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Image Characteristics: Agenda. Image Characteristics – Size, Resolution, and Pixels. Image Display Differ Image Output Guidelines Simulation Activities. Image – Size, Resolution, and Pixels.
Image Characteristics: Agenda Image Characteristics –Size, Resolution, and Pixels Image Display Differ Image Output Guidelines Simulation Activities Image – Size, Resolution, and Pixels
A successful display of a 4 x 6 inches Digital On-screen Image and Digital Print Image do not share the same pixel characteristics or resolution. A successful and flawless Image is first assessed and then formatted before it is present for Best Quality Digital Output. Image Characteristics: Intro Best Quality OutputOn-Screen and Print Communications by Christine Andrews-Angelo Image Resolution > Pixels Per Inch | Monitor Resolution > Dots Per Inch or Pixels Per Inch
Image Characteristics: Intro Prerequisite forInsert Picture& Format/Reformat Picture – by Christine Andrews-Angelo
Image Characteristics: Same Picture – Different Characteristics On-screen Image Display Differ with Various Image Pixels or Resolutions 15-inch Lab-top Monitor with Display Resolution of 1280 x 854 pixels Photos Are the Same Aspect Ratio Image Size: 10 x 6.7 inches960 x 639 pixels at96 resolution Image Size: 6.7 x 4.4 inches640 x 426 pixelsat 96 resolution Tip-off,by scaling thisimage down to 50%,(or 6.7 x 4.4at144 resolution)the image’s characteristicwill than deliverthe minimal requirements toprint quality hardcopy only. Again, this image’s characteristic do not deliver the requirements to print quality hardcopy but scaling the image down to 50% will deliver the requiredresolution (pixel size) to output a print. by Christine Andrews-Angelo Some cases an Image can: Take-up the entire application window – so adjust monitor setting accordantly. Detect A Balance between Image Size, Display Setting, and Screen Size
6 5 4 3 2 1 Key: Negative space Positive space display resolutions a b c d e a-e 100 200 300 400 500 600 Image Characteristics: Image Versus Monitor On-screen Image Display Differ with Various Monitor Resolutions/Pixels and Sizes Image Size: 6 x 4 inches576 x 384 pixels96 resolution d. 1152 x 768 pixels(16 x 10.7 in.) e. 1280 x 854 pixels(17.8 x 11.9 in.) b. 896 x 600 pixels(12.4 x 8.3 in.) monitor(s) Pixels a. 800 x 600 pixels(11.1 x 8.3 in.) Inches Display Resolutions:a, b, c, d,and e c. 1024 x 768 pixels(14.2 x 10.7 in.) by Christine Andrews-Angelo Various display resolutions change the exhibit of Negative Space surrounding an Image (Positive Space) orincreasing monitor settings make for a smaller image size –image display only needs to match the monitor resolution. ClickforTIP Detect Display Setting Before Exhibiting On-screen
Click for TIP Display Appearances • PC • Screen Fonts:Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display Properties > Appearance > Effect > Use The following method to smooth edges of screen fonts: Clear Type • Screen Resolution:Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display Properties >Settings • MAC • Screen Fonts:System Preferences > General > Font Smoothing Style:CRT or Flat Panel • Screen Resolution:System Preferences >Displays • MAC PowerPoint® Preferences:PowerPoint® > Preferences > View >Enable Quartz Text Smoothing by Christine Andrews-Angelo Successfully Communicate A Presentation Display Appearances
1.5 MTiff format 1.5 MTiff format 1.5 MTiff format Image Characteristics: Assess Image File Size If Image Pixels Stay The Same – So Does The Image File Size < 9.4 x 6.3 inches900 x 600 pixels 96 resolution 1.5 M Tiff format Therefore, assess and prepare your image(s) reasonably, fortitudes success. The larger, the file size increases the chances for an on-screen file crash, printer error, or user incompatibilities. 3 x 2 inches900 x 600 pixels 300 resolution 1.5 MTiff format by Christine Andrews-Angelo < 4.7 x 3.1 inches900 x 600 pixels 192 resolution 1.5 M Tiff format Pixel Aspect Ratio is Relative to the Document Size
Image Characteristics: Pixels & Resolution Guidelines Determine final Output Size though – For ease of performing Project’s tasks it isrecommended to printout next 2-slides. by Christine Andrews-Angelo
Image Characteristics: Pixel Guidelines I Pixel Pixel Guidelines for:On-Screen and Print Images Print and On-Screen Pixels Image Sizes(inches) 144(PC/Mac) Res. 192(PC/Mac) Res. Print Res. 7.50 x 10˝ 5.25 x 7˝ 4.50 x 6˝ 2.25 x 3˝ 1440 x 1080 pixels 1008 x 756 pixels 864 x 648 pixels 432 x 324 pixels 1920 x 1440 pixels 1344 x 1008 pixels 1154 x 864 pixels 576 x 432 pixels Most home and office inkjets or laser printers will deliver successful prints using these print resolutions. Alternatively, see printer manual or service provider for recommended image resolution – the best resolution for print output is the printer’s DPI (Dots Per Inch) capacity. Image sizes are based on Picture CD aspect ratio. • 144 res. used for picture(graphics or images) slides (minimum resolution) and 192 res. used for small fine text, charts, and pictures. 72(Mac) Res. 96(PC/Mac) Res. On-Screen Res. 7.50 x 10˝ 5.25 x 7˝ 4.50 x 6˝ 2.25 x 3˝ 720 x 540 pixels 504 x 378 pixels 432 x 324 pixels 216 x 162 pixels 960 x 720 pixels 672 x 504 pixels 576 x 432 pixels 288 x 216 pixels If on-screen, output (seen,On-screen) is larger than document size (File > Page Setup) increase image size [resolution, pixels, or document size (scale)] to compensate for scale of monitor projection/output. by Christine Andrews-Angelo Note: 200 resolution/dpi is practicable as to 192 dpi – findings follow. Click Print Aids icon for PDF version or see lesson’s webpage for print file (PDF format). Guesstimate Image Pixel size by >
To determine an image’s Pixel size,first determine the final output –it may be both. On-screen Output recommendations:PC platform 96 resolution(minimum resolution)MAC platform 72 resolution(minimum resolution)If considering a higher resolution for on-screen it is recommend not to exceed* an image size of more than 100% (actual size for output) and of 144 resolution, However a resolution of 144 may be used for print as well. Digital Print Output recommendations:for PC/MAC platforms:192 – 200 res. fordainty text, charts,or images.144 – 192 res. for image/picture slides (minimum resolution). Document Size:Determine Image Size –Actual Image Size for Output (Scale 100%)Except for,on-screen*, output (On-screen display) that projects larger thanDetermine Image Size/Document Size (File > Page > Setup),increase image size [resolution, pixels, or image/document size (scale)] to compensate for scale of monitor projection/output. 6 in. 4.50 in. 144res. 648pixels 4.50 in. x 144 res. 4.50 in. 648pixels 6 in.x 144 res. x 864pixels or, Divide Image Characteristics: Pixel Guidelines II Pixel Guesstimate Image Pixel size by – • MultiplyDetermine ImageResolutionbyDetermine Image Size For Example: A 4.50 x 6 inches Digital Phototo be put into a Print Presentation. Image Size (scaled down):4.50 x 6 inches or864 x 648 pixels by Christine Andrews-Angelo Determine Pixel Answer864 x 648 pixels The larger the file size increases chances for on-screen, print, or sharing errors.
Image Characteristics: Summary Image Characteristics –Size, Resolution, and Pixels In summary, on-screen image display differs with various monitor resolutions and sizes. Some cases images can take-up the entire application window, so adjust monitor setting accordantly. To print an on-screen image, scaling it down 50% should deliver efficient image characteristics to print a quality print. In addition, to display an on-screen image in PowerPoint® the image should not be scaled down to 20%, this does not make for a smaller file size, the file size stays the same but when compressed (format/resample) it changes the image characteristics, the image characteristics turn into a scaled image of 100%. Therefore, file sharing is more practical and delivery outcome happenssuccessfully. Keep hold of your original picture file, scaling image above 100% allows for pixilated or fuzzy image characteristics. Tip-off: On-screen presentation out-put (resolutions of 72 & 96) of Handouts and Note Pages will deliver required resolution to print quality hardcopy, as the presentation slides are scaled down (50% – 72x2or 96x2) to fit 2-slides per page (Handouts); same as, 1-slide with note space (Note Pages). by Christine Andrews-Angelo
Image Characteristics: Simulation Activities Now let’s Challenge Your Noggin through –
wrong wrong 162 KTiff format 365 KTiff format 648 KTiff format wrong Image Characteristics:Simulation Activities Guess what image has the largest file size?Click image to find out if you are right or wrong. 3 x 2 inches192 x 288 pixels 96 resolution 3 x 2 inches432 x 288 pixels 144 resolution 1.5 MTiff format right by Christine Andrews-Angelo 3 x 2 inches576 x 384 pixels192 resolution 3 x 2 inches900 x 600 pixels 300 resolution How dissimilar do images appear – little or none, on-screen?
wrong choice wrong choice Wrong choice – it can work as a print but the image would have to be scaled down 50% to accommodate a quality print therefore the print would display at 3 x 2 inches, which would not fit into a 4 x 6 in. picture frame. Size works for an on-screen display. Wrong choice – again it can work as a print but the image would have to be scaled down 50% to accommodate a quality print therefore the print would display at 1.5 x 1 inches – tiny print, which would not fit into a 4 x 6 in. picture frame. Size works for an on-screen display. Right choice – ultimate picture size for delivery. Moreover, this image works because it can be scaled down and still sustain a quality print. Scaling image down 50% produces a 4 x 6 in. at 192-resolution image; as a result, decreases and/or compresses image pixel size – not producing fewer pixels but improving image quality to produce a quality print output. 6 x 4 inchesresolution of 96 3 x 2 inchesresolution of 96 12 x 8 inchesresolution of 96 Image Characteristics:Simulation Activities Sara is vacationing and she brought along her digital camera to capture special events. In addition, she would be sharing her pictures with a close friend back at home by way of email delivery. Most of all she would like her friend to printout a quality 6 x 4 inches picture so it can be framed. So, what image size do you believe would be best sent?Click image to find out if you are right or wrong. right choice by Christine Andrews-Angelo Successfully Communicate A Presentation Good going – lets try another!
Wrong choice –The image was captured by way of digital camera, which allows for a connection and transfer of images to a computer. Moreover, the plan does not allow for quality image display, the bottom picture was taken at a further distance. This capture allows for possible blurry or pixilated image characteristics especially when manipulated to create a close-up (to zoom in) view. Finally, a computer displays the image this is realistic for such event. Most cases a computer is linked to a digital projector for presentation display. Wrong choice –Even though the image was produced using traditional materials and captured by way of a digital camera, which allows for a connection and transfer of images to a computer. In addition, the plan chose the top picture for display that works because the image file allows for image manipulation. That is needed to achieve a quality close-up (to zoom in) therefore the possibilities of the image looking blurry or pixilated are slim when projected. However, a printer is used to displayed the image; this is not realistic for this event – it is stated above the information must be presented using an on-screen display. Image Characteristics:Simulation Activities Jim is planning to present an on-screen presentation to his coworkers about the use of a new tool. In addition, he must exhibit a close-up of the image because the surface must illustrate a defect free finish. Digital camera Therefore, what course of action illustrates Jim’s challenges best?Click image to find out if you are right or wrong. traditional materials film camera photographs or drawings cd Right choice– The image was captured by way of 35 mm film then converted to digital CD, which can be viewed by computer. In addition, the plan chose the top picture for display. This works best because the image file allows for image manipulation that is needed to achieve a quality close-up (to zoom in; therefore, the possibilities of the image looking blurry or pixilated are slim when projected. Finally, it is viewed by a laptop this is realistic for such event. by Christine Andrews-Angelo Successfully Communicate A Presentation Well done!
Slide Master Layout Image Characteristics Insert Picture and Format/Reformat Picture Presentation Wrap-Up Extra Useful Tool Tips Agenda: Lesson Plans > (Greater than) symbolcharacter is seen throughout the lesson. The “>” symbolizes application tool paths or routes on how to achieve desired results. PC and MAC share tool paths or routes unless otherwise sighted. Resume to Next Objective by Way of – http://scap.creativeschemes.net/SCaP_3.ppt