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For today: Feb 12, W exercises on volumes of solids Homework review for SQ 6 Topic: volumes of solids (Lessons 10.2 - 10.4) Important dates LT 3: Feb 19, W LT 4 (AT): Feb 24, M. Clarifications: I relabeled the writing assignments to make the instructions clearer.
For today: Feb 12, W exercises on volumes of solids Homework review for SQ 6 Topic: volumes of solids (Lessons 10.2 - 10.4) Important dates LT 3: Feb 19, W LT 4 (AT): Feb 24, M
Clarifications: I relabeled the writing assignments to make the instructions clearer. EVERYONE is required to do HW–A, whether you missed a HW or not. I hope you will write this essay, not with a heavy heart, but with a positive attitude. This assignment is designed to help you reflect and integrate everything you learned, especially in math class, this school year. Tip: I have the most insightful reflections of my life during “dead times”, i.e., during the serene moments of the day, while waiting for the bus, while taking a shower, while pooing. :P Suggestion: Ratio in hours of reflection time to writing time: 2:1. 3. For HW-A, by “problem solving technique or learning strategy”, we mean literally ANYTHING you learned in math class that made you a better math student, or, hopefully, a better person as a whole.
4. If you missed only 1 or 2 HW, you can makeup for it by doing HW–B. You CANNOT choose to do HW–C. 5. If you missed 3 or more HW, you HAVE to do HW–B (to make up for 2 missed HW). In addition, you should ALSO do one HW–C if you missed 3 or 4 HW, or two HW–C if you missed 5 or 6 HW. 6. If you did not miss any HW, you may still do HW–B and HWC. I will find a way to make this writing assignment a more valuable experience, other than the learning and the enjoyment you will already get. 7. Some of you asked if they can print HW–A and HW–B back-to-back on the same page. You may only print back-to-back for EACH essay. For instance, if your HW-A has 5 pages, it is ok to use only 3 sheets of paper (where 2 sheets have print on both sides). DO NOT print the first page of HW-B on the back page of the third sheet of HW-A. Use a new set of papers for HW-B.
8. Lastly, there is NO maximum or minimum number of pages. Your works should be written clearly, completely, coherently, BUT concisely. Remember that I am a math teacher. The technique “the longer the essay, the higher the grade” will NOT work on me. :P Non multa, sedmultum. I always go for content and NOT the number of words. (I’m sure most of you already experienced this back when we proved statements using paragraphs instead of two-columns.) It doesn’t take a genius to see whether an essay is written thoughtfully and meticulously, or crammed in 30 minutes. In short, hindinyokomabobola. :D Enjoy!
Writing HW–A: 1. Counts as 2 HW AND 2 SW. 2. Score: 0 or 20. 3. Submission on Feb 17, Mon. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS unless there is a valid reason. 4. Unsatisfactory work will be returned. 5. Second and LAST submission date: Feb. 24, Mon.
Format: A4 easy to read font; font size: 12 1-inch margin on all sides spacing: 1.15 Name Date Section Name of teacher Tone: personal, informal, but not too casual (more like a journal than a diary) Answer this: What is the best problem solving technique or learning strategy I learned this school year? Give one concrete and detailed instance when you applied this technique.
Make-up HW (HW–B): Counts as 2 HW. argumentative essay: Based on what you have learned in math, particularly in geometry, so far, is math discovered or invented? Clearly, completely, coherently, but concisely argue your position on the issue; then argue why it is NOT the other one.
Make-up HW (HW–C): EACH essay counts as 2 HW. expository essay: a. Choose a topic we learned in class and research on a possible extension or generalization of this topic. b. Research on a topic we did NOT learn in class but might interest your classmates, i.e., the topic is interesting AND can be understood by high school students.
Write a clear, coherent, self-contained, but concise discussion on the topic (something like a lesson plan). State the concept. Explain in layman’s terms, if applicable. Explain the technicality. Give several well-chosen examples. Clarify misconceptions.
Def: A cross section of a prism, pyramid, cylinder, or cone is the intersection of the prism with a plane parallel to the plane containing the base (provided that this intersection is not empty).
Cavalieri’s principle: Given two solids whose bases lie on the same plane. Suppose that every plane parallel to the given plane, intersecting one of the solids, also intersects the other, and gives cross sections with the same area. Then the two solids have the same volume.
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