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¡Qué chévere!. ¡ HOLA!. I believe that knowing Spanish in this global society increases your marketability; that is, you have a competitive edge over someone who does not. This is the idea expressed in the famous Spanish saying, “ El que sabe dos idiomas vale por dos.”.

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  1. ¡Qué chévere! ¡HOLA! I believe that knowing Spanish in this global society increases your marketability; that is, you have a competitive edge over someone who does not. This is the idea expressed in the famous Spanish saying, “El que sabe dos idiomas vale pordos.” Those who speak two languages are worth twice as much! Researchers say that learning languages makes you smarter too!

  2. Bienvenidos a la clase de Españoldel octavo grado. Señora Peña-Pérez dpenaperez@rhcsd.org 845-758-2241, ext 3173

  3. Course Description This course is a continuation of Spanish 7. We will review topics and vocabulary learned last year and add more as we go along. The emphasis will be in the communicative aspect of the language. Students will be expected to use their Spanish skills when facing the following situations: a) socializing b) asking/providing information, c) expressing feelings, and d) persuading others. For more information regarding the standards for LOTE (Languages Other Than English) go to the State Education Department’s Website: www.emsc.nysed.gov

  4. Sra. Peña-Pérez’s mission I believe that learning a new language is an exciting and rewarding experience especially if you use that language in a meaningful way. With that in mind, it is my intent to provide students with meaningful classroom and homework activities which promote language learning and academic achievement.

  5. Students’ responsibilities In order to succeed academically in this course, students are expected to: • Review vocabulary on an ongoing basis (at least 15 minutes every night). • Prepare for quizzes and exams. • Complete classwork. • Seek extra help when needed. • Turn in assignments on time.

  6. El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz This phrase, which can be translated as, Respecting the rights of others is peace,was coined by a former Mexican president, Benito Juarez. Now it is the motto of my class. In order for students to learn, they need to feel safe therefore, I expect all students to respect each other and myself.

  7. Be respectful of your classmates and teacher. Listen and follow directions. Come prepared: bring school supplies, text and binders to class. Speak Spanish. Take your belongings. Sé respetuoso. Escucha. Ven preparado. Habla español. Recoge tus cosas. Rules for all-Las Reglas para todos

  8. Consequences Students committing infractions will be disciplined as set forth in the LAMS Discipline Code (refer to the Student-Parent Handbook). These consequences include contacting parents and receiving referrals. Rewards • Academic success (a.k.a. good grades) • Prizes (certificates, no-homework passes, extra credit points) • Feeling good  • Fiestas • Other______________________

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