Americans for Safe Access (ASA). Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research Steph Sherer , Executive Director Benjamin Bronfman. ASA’s Mission & Vision.
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Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research StephSherer, Executive Director Benjamin Bronfman
ASA’s Mission & Vision The mission of Americans for Safe Access is to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic uses and research Ending discrimination Building on current means of access Building on the available therapeutic use of cannabis Creating safe, affordable and legal access models
Obstacles to ASA’s Goals I Federal law: Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug; “no accepted medical value” State law: Criminal and civil penalties Public confusion of recreational vs. medical use Pervasive stigma and discrimination create roadblocks to public advocacy
Obstacles to ASA’s Goals II Doctors fearful due to lack of education and product information Issue bias – the “third rail issue” Immature industry Only average of $4million/year spent on advocacy
Moving Issue Forward – Plans for the Future I Gain mainstream buy-in Regulate medical cannabis production like herbal medicine industry Regulate medical cannabis distribution like restricted medical devices
Moving Issue Forward – Plans for the Future II Pass more state laws Change federal marijuana scheduling Pass federal legalization allowing states to regulate production and distribution
State of the States
New ASA Campaign:Alignment with CAM Movement Goal: To change public perception and ‘legitimize’ cannabis for therapeutic use Providing credibility and professionalism to world of medical cannabis Complementary or Alternative Medicine (CAM) is already an established and regulated movement in US 40% of Americans utilize CAM in their treatment regimens
Partnership with American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Working together to create ‘recommendations for regulators’ in the areas of: Manufacturing, packaging and labeling Analytics Dispensary operations Cultivation practices Opportunity to create a sustaining revenue source
ASA Certification Program Create a recognizable ‘certification’ program based on AHPA guidelines Promote the certification to governments, consumers and doctors Use as public education tool
Impact of Campaign & Program Improve education to policymakers, doctors, and regular people alike Reduce stigma around medical cannabis Broaden institutional support for ASA’s policy agenda
Invest in the Future AHPA ‘recommendations’ will be ready to launch mid-July, ASA is seeking 326k to: Position ASA to better harness new exposure Create and implement a powerful media strategy Hire the staff needed to implement the certification program
Start Up Costs Start Up Costs Total to $326,000
Thank You! Americans for Safe Access Headquarters National Office 1322 Webster Street, 1806 Vernon Street NW, Suite 402 1st Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (510) 251-1856 Phone: (202) 857-4272 Fax: (510) 251-2036 Fax: (202) 857-4273