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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Network Design and Implementation. Agenda. Analysis and Design Implementation LAN Voice Network Design. Analysis and Design Phases. Request Feasibility Study Analysis (requirement) Alternatives (cost and benefit) Design Selection Cost Documentation Management approval.

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 Network Design and Implementation

  2. Agenda • Analysis and Design • Implementation • LAN • Voice Network Design

  3. Analysis and Design Phases • Request • Feasibility Study • Analysis (requirement) • Alternatives (cost and benefit) • Design • Selection • Cost • Documentation • Management approval

  4. Implementation Phases • Purchasing and vendor agreement • Installation • Training, and testing • Conversion • Follow up audit

  5. Request • Source • User • Senior managers • Communication department • External environment (customer, government, etc.) • Form: formal or informal • Prioritization (costs & benefits analysis) • Outcome: approval, deny, or on hold by management

  6. Feasibility Study • Team • User, specialist, and management • Problems • Technical or non-technical • Analysis (technical, operational, economical, legal, schedule) • Report and presentation • Go or stop

  7. Analysis • Analysis items • Geographic requirement (scope) • Traffic load analysis • Peak load (no. of message and length) • National & international busy hour • Traffic flow pattern by individual location (map) • Response time, reliability, & availability (cost) • Terminal operators (end users & their education background and needs) • Capacity growth projection (6 months to 5 years) • Constraint: time, cost, and compatibility • Documentation and reports

  8. Alternatives • Sources (vendors) • Availability (enchancements or new products) • Incompatibility issues • Costs/services trade off

  9. Design • Items • Configuration diagram • Routing time (peak and average) • Response time (peak and average) • Delay consideration (queue) • Simulation • What if for routing, response, and delay

  10. Selection Procedures • Request for proposal (RFP) or request for quotation (RFQ) • Selection criteria and its weight

  11. Request for Proposal • Title • Table of contents • Description of organization • Problem definition • Operation requirements • Format of response • Evaluation criteria • Decision schedule • References

  12. Description of Organization • Organization chart • Organization locations • Overview of system

  13. Problem Definition • Error rate • Misrouting • Time consuming • Security

  14. Operation Requirements • Reliability • Down time • Misrouting • Lost message • Transmission error • Performance • Throughput • Response time • Error rate

  15. Format of Response - I • Title • Table of contents • Overview • Software (function & feature) • Hardware (function, feature, & capacity) • Performance (future growth) • Site requirement • Conversion (installation, testing, & schedule)

  16. Format of Response - II • Maintenance (support) • Costs • Warranty Coverage • User Training • References • Other related information

  17. Selection criteria • Proposed solution • Compatibility • Security and backup • Price • Technical support • Product maintenance • Repair service • Financial viability

  18. Vendor Response to RFP - I • Introduction • Executive summary • Table of contents • System design • System feature • Growth capacity • Installation and testing methods • Maintenance arrangements • Ongoing support • Installation schedule • Pricing and timing of payments • Warranty coverage • Training and education • Other Recommendation

  19. Documentation • Diagrams and maps • Configuration and wiring • Components list • Hardware: model and specification • Software: version, release, no. of copies • Implementation plan (Gantt chart) • Milestones • Activities • Schedule

  20. Management Approval • Review and verification • Users • Operators • Management: budget

  21. Purchasing • Vendor agreement • Equipment configuration specification • Acceptance test • Schedule: delivery, installation, testing, operation • Location: delivery, installation, testing, operation • Other terms and conditions: payment, warranty, maintenance • Get a experienced lawyer

  22. Training • Types of instruction • Classroom • Hand on • In house • Outside • Educating • Users • Operators • Maintenance crew • Security and backup

  23. Testing • Testing time • Testing Tools • Software & hardware • IBM’s Telecommunication Network Simulator • Testing areas • Performance • Stress testing (load) • Error handling • Error recovery procedures

  24. Conversion • Types • Parallel • Cut over • Pilot • Piece by piece • Help desk • Vendor technicians or consultants • Implementation problems cleanup

  25. Audit • After six months • Check performance or success criteria • Formal report to management for proper actions

  26. LAN Design • Number of nodes • Usage • Traffic: day and time • Disk storage • Speed • Security and backup • Compatibility • Management

  27. Voice Network Design • Peak load and average load • Grade of service • Capacity & usage of circuits • Overdesigning or planned delay

  28. Points to Remember • Analysis and Design • Implementation • LAN • Voice Network Design

  29. Discussion • Develop a simple request for proposal to add e-business to a traditional department store.

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