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M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Caltech Wisconsin-Madison. Low Energy Precision Tests of Supersymmetry. M.R-M & S. Su, hep-ph/0612057 J. Erler & M.R-M, PPNP 54, 351 (2005). Outline. Motivation: Why New Symmetries ? Why Low Energy Probes ? Prime Suspect: Supersymmetry Low Energy Precision Tests .
M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Caltech Wisconsin-Madison Low Energy Precision Tests of Supersymmetry M.R-M & S. Su, hep-ph/0612057 J. Erler & M.R-M, PPNP 54, 351 (2005)
Outline Motivation: Why New Symmetries ?Why Low Energy Probes ? Prime Suspect: Supersymmetry Low Energy Precision Tests • Weak Decays • PVES
Motivation Why New Symmetries ?Why Low Energy Probes ?
Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Puzzles the Standard Model can’t solve Origin of matter Unification & gravity Weak scale stability Neutrinos What are the symmetries (forces) of the early universe beyond those of the SM? Beyond the SM SM symmetry (broken) Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History
“Known Unknowns” Cosmic Energy Budget Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Weak scale baryogenesis can be tested experimentally Beyond the SM SM symmetry (broken) Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Baryogenesis: When? CPV? SUSY? Neutrinos? WIMPy D.M.: Related to baryogenesis? “New gravity”? Lorentz violation? Grav baryogen ? ?
Present universe Early universe Standard Model Gravity A “near miss” for grand unification Is there unification? What new forces are responsible ? High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History
Present universe Early universe Unification Neutrino mass Origin of matter Standard Model Weak Int Rates: Solar burning Element abundances Weak scale unstable: Why is GF so large? High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History
Supersymmetry, GUT’s, extra dimensions… There must have been additional symmetries in the earlier Universe to • Unify all matter, space, & time • Stabilize the weak scale • Produce all the matter that exists • Account for neutrino properties • Give self-consistent quantum gravity
Large Hadron Collider Ultra cold neutrons LANSCE, NIST, SNS, ILL CERN What are the new fundamental symmetries? Two frontiers in the search Collider experiments (pp, e+e-, etc) at higher energies (E >> MZ) Indirect searches at lower energies (E < MZ) but high precision Particle, nuclear & atomic physics High energy physics
Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Beyond the SM SM symmetry (broken) Precision Probes of New Symmetries New Symmetries Origin of Matter Unification & gravity Weak scale stability Neutrinos
Probing Fundamental Symmetries beyond the SM: Use precision low-energy measurements to probe virtual effects of new symmetries & compare with collider results • Precision measurements predicted a range for mt before top quark discovery • mt >> mb ! • mt is consistent with that range • It didn’t have to be that way Radiative corrections Direct Measurements Stunning SM Success Precision Probes of New Symmetries J. Ellison, UCI
Precision ~ Mass Scale M=m~ 2 x 10-9 exp ~ 1 x 10-9 M=MW ~ 10-3 Interpretability • Precise, reliable SM predictions • Comparison of a variety of observables • Special cases: SM-forbidden or suppressed processes Precision, low energy measurements can probe for new symmetries in the desert
SUSY: a candidate symmetry of the early Universe • Unify all forces • Protect GF from shrinking • Produce all the matter that exists 3 of 4 Yes Maybe so Maybe Probably necessary • Account for neutrino properties • Give self-consistent quantum gravity
Present universe Early universe Standard Model High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Couplings unify with SUSY Supersymmetry
=0 if SUSY is exact SUSY protects GF from shrinking
c0 Lightest SUSY particle CP Violation Unbroken phase Broken phase SUSY may help explain observed abundance of matter Cold Dark Matter Candidate Baryonic matter: electroweak phase transition
Supersymmetry Fermions Bosons sfermions gauginos Higgsinos Charginos, neutralinos SUSY: a candidate symmetry of the early Universe
