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What is Longitudinal Student Data?

What is Longitudinal Student Data?. Longitudinal student data is data that allows the user to match individual student records across datasets and years. 1998-2000 High Performing K-5 Schools in Reading. 1998. 1999. 2000. Ec Dis=Economically Disadvantaged LEP=Limited English Proficiency.

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What is Longitudinal Student Data?

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  1. What is Longitudinal Student Data? Longitudinal student data isdata that allows the user to match individual student records across datasets and years.

  2. 1998-2000 High Performing K-5 Schools in Reading 1998 1999 2000 Ec Dis=Economically Disadvantaged LEP=Limited English Proficiency

  3. Best Practices: District-Campus-Classroom Absent Present Best The DISTRICT Define Clear and Specific Academic Objectives in the District’s Written Curriculum Select and Develop Leadership and Align Resources to Achieve Academic Objectives Classroom Campus District Assess Students and Analyze Results in Core Subjects by Campus and Teacher Intervene and Adjust Leadership and/or Resources Based on Campus Performance

  4. Clearly written curricular documents that identify the specific knowledge and skills (academic objectives) students will acquire by grade level and subject area exist at the district level. A parent or teacher can read the documents and understand what a child is expected to learn by the end of the year. These documents cite academic objectives that extend beyond those tested by the state. Students achieve at the proficiency standard or higher on the state assessment. Best Practices: District-Campus-Classroom Define Clear and Specific Academic Objectives in the District’s Written Curriculum Pre-K 12 Vertical Teams of teachers organized by subject meet regularly to continually review and refine the district curriculum. THE EVIDENCE When asked, the principal and teachers know exactly what is to be taught and learned at each grade level. This knowledge reflects an exact match to the written curricular documents.

  5. Best Practices: District-Campus-Classroom Absent Present Best The CAMPUS Provide Strong Instructional Leadership Prepare a Campus Plan to Assure all Students Achieve Academic Objectives Select Teachers and Align Programs and Resources to Achieve Academic Goals Classroom Campus District Assure the Use of Data-Driven, Research-Based Instructional Practices and Arrangements Monitor Student and Teacher Performance Intervene and Adjust Personnel and/or Programs Based on Student Performance

  6. Best Practices: District-Campus-Classroom Absent Present Best The CLASSROOM Teach to Specified Academic Objectives Using Best Instructional Practices and Arrangements Monitor the Progress of Every Student Classroom Campus District Intervene and Adjust Instruction Based on Individual Student Performance

  7. Just for the Kids in Other States 1-Ohio is proceeding with a “snapshot” data picture with charts that indicate that the JFTK model is coming at a later time, probably in 2003.2-Maryland is limited to the JFTK elementary data picture by the fact that the state test does not produce individual student scores.

  8. Just for the Kids in Other States - cont. 3-California has business community support and plans to match records for participating districts only in 2005-06.

  9. www.just4kids.org

  10. Tom Luce, JFTK Founder Professional Career • Attorney 1965-present • Founded Hughes & Luce, 1973; of Counsel, 1997 • Author, Now or Never: How We Can Save Our Public Schools State of Texas Appointments/Positions • Chief of Staff, Texas Select Committee of Public Schools, 1984 • Chairman, Texas National Research Laboratory Commission