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Aim: Who are the Jews ( the Hebrews)? History of the Hebrews Trace their origin to Abraham, who established the belief that there is only one God, the creator of the Universe ( monotheism ) Descendents of Abraham formed one nation (a common group of people) living in Egypt as slaves
Aim: Who are the Jews (the Hebrews)? History of the Hebrews Trace their origin to Abraham, who established the belief that there is only one God, the creator of the Universe (monotheism) Descendents of Abraham formed one nation (a common group of people) living in Egypt as slaves The Jews or Hebrews fleed Egypt under the leadership of Moses (The Exodus, Jews celebrate this event during Passover) Moses gave the Hebrews the Torah and the Ten Commandments After many years in the desert, Moses led the Hebrews to the Land of Israel (Land of Canaan)
AIM: How were the Hebrew’s beliefs unique in the ancient world? DO NOW TRIVIA: I am the land promised to the Hebrew’s in the Old Testament ____________ I am the title or name given to a messenger of God ____________ I am the belief in one god ____________ Canaan prophet monotheism HW: Create a venn diagram comparing & contrasting Hammurabi’s Code to the Ten Commandments.
WHY DO RELIGIONS HAVE SYMBOLS? WHAT PURPOSE DO THEY SERVE? Star of David Menorah Mezuzah Israel’s flag Torah
*NOTES* JUDAISM- major world religion founded by the Hebrews in 1400 B.C. which became the first monotheistic belief system. (monotheism-ONE GOD) IMPORTANT FIGURES: Abraham- first Hebrew to make a covenant with God; father of monotheism 2. Moses- messenger of God (prophet) who led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and was given the Ten Commandments 3. King David & his son Solomon- created a Jewish empire and built the city of Jerusalem
*NOTES* Torah- holy book Ten Commandments- law code Monotheism - 1 God Sabbath- holy day is Saturday Synagogue or temple- house of worship JUDAISM Important days: Hannukah, Passover, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah Kosher food (no pork or shellfish) Orthodox, Conservative or Reformed
Orthodox Jews in Buenos Aires, Argentina Reformed Jew at the wailing wall in Jerusalem
Ancient India A. Geographic features and how they influenced the development of India 1. Thar Desert- natural barrier for protection 2. Himalaya Mountains- natural barrier for protection 3. Ganges River- the area of the greatest population density in India is along the Ganges, sacred in the Hindu religion 4. monsoons- seasonal winds that bring rain or cool dry air B. River Valley 1. Indus River 2. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa (major cities)
C. Aryans 1. nomadic people who crossed over into India 2. contributed the Vedas, their sacred literature 3. Vedas- four collections of prayers, magical spells and instructions for performing rituals