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Tower Lines. THE GOOD NEWS FROM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MIDWEST CITY, OKLAHOMA. FEBRUARY 2009. Do you ever wonder why people make a first visit to worship in a congregation in which they eventually become regular attendees and members?

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  1. Tower Lines THE GOOD NEWS FROM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MIDWEST CITY, OKLAHOMA FEBRUARY 2009 Do you ever wonder why people make a first visit to worship in a congregation in which they eventually become regular attendees and members? There once was a congregation in rural Indiana that stood near the intersection of five country roads. One day, the new pastor was sticking red pins in a map to locate where members lived, and was surprised to see that the majority were clustered along north and south roads. So he asked why so many folks lived on the roads running north and south from the church. The answer he received was that the Quimleys used to live up on the north road, but then they bought a farm on the south road and moved down there. The Quimleys were friendly, outgoing people. Always inviting folk to church. Very often new members found out about they congregation they eventually joined through personal invitations and geographical proximity to the church. Many of these people are also actively searching for a church. When a personal invitation is given to someone who is receptive to the invitation, very often a positive response is given. We are entering a time when people are looking for something bigger than themselves. . .they are looking for a place that offers welcome and hope. . .and they are looking for a place where they can make a difference. I believe, when we combine these things with the stress many people are experiencing regarding life and family issues, and well as worry over the state of our country and the state of the world, they seek out a place that can help them make sense out of what’s happening. Listen for these moments as you talk to your neighbors, your co-workers, and your friends. Then invite them to come with you to worship here. Who would you like to meet your church family? Who might benefit from your Sunday school class? What young families or older adults do you know who don’t have immediate family close? These are the folks who may be seeking out a church right now. And when people do visit, keep on doing the wonderful job you are doing to reach out to them with friendly hospitality. When we step outside of ourselves. . .when we put the needs of another above our needs, we discover there is a different purpose in doing what we do. The personal touch is what makes a difference to people in a world that can be very isolating. Take a moment, and reach outside your comfort zone, and invite someone to worship with you soon. Yours in Christ – Sue First Presbyterian Church 900 N. Key Blvd. Midwest City, OK 73110 fpcmwc@coxinet.net – email Volume 60 Issue 2 February 2009 ___________________________

  2. Keenagers Our next Keenagers gathering will be February 13th at 12 noon with a potluck luncheon, meat will be provided. Come and join us for food, fun and fellowship. Sign-up sheet will be posted on our bulletin board. December 2008 Finances Dec. Income Monthly Budget YTD Income YTD Budget Pledges 9,937.00 9503.50 106,166.50 114,042.00 Sun. Schl. 76.50 63.33 784.83 760.00 Non- Pldge. 1,728.00 3,750.00 30,874.50 45,000.00 Other income 19.21 28.33 502.30 340.00 Loose 108.54 130.41 2,216.09 1,565.00 Rent 1,025.36 500.00 4,238.43 6,000.00 Total 12,894.61 13,975.57 144,782.65 167,707.00 under budget for the month (1,080.96) under budget for the year ( 22,924.35) OECU Money Market 21,961.98 Total income 12,894.61 Total expenses 10,536.00 Donations to Presbyterian Urban Mission Powdered Milk Mid/Del food Pantry Peanut Butter Session met on January 12th at 7 pm in the Fellowship hall Your next stated Session Meeting will be on February 9th at 7:00 pm in the Church Fellowship Hall If you are unable to attend you are required to please call the church office by Monday 4:00pm to ask for an excused absence. Men’s Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Prayer Breakfast will meet February 21st 8 am in the Kitchen. We encourage all men of the Church to come join us for some good food, great fellowship and a time for devotion and prayers. WEB-SITE: www.christianchurchesonline.com/firstpresbyterianmidwestcity Check in often for updates on committees and calendar items!

  3. Feb. 1 – Karynsa Teel Feb. 8 - Matthew Ames Feb. 15 - Kyle Teel Feb. 22 - Kenneth Teel March 1 – Ethan Jenks March 8 - Kathleen Teel March 15 – Karynsa Teel March 22 - Matthew Ames March 29 - Kyle Teel If this schedule won’t work Please contact the church office to arrange for a substitute. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Roger Epperly 2 Denise Nash 6 J.R. Wildermuth 12 K.C. Green 16 Sandi Teel 17 Pat Campbell 21 Ashlyn Williams 24 Jerry Haithcock 25 Jared Jenks 26 Gage Williams 26 February Anniversaries Jim & Becky Beavers 8 Butch & Ava Morton 17 Eugene & Alice Copenhaver 18 Elmo & Claire Reddick 25 ODA SPONSORED Give Kids a Smile !!! February 6, 2009 Freeman Family Dentistry 500 N. Eastern Ave. Moore, OK 405-912-3300 8:00 am to 12:00 pm First Come, First Served Kids will receive free dental screening and cleaning (ages 17 & under) (Fillings and Extractions as Necessary) Esther Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 20th , at 10:30 a.m. Lynn Prevatt is Hostess, Jean Shaw is lesson leader. Ruth/Naomi Circle meets at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 20th.

  4. MUSIC NOTES Human beings are singing beings, musical beings; beings who need music in order to tell the whole truth and to hear the whole truth. Music helps us to be what God means for us to be. I know we don’t all love music equally; we don’t respond to it equally; we don’t all appreciate the same music. We need music to find ourselves and express ourselves; we need music in order to be what God means us to be. Since we truly need the music in order to be what God what us to be we need to be involved in the music programs at church. Please find time for us, too. Piano classes -5:00pm Monday (This is for young and old) Ensemble -6:00pm Monday (This is for anyone who plays an instrument-young and older) Hosanna Choir -5:30pm Wednesday (For any youth from 3yrs old to 6th grade) Hand bells - 6:15pmWednesday (For any age youth through 100) Chancel Choir -7:30pm Wednesday (For any age from 6th grade through?)

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