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Coac Kincaid’s Healthful Living Class 2012-2013. Everyday is a great Day when you’re a Blue Wolf!. Classroom Rules and Expectations. Coach Kincaid’s Health Classroom Expectations 2012-2013 Students should be in their seat when the Tardy bell sounds.
CoacKincaid’s Healthful Living Class 2012-2013 Everyday is a great Day when you’re a Blue Wolf!
Classroom Rules and Expectations • Coach Kincaid’s Health Classroom Expectations • 2012-2013 • Students should be in their seat when the Tardy bell sounds. • Students should begin work on the “Bell ringer” activity on the board. • Students are to show respect to other students, teachers, and faculty • members who enter the classroom. • Respect other student’s opinions and points of view! • Actively participate in class discussions and exercises at your own comfort level. • Remain in your seat until dismissed by the teacher. The teacher dismisses class, not the bell! • Sit in your seat, not on the desk. • Raise your hand and wait until you’re recognized before you speak. Ask permission to get out of your seat and move about the classroom. Don’t just do it! • Bring materials to class; pens, pencils, paper, etc…… • Be attentive, be engaged, be a contributor; BE A BLUE WOLF!
Discipline Consequences • Discipline Actions/Consequences • Tardies • 1stTardy Warning • 2nd Tardy Lunch Detention • 3rd Tardy Parent Contact • /Administrative • Referral • Defiance/Disrespect/Insubordination • 1st Infraction – Lunch Detention/Parent Contact. • 2nd Infraction – Parent Contact/Administrative Referral • Inappropriate Language/Conduct • 1st Warning • 2nd Lunch Detention • 3rd Parent Contact • /Administrative • Referral
Bell Schedule • Wakefield Middle School • 2012-2013 -- Bell Schedule • Arrival: 8:13 – Bus Riders admitted to building • 8:15 – Carpool/Walkers admitted to building • FIRST Period: 8:30 – 9:23 53 minutes • SECOND Period: 9:27 – 10:23 56 minutes • THIRD Period: 10:27 – 11:20 53 minutes • FOURTH Period: 11:24 – 1:18 114 minutes • 4A Lunch: 11:24-11:50 26 minutes • 4A Class: 11:55 -12:48 53 minutes • 4A CSI 12:48 -1:18 30 minutes • 4B CSI: 11:24-11:52 27 minutes • 4B Lunch: 11:55-12:21 26 minutes • 4B Class: 12:25 -1:18 53 minutes • 4C Class: 11:24-12:17 53 minutes • 4C Lunch: 12:22-12:48 26 minutes • 4C CSI: 12:52 -1:18 26 minutes • 4D Class: 11:24-12:17 53 minutes • 4D CSI: 12:20-12:48 28 minutes • 4D Lunch: 12:52-1:18 26 minutes • FIFTH Period: 1:22-2:15 53 minutes • SIXTH Period: 2:19-3:15 56 minutes • Dismissal: 3:15 Buses Called/Posted on TV (Buses called by route number) • 3:20 Carpoolers/Walkers Dismissed • Wakefield Middle School
Bell Schedules continued • Wakefield Middle School • 2012-2013 – Alternate Bell Schedules • EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULE • (September 16th, October 7th, January 13th, February 17th, March 16th, and April 27th) • FIRST BELL 8:15 • FIRST Period: 8:30 – 9:05 35 minutes • SECOND Period: 9:09 – 9:44 35 minutes • THIRD Period: 9:48 – 10:24 35 minutes • FIFTH Period: 10:28 – 11:03 35 minutes • SIXTH Period: 11:07 – 11:42 35 minutes • FOURTH Period: 11:46 – 12:45 59 minutes • ** Students will eat in classrooms on early release days. Students will pick up their lunch at the time indicated below and report back to class to eat lunch. • Lunch A/B: 11:46 Lunch C/D: 12:15 • ONE HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE • MINUTES • FIRST BELL 9:15 • FIRST PERIOD 9:30-10:14 44 • SECOND PERIOD (HOMEROOM) 10:18-11:04 46 • THIRD PERIOD 11:08-11:51 43 • FOURTH PERIOD 11:55-1:39 104 • 4A Lunch: 11:55-12:21 CSI: 1:09-1:39 Class: 12:25-1:09 • 4B Lunch: 12:21-12:47 CSI: 11:55-12:17 Class: 12:51 -1:39 • 4C Lunch: 12:47-1:13 CSI: 1:17 -1:39 Class: 11:55-12:43 • 4D Lunch: 1:13-1:39 CSI: 12:44 -1:09 Class: 11:55-12:43 • FIFTH PERIOD 1:43-2:26 43 • SIXTH PERIOD 2:30-3:15 45 • TWO HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE • Minutes • FIRST BELL 10:15 • FIRST PERIOD 10:30-11:01 31 • SECOND PERIOD (Homeroom) 11:05-11:40 35 • FOURTH PERIOD 11:44-1:20 104 • 4A Lunch: 11:44-12:10 CSI: 12:49 -1:14 Class: 12:00–12:45 • 4B Lunch: 12:10-12:36 CSI: 11:30–11:52 Class: 12:26-1:14 (CSI to lunch) • 4C Lunch: 12:37-1:03 CSI: 12:52-1:14 Class: 11:30-12:18 (CSI before lunch) • 4D Lunch: 1:03-1:29 CSI: 12:19-12:44 Class: 11:30-12:15 • THIRD PERIOD 1:33-2:04 31 • FIFTH PERIOD 2:08-2:39 31 • SIXTH PERIOD 2:43-3:15 32
