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Figures of Speech used in Poetry and Song. Personification Giving human qualities to non human things as in an object, animal, quality or idea. Metaphor
Figures of Speech used in Poetry and Song Personification Giving human qualities to non human things as in an object, animal, quality or idea Metaphor A comparison in which one things is said to be another. It does not use like, as or than. Sometimes an adjective or verb is used to imply the comparison. Ex: the man wolfed his meal Simile Comparing two unlike things to show how they are the same. Uses like, as, or than. Ex: He is as brave as a lion Onomatopoeia Words made to imitate the sound they make. Ex: bubble, screech, murmur, splat
Allusion A brief reference to a presumably familiar place, event or figure from history, literature, mythology An allusion is a reference the author expects the reader to know and adds to the reader's understanding. Ex: His fury matched that of Zeus Hyperbole An exaggeration of fact used for emphasis. It is exaggeration for the sake of effect and not meant to be taken literally. Ex: That kid is huge, he must be 100 feet tall. Imagery Concrete, specific descriptions within a literary work that have a sensory appeal for the reader. The five senses are used to create the image Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sound three or more times. Ex: Peter Piper Picks Peppers.