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SCOPE • Aim • Legislative requirements • Lay out of the Plan • Mandate • Vision and Mission • DMV Strategy Map • EA priorities VOTE 22 • Strategic Budgeting Information • Programme Performance information • Risk Management information • Conclusions
AIM • To provide the outlook of the DMV APP for fiscal year 2013 and the Vote 22 strategic budgeting information
LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS • Treasury Regulations: • 5.1.2 (b) Each year the Accounting Officer of a department must ensure that the department has an APP covering the budget year and the MTEF. • National Treasury Framework for SP and APP: • Departments are required to produce and table an APP including forward projections for a further two years, consistent with the medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF) period, with annual and quarterly performance targets, where appropriate, for the current financial year and the MTEF.
LAYOUT OF THE APP • Part A: Strategic Overview • Part B: Overview of the 2013 Budget MTEF Estimates • Part C: Programme and sub-Programme Plans • Part D: Links to other Plans • Appendix A: DMV Programme Performance Information • Appendix B: Changes to DMV performance indicators and targets • Appendix C: DMV Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring and Evaluation cycle
MANDATE OF THE DMV Mandate • The Department of Military Veterans derives its legislative mandate from the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011, which requires it to provide national policy and standards on socioeconomic support to military veterans and to their dependants, including benefits and entitlements to help realise a dignified, unified, empowered self - sufficient military veterans community.
A dignified, unified, empowered and self sufficient military veterans’ community VISION & MISSION Vision "A dignified, unified, empowered and self sufficient military veterans’ community” Mission • To facilitate delivery and co-ordinate all activities that recognise and entrench the restoration of dignity and appreciation of the contribution of Military Veterans to our freedom and Nation Building.
Department of Military Veterans Strategy Map Outcome &Impact A dignified , unified, empowered And self sufficient Military Veterans community Output Deliverables • D1: Strategic direction D3: Empowerment and Stakeholder Relations Management Services • D2: Socio Economic Support Services D4: Ensure the provision of Sound Policy and Administration Activities P2: Enable the DMV P3: Deliver the Services P1: Administer the DMV Inputs R3: Ensure Adequate DMV Infrastructure, estate management and logistics services R1: Ensure professional & Supported DMV Human Resources R5: Ensure sound Financial Management of the DMV R4: Ensure Integrated and Reliable DMV Information and Intelligence Investing in the Future F1: Ensure Appropriate Research and Policy F2: Promote Global Presence F3: Ensure Consensus on Military Veterans F4: Promote adequate footprint Version 1
EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Ensure a fully functional Department of Military Veterans with an independent budget vote and systems. • Priority 2: Provision of immediate social relief of distress to the most vulnerable Military Veterans: • In acknowledging the reality that there are destitute military veterans, there is a need to identify those that reside within this category and devise interventions to deliver immediate relief. The financial year will endeavour to provide the deserving members with hope. • Priority 3:To provide, subject to availability of resources, comprehensive support services to military veterans and where applicable, to their dependants, but not limited to: • Education, training and skills development • Acquiring of Health Care and Wellness Centre • Access to health support • Subsidization or provisioning of public transport • Housing • Burial Support • Priority 4: Promote empowerment programmes for and of Military Veterans: • The fiscal year will be characterized by initiatives that will be aggressively pursued to embrace widening of access to economic participation to Military Veterans. The initiatives will entail : • Utilisation of preferential procurement mechanism with the DMV and other social partners • Operationalization of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to provide incubator programmes designated for Military Veterans • Facilitation of employment placement • Facilitation of or advise on business opportunities • Priority 5: Promotion of heritage of military veterans and memorialising and honouring military veterans • Priority 6: Maintenance of a credible and secure national Military Veterans database • Priority 7:Implementtaion of a high impact communication and marketing strategy and plan
MAIN FOCUS OF THE DMV APP FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 • DMV contribution to the MTSF Outcomes • DMV Contribution to the job creation agenda of government • DMV contribution to the FOSAD implementation plan • DMV contribution to the youth development initiatives • The achievement of DMV sustained mandate including EA priorities
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE GOVERNMENT JOB CREATION AGENDA • As stipulated in the National Development Plan (Vision 2030) of South Africa, “the country needs an economy that is more inclusive, more dynamic and in which the fruits of growth are shared more equitably”. It is through this reason the Department of Military Veterans is determined to ensure that the needs of all military veterans within the country are taken care of, and this could eliminate poverty and reduce inequality in the country. • In contributing to the Government agenda of job creation, the following will be done: • Ensure that the environment for sustainable employment and inclusive economic growth is realised for military veterans and their dependents. • The department as part of its mandate will support small businesses owned by military veterans through better co-ordination of activities in small business agencies, development finance institutions as well as public and private incubators. • Initiatives to support these small businesses will be the utilisation of preferential procurement mechanism within the DMV and other social partners as well as the operationalization of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to provide incubator programmes designated for Military Veterans • The DMV will also ensure that there is improvement in the skills base of military veterans through better education and vocational training. The Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) which the department will upgrade will be utilised for this purpose. • Finalisation of the military veterans company database • Reduction in the level of unemployment among NSF military veterans by 3% during the 2013/14 financial year.
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE FOSAD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • The department during the medium-term has committed to focus on the achievement of targets as set by FOSAD. The following priorities as set out by FOSAD will be implemented by the department as required: • Ensure that the performance agreement of the Accounting Officer is signed by the Executive Authority and submitted to OPSC; • Develop and approve the Service Delivery and Improvement plan for the department and submit to DPSA, as well as effective implementation and monitoring thereof; • Ensure that feedback on all cases from the National Anti-Corruption Hotline is provided and all cases are concluded within the stipulated timeframe determined by OPSC; • Maintain the current status of obtaining unqualified audit outcome with no matters; • Ensure that all Senior Managers’ Financial Disclosures are concluded and copies are filed with OPSC; • That the cases from the Presidential Hotline are resolved; and that • The exception reports on 30 day payment to suppliers be submitted to National Treasury as per the Instruction Note issued in November 2011.
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES • In contributing to the new growth path as well as the National Youth Development strategy and policy, the DMV will have initiatives that will focus on the youth who are dependants of military veterans as well as all South African youth at large. The initiatives by the department will include amongst others the following: • Providing bursaries to the military veterans and their dependents as part of the mandate of the department as well as contribution to outcome 1 of government. Improvements in education and skill levels are a fundamental prerequisite for achieving many of the goals in the national growth path which includes job creation. According to the national growth path, the general education must equip all South Africans to participate in the democracy and economy, and higher education must do more to meet the needs of broad-based development. • Providing employment opportunities for military veterans and youth who are dependents of the military veterans by ensuring the following: • The utilisation of preferential procurement mechanism with the DMV and other social partners (focus on businesses owned by youth who are dependants of military veterans). • Operationalization of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to provide incubator programmes designated for Military Veterans and their dependents (focus on businesses owned by youth who are dependants of military veterans). • Partnering with relevant government departments to provide Youth Empowerment Programs. In this regard, the Department will prioritise the partnership with the Department of Rural Development, as agreed in the memorandum of understanding. • Internship programme(providing employment opportunities to qualifying graduates within the department of Military Veterans). During the 2013 fiscal year, the DMV will recruit a minimum of 19 unemployed graduates who will be provided with work place development opportunities while at the same time increasing capacity as well as bringing new ideas to the department in order to improve service delivery imperatives.
ALIGNMENT WITH THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN • In line with the national development plan’s objective of job creation, the department will enable military veterans by ensuring that there is improvement in the skills base of military veterans through the provision of better education and vocational training. • During the 2013/14 financial year the department will focus on upgrading the Centre for Advanced Training to ensure that it can be utilised for this purpose.
DMV POLICY PROPOSALS IN SUPPORT OF THE PRIORITIES OF THE MOD&MV • DMV ICT Strategy • DMV Anti criminality strategy • Military Veterans health care policy • White paper on MilVets • DMV Risk Management Strategy • DMV Risk Management policy
Policy Initiatives that impact on spending patterns 2013 fiscal year will primarily focus on prioritise the servicing the section 5 benefits that give credence to following Executive Authority's priorities:- • To realise a separate budget vote for the Military Veterans Mandate • To realise an adequately resourced and fully functional Department that has requisite systems, regulatory frameworks, policies and processes to fasttrack delivery of the Military Veterans mandate • To provide, subject to availability of resources, comprehensive support services to military veterans and where applicable, to their dependants • Promotion of Military Veterans heritage as well as memorialisation and honouring • Maintain the credibility and security of the national military veterans database • Ensure empowerment programmes for and of Military Veterans
PROGRAMME 2: SOCIO ECONOMIC SUPPORT SERVICES Objectives • Provide socioeconomic support services to military veterans by: • establishing and maintaining the credibility and security of the national military veterans’ database through consolidating data, updating software and implementing an annual update of the database • ensuring through access to the database that all deserving military veterans receive benefits as espoused in section 5 of the Military Veterans Act ( 2011) by 2015/16. • Developing strategic partnerships with other organs of states to advance delivery on basic social security by concluding , monitoring and evaluating performance against service level agreements and where applicable , memoranda of understanding to ensure that: • 11 500 eligible military veterans have decent housing over the medium term • 16 000 military veterans have access to health care services by 2015/16 • 400 eligible military veterans and dependents across the country are to be provided with on-going education and transport support over the medium term. • Provide on-going support services to the dependants of military veterans by: • - coordinating, conclude, monitoring and evaluate the implementation of service level agreements and memoranda of understanding with organs of state and relevant agencies • - reporting comprehensively on the national military veterans’ programme. • Provide strategic leadership to the sector by conducting research on pertinent issues affecting military veterans and by developing policies; and implementing, norms, standards; strategies; guidelines; and efficiencies for leadership; and ensuring that all military veterans receive relevant benefits and support over the medium term. • Provide comprehensive wellness support services to eligible military veterans by concluding dedicated service level agreements with the relevant organs of state and other agencies over the medium term
PRORAMME 2: SUB-PROGRAMMES OVERVIEW • Database and Benefits managementprovides administrative support for the Department and plays a pivotal role in establishing and managing the military veteran database. In 2012/13, focus was placed on ensuring that there is a credible and secure database through carrying out electronic clean-up activities and capturing 13 768 veterans’ personal files. In 2012/13, this subprogramme had a permanent staff complement of 2, which was assisted by personnel seconded from the Department of Defence as well as members of the reserve force. • Research and Policy Developmentdevelops an equitable and sound environment for promoting the interests of military veterans through continuous research processes, and provides information on managing military veterans based on international standards. This entails ensuring that Department of Military Veterans regulations are developed for approval. In 2012/13, this subprogramme had a permanent staff complement of 2, which was assisted by contract workers who were appointed in April 2012. • Health Care and Wellbeing Supportfacilitates the provision of health care and wellbeing support to military veterans. There are currently 270 military veterans accessing counselling through the military veterans healthcare practitioner association and the military health support service. Approximately 3 000 military veterans have access to health care. In 2012/13, this subprogramme had a permanent staff complement of 1, which was assisted by members seconded from the Department of Defence, members of the reserve force, contract workers, and detached members from the South African Navy. • Socio-economic Support Services facilitates and coordinates socioeconomic support services to military veterans. This entails ensuring that legal instruments for the provision of socioeconomic support services to veterans such as housing, pensions and transport are put in place. The main activities relate to the development and consolations on the General Regulations on Military Veterans . The 2012 fiscal year saw the development of draft policies that on Military Veterans education as well as Military Veterans Health-care . The subprogramme had a staff complement of 2 in 2012/13.
PROGRAMME 3: EMPOWERMENT AND STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS • Ensure the empowerment of deserving military veterans by: • establishing a fully functional special purpose vehicle that will facilitate business opportunities for development through partnerships and collaborations with other organs of state and the private sector by 2013/14 • forming partnerships with 30 private sector companies and organs of state over the medium term • entering into service level agreements and memoranda of understanding with organs of state; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the agreements and memoranda of understanding to ensure that support is provided on an annual basis • concluding 12 formal agreements with institutions of higher learning for the provision of skills development over the medium term. • promoting relations at inter and intra-government level • facilitating the interfacing of military veterans with the international community through the establishment of relevant exchange programmes • ensuring that a total of 10 strategic initiatives are established at national, continental and international levels • ensuring through the Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) that 7500 deserving military veterans have access to relevant training and skills development and 1 000 have relevant NQF registered qualifications and part qualifications over the MTEF.
PROGRAMME 3: SUBPROGRAMMES OVERVIEW • Provincial Offices Management and Stakeholder Relations facilitates and coordinates military veteran stakeholder institutions and provides administrative support to secure stakeholders from both public and private institutions willing to contribute towards the wellbeing of military veterans. In 2012/13, focus was placed on building capacity at provincial offices by ensuring full staff establishment, and strengthening relations with the department’s major stakeholder by entering into a service level agreement. In 2012/13, this subprogramme had a permanent staff complement of 1, which was assisted by members seconded from the Department of Defence. • Military Veterans Skills Development and Empowerment Programmesprovides reskilling programmes and related activities to ensure that military veterans contribute positively to mainstream economic activities. In 2013/14, soliciting the National Skills Fund will realise training 1 000 military veterans over a 2-year period. Efforts are under way to refocus the centre for advanced training as a skills development and empowerment centre for military veterans. In 2012/13, this subprogramme had a permanent staff complement of 2, which was assisted by members seconded from the Department of Defence. • Heritage, Memorials, Burials and Honours provides services to honour the contributions made by military veterans; and ensures that their memoirs are adequately secured, articulated in a dignified manner and captured in historical texts. In 2012/13, was characterised by preparatory work to a monument for military veterans and memorial sites (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) for Military veterans and exploratory studies on the attributes of headstones that will restore dignity of military veterans’ graves. This subprogramme had no permanent staff complement in 2012/13, and work was undertaken by personnel seconded from the Department of Defence and contract workers who were appointed in April 2012.
OVERALL EXPLANATION OF ENE BUDGET ALLOCATION • The spending focus over the medium term period will be on the filling of critical posts and supporting the delivery of benefits to military veterans. • The spending across all three programmes is expected to increase significantly as the department builds up sufficient capacity to deliver on its mandate following the enactment of the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011. • The projected increase in expenditure over the medium term is to provide for the development and implementation of the required information & communication technology, security services, legal services, policies, procedures , communication and marketing of the military veterans programmes. • The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is also meant to provide internal audit consultancy services and funding for the provision of the infrastructure projects.
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME: EXPLANATION OF 2013/14 ENE BUDGET ALLOCATION • The projected expenditure increase in Programme Administration due to the filling of critical posts in terms of organisational structure, to provide for accommodation requirements and other operational requirements. • The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is also focused on the development and implementation of the information & technology systems, administrative policies & procedures and provision of legal services, security services, communication and marketing of the military veterans programmes. The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is focused on funding the external & internal audit professional services. • The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is focused on funding the external & internal audit professional services.
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME: EXPLANATION OF 2013/14 ENE BUDGET ALLOCATION • Lastly, the projected expenditure increase is accounted for by the acquisition and upgrading of national & provincial office space, provincial health & wellness centres, establishment of the Tomb Of An Unknown Soldier, the infrastructure upgrade at the Defence Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) and the development of head stones for the graves of military veterans. • The decrease in expenditure under the Programme Administration and machinery & equipment is informed by the fact that by 2014/15 to 2015/16 most of the projects would have been completed by 2015/16 and purchase of furniture, other related infrastructural and equipment requirements for the national and provincial offices would be acquired by 2014/15
SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAMME: EXPLANATION OF 2013/14 ENE BUDGET ALLOCATION • The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is focused on the funding of the provision of 11500 houses to the deserving military veterans. • The projected expenditure increase over the medium term is also focused on funding the health assessment and provision of proper health care services to the military veterans. • Lastly, over the same period, the expenditure increase is focused on funding the socio-economic research , policy development functions and educational funding of the deserving military veterans and their dependants.
EMPOWERMENT AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME: EXPLANATION OF 2013/14 ENE BUDGET ALLOCATION • The expenditure increase over the medium term is also focused on filling critical posts, establishing of military veterans appeals and advisory boards. • The expenditure increase is also focused on the erection of 7 memorial sites for military veterans who sacrificed their lives for freedom and democracy, funding for the improvement of capacity in the 9 provincial offices, investing in the heritage preservation, facilitating the establishment of heroes acres and monuments in every province. • Lastly the projected expenditure increase over the medium term is focused on the provision of provision of skills and empowerment programmes to 7500 military veterans and funding of the Defence Centre for Advance Training to reskill and develop the military veterans.
DMV STRATEGIC RISKS • Inadequate financial resources, human resources and infrastructures (which includes accommodation and IT Systems) • Lack of Monitoring and Evaluation capability (To monitor effectiveness of MV Programmes) • Compromising completeness and integrity of information on the Database • Lack of data regarding military veterans available skills • Dependency of skills audit and database
CONCLUSIONS • It is believed that through the planning and strategic budgeting provided herein, qualitative delivery on the military veterans mandate will be fast tracked, thus making a arguable case for more resourcing. • Such delivery will further make a case for improved allocative efficiency to leap frog fasttrack the comprehensive delivery of the long awaited justiciable and justifiable socio-economic rights.
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