Current Health Article Assignment • CURRENT HEALTH ARTICLE ASSIGNMENT • COACH KINCAID/ HEALTHFUL LIVING • Directions: Bring an article from either a newspaper or magazine that is health related. Neatly cut the article out and bring it with you on Friday. When called upon, you will present your article to the class. You can bring an article off of the internet as well. With your article you must do the following; • Briefly describe what your article is about. What is the main idea? Who is involved or written about? Where/when does your article take place? • Your article can be on a sports related topic, but cannot be a report on a game that took place; e.g. Pittsburgh beat the Jets, 24-19! • Your article can be a biography or special report on a particular sports figure; e.g. an article on Kobie Bryant or Mike Krzyzewski • Discuss how this information or issue affects your health or the health of someone you know. Does it relate to what we’re currently studying in health class or PE? • Develop 2 questions about your article that you could ask your classmates after your presentation. • *DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET. KEEP IT IN YOUR HEALTH NOTEBOOK AND USE AS A GUIDE!!!!!!!!!
Physical Education • Physical Education is an essential component of learning. Students will develop lifelong fitness skills with the use of technology and other resources. Through active participation, we will improve student wellness and help combat childhood obesity. • P.E. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: • Students are expected to be in the locker room before the tardy bell rings. • Students are expected to change into and out of athletic shirts, athletic shorts or sweatpants and wear appropriate athletic shoes. • Students are expected to leave items, such as jewelry, cell phones, ipods, etc. in their assigned locker with a combination lock and remove the lock at the end of the period. • Students are expected to leave book bags in their homeroom lockers. (The exception being 6th Period students due to dismissal). • Students are expected to follow directions on the activity board. • Students are expected to provide a note from parent to be excused from class participation, as a result of injury or illness. • After 2 days, a doctors note is required • Students are not allowed to chew gum in gym because of safety reasons. • Students will lose 10 points for not dressing out and 10 points for non-participation totaling 20 points per day. • Parents and student are expected to notify teachers of any health concerns.
Coach K’s 10 Rules For Getting Along With Others • Coach “K’s” Ten Rules for Getting Along with Others • Keep skid chains on your tongue. Always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say. • Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what the cost. • Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work, regardless of who it is. • Be interested in others; their pursuits, their work, their homes and their families. Make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as a person of importance. • Be cheerful. Don’t burden or depress those around you by dwelling on your aches and pains and small disappointments. Remember, everyone is carrying some kind of burden. • Keep an open mind. Discuss but don’t argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. • Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves. Refuse to talk about the vices of others. Discourage gossip. It is a waste of valuable time and can be destructive and hurtful. • Take into consideration the feelings of others. Wit and humor at the expense of another are never worth the pain that may be inflicted. • Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe him. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting. • Don’t be anxious about the credit due you. Do your best and be patient. Forget about yourself and let others “remember.” Success is much sweeter that way.
Think Tank Tuesdays • What is it? • Quiet time to work on homework, make-up work, projects, research, or get computer access • When is it? • Starting September 18th every Tuesday - when the last bus is called till 4:45 • Where is it? • Media Center • What am I expected to do? • * Failure to follow these rules will result in not being able to attend future sessions. • Arrive within 5 minutes of last bus being called Sign in • Bring all necessary materials • Work the entire time • Obey all school rules • Take the activity bus home or have your parents pick you up no later than 4:50 • The activity bus will be available to take you home if someone cannot pick you up.