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15.11. Pages 432-435 LEQ: How does a specific injury require a specific type of first aid?. Heart Attack. Coronary Thrombosis, Coronary Occlusion, Myocardial Infarction (MI or AMI) When one or more of the coronary arteries are blocked (Lab: CKMB + )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 15.11 Pages 432-435 LEQ: How does a specific injury require a specific type of first aid?

  2. Heart Attack • Coronary Thrombosis, Coronary Occlusion, Myocardial Infarction (MI or AMI) • When one or more of the coronary arteries are blocked (Lab: CKMB + ) • S/S: Severe Chest Pain, Radiates to Jaw, Arm, and Neck, SOB, Lips or nail beds may become blue, The victim may feel anxious, weak, and apprehensive, N/V, diaphoresis, and loss of consciousness may occur • Female patients do not always present the same way as males (Watch Carefully and Eval the HX)

  3. CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) • When a clot prevents blood flow to a part of the brain (TIA: Intermittent Claudication) • S/S:Varies, Numbness, Paralysis on One Side, Pupils are Unequal, Mental Confusion, Slurred Speech, N/V, Dyspnea, Dysphagia, or Loss of Consciousness • YOU MUST GET HELP IMMEDIATELY (Au Hr) • TPA may be given (Tissue Plasminogen Activator) which is also known as a clot buster

  4. Fainting (Syncope) • When there is a temporary reduction in blood supply to the brain • Dizziness, Diaphoresis, Extreme Pallor, Cold Skin, Nausea, Numbness & Tingling in the feet and hands (lay them in recover position) • Once in the recovery position, use cool water on their face, look for other injuries, and keep them flat until their color improves and they feel better • Fainting can be a S/S of a serious illness or condition so monitor the patient closely

  5. Convulsion (Seizure) • Can occur w Hyperthermia, Head Injuries, Brain Disease, Epilepsy, ETOH WD, or Drug OD • During a Seizure, the victim may shake violently and loose all ability to control their body • Keep all dangerous items away and try to keep the head protected with a pillow, blanket, etc.. • DO NOT restrain them or place anything in the pts mouth • Monitor the time, body parts involved, and if the patient vomits to report to EMS

  6. Diabetic Reactions • DIABETIC COMA • Hyperglycemia • Flush Face, Fruity Breath, tongue dry, labored prolonged breathing, Hypotension, Tachycardia, Dry Skin, • Results from an insufficient dose of Insulin • INSULIN SHOCK • Hypoglycemia • Excited, Nervous, Shaky, Irritable, Confused, Behavior Change, Pale Face, Shallow Rapid Respirations, Normal BP, Pounding Pulse, Diaphoresis, Trembling • If Conscious have them drink a high sugar liquid • Look for Glucogon Shot

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