SUSY Breaking Superpartners have not been seen Theoretical models of SUSY breaking Visible World Hidden World Flavor-blind mediation 105 new parameters: masses, mixing angles, CPV phases (40) How is SUSY broken? Models: relate weak scale parameters to each other at high scales (“hidden sector”) SUSY must be a broken symmetry
If nature conserves vertices have even number of superpartners • Lightest SUSY particle is stable viable dark matter candidate • Proton is stable • Superpartners appear only in loops SUSY and R Parity Consequences
L=1 WRPV = ijk LiLjEk + ijk LiQjDk +/i LiHu + ijkUiDjDk B=1 proton decay: Set ijk =0 Li, Qi SU(2)L doublets Ei, Ui, Di SU(2)L singlets R-Parity Violation (RPV)
12k 1j1 12k 1j1 L=1 L=1 RPV : Four-fermion Operators
b-decay New physics SUSY Weak Decays & SUSY
Vertex & External leg Drm SUSY Radiative Corrections Propagator Box
Flavor-blind SUSY-breaking 12k R ParityViolation Kurylov, R-M, Su CKM Unitarity MW CKM, (g-2)m, MW, Mt ,… APV l2 b-decay 12k 1j1 1j1 No long-lived LSP or SUSY DM New physics Kurylov, R-M RPV SUSY Weak Decays & SUSY
Situation Unsettled kaon decay Value of Vusimportant New physics: too small Weak decays
CKM Summary: PDG04 UCNA
Vus & Vud theory ? New 0+ info CKM Summary: New Vus & tn ? New tn !! UCNA
Correlations Non (V-A) x (V-A) interactions: me/E SUSY b-decay at SNS, RIACINO? Weak decays & new physics
Profumo, R-M, Tulin Future exp’t ? Collider signature: SUSY but only SM-like Higgs Is cSB / mf as in SM ? Large c symmetry breaking: New SUSY models Mass suppressed c symmetry breaking: “alignment” models Weak decays & SUSY : Correlations Chiral symmetry breaking in SUSY
SM radiative corrections also have QCD effects SM strong interaction effects: parameterized by Fp Hard to compute To probe effects of new physics in DNEW we need to contend with QCD Pion leptonic decay & SUSY
Leading QCD uncertainty: Marciano & Sirlin Probing Slepton Universality vs Min (GeV) Tulin, Su, R-M Prelim New TRIUMF, PSI Can we do better on ? Pion leptonic decay & SUSY
Present universe Early universe ? ? Bm!e R = Bm!eg Weak scale Planck scale Lepton Flavor & Number Violation MEG: Bm!eg ~ 5 x 10-14 MECO: Bm!e ~ 5 x 10-17 Also PRIME
0nbb decay Light nM exchange ? m!eg m!e LFV Probes of RPV: LFV Probes of RPV: Heavy particle exchange ? lk11/ ~ 0.09 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV lk11/ ~ 0.008 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV Low scale LFV: R ~ O(1) GUT scale LFV: R ~ O(a) Lepton Flavor & Number Violation Raidal, Santamaria; Cirigliano, Kurylov, R-M, Vogel MEG: Bm!eg ~ 5 x 10-14 Logarithmic enhancements of R MECO: Bm!e ~ 5 x 10-17
Short distance contributions Long range nuclear effects (p’s) Lepton Flavor & Number Violation Faessler et al Prezeau, R-M, Vogel
0nbb signal equivalent to degenerate hierarchy l111/ ~ 0.06 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV Loop contribution to mn of inverted hierarchy scale Lepton Flavor & Number Violation
Flavor-dependent sin2 Normalization Scale-dependent effective weak mixing Constrained by Z-pole precision observables Flavor-independent QW and SUSY Radiative Corrections Tree Level Radiative Corrections
Vertex & External leg SUSY Radiative Corrections Propagator Box
n is Majorana 12k SUSY loops 12k RPV 95% CL fit to weak decays, MW, etc. Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions SUSY dark matter ->e+e Kurylov, Su, MR-M
Large NC for fK+ d QWP, SUSY / QWP, SM d QWe, SUSY / QWe, SM Lattice for fK+ Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions
0nbb sensitivity l111/ ~ 0.06 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV Kurylov, Ramsey-Musolf, Su l12k ~ 0.3 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV & dQWe/ QWe ~ 5% 95% C.L. JLab 11 GeV Møller Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions
0nbb sensitivity l111/ ~ 0.06 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV m!eg m!e LFV Probes of RPV: LFV Probes of RPV: l12k ~ 0.3 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV & dQWe/ QWe ~ 5% lk31 ~ 0.03 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV lk31 ~ 0.15 for mSUSY ~ 1 TeV Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions
“DIS Parity” SUSY loops E158 &Q-Weak Linear collider JLab Moller RPV 95% CL Comparing Qwe and QWp Kurylov, R-M, Su SUSY dark matter
e RPV Loops p Comparing AdDIS and Qwp,e
Low Energy Probes of SUSY We’re making progress… …won’t leave until the job is done… …and open to new ideas.
-Nucleus DIS: SUSY Loop Corrections wrong sign