In March 2005, over one hundred ministers, heads of agencies and other senior officials met in Paris at the second High Level Forum, and committed their countries and organisations to the Paris Declaration Commitments by signing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
Paris Declaration 2005 • Themes covered in the Paris declaration include: • Ownership: developing countries set their own priorities for development, strengthen their institutions and lead in coordinating aid. • Alignment: donors line up their aid behind developing country priorities and make better use of a country’s plans, policies and systems. • Harmonisation: donors coordinate to avoid duplication, simplify procedures and agree a better division of labour with partner countries. • Managing for results: developing countries and donors keep their focus on producing - and measuring - results. • Mutual accountability: donors and developing countries are held accountable for the results they achieve to each other, and to their parliaments and public.
3rd HLF Accrra • In September 2008, development partners came together for the Third High Level Forum in Accra, Ghana, to boost efforts to achieve the Paris targets. At Accra, donors and partner country governments recognised that strengthening national ownership of development required a wider dialogue that fully includes parliaments, local authorities and civil society organisations as well as south-south cooperation and aid provided by middle-income countries. The Accra Agenda for Action gave new impetus to the Paris principles. Agreement was reached on:
Accra Agenda for Action (1) • The Accra Agenda for Action gave new impetus to the Paris principles. Agreement was reached on: • Predictability: donors provide, when possible, 3- to -5 year estimates of their planned aid. • Country systems: partner countries strengthen their capacities; developing country systems are used to deliver aid as the first option. • Conditionality: donors switch from prescriptive conditions on how and when aid money is spent to conditions based on the developing country’s own objectives. • Untying: donors relax restrictions that prevent developing countries from buying the goods and services they need wherever they can get the best quality at the lowest price
Accra Agenda for Action (2): Role of CSOs • Para 13 of Accra Agenda for Action • 13. We will engage in open and inclusive dialogue on development policies. We acknowledge the critical role and responsibility of parliaments in ensuring country ownership of development processes. To further this objective we will take the following actions: • a) Developing country governments will work more closely with parliaments and local authorities in preparing, implementing and monitoring national development policies and plans. They will also engage with civil society organisations (CSOs). • b) Donors will support efforts to increase the capacity of all development actors – parliaments, central and local governments, CSOs, research institutes, media and the private sector – to take an active role in dialogue on development policy and on the role of aid in contributing to countries’ development objectives. • c) Developing countries and donors will ensure that their respective development policies and programmes are designed and implemented in ways consistent with their agreed international commitments on gender equality, human rights, disability and environmental sustainability.
4th HLF Busan • At Busan global development leaders will review progress in improving the impact and value for money of development aid and make new commitments to further ensure that aid helps reduce poverty and supports progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
Topics of 4th HLF Busan • Building Blocks • Thematic Sessions • Paris and Accra Themes • Evidence for Busan • Civil Society
Topics: Building Blocks • Building blocks are Initiatives built around key themes which draw broad support and, crucially, are being or will be implemented. • The initiative showcased could have one or more of the following aims: • Encourage willing stakeholders to join or support the initiative; • Offer ideas that can be replicated and/or adapted based on the stakeholder capacity and need; and • Promote debate on what different stakeholders can bring to the table recognizing varying roles, responsibilities, and points of entry.
Topics: Thematic Sessions • Lesson Learned from Paris and Accra: Actions to Move Forward (29 November 2011) • Objectives: Review progress implementing the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action. The topics proposed build on the five thematic chapters of the “Aid Effectiveness 2005-10: Progress in implementing the Paris Declaration” Report. For each topic, the objective is to take stock of the progress made and lessons learned to date, discuss the specific actions needed to move forward, and how this will happen through the “building blocks” initiatives. • From Aid Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness (29 November 2011) • Objectives: Discuss areas of critical importance to achieving development goals reflecting some of the cross-cutting and specific aspects of effectiveness, as well as actors and approaches which have become central to development cooperation. Present and discuss possible initiatives to move ahead (including “building blocks” and other ongoing initiatives).
Topics: Paris and Accra Themes • Capacity Development • Country System • Fragile States • Gender Equality and women's empowerment • Managing for Development Results • South-South Cooperation
Topics: Evidence for Busan • Monitoring implementation • Evaluating implementation • Monitoring the Fragile States principles
Topics: Civil Society • CSOs Key Ask for Busan: • Istanbul Principle and International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness • Shadow Report of the Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration • CSOs Evaluation Report • Documents can be downloaded from http://goo.gl/GfydG
More information http://www.aideffectiveness.org/busanhlf4/
Thank you Yayasan Kristen untukKesehatanUmum Liaison Office Jakarta Jln. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 02 Jakarta Pusat. 10340 Yakkum.jakarta@hotmail.com/syamsuladzic@gmail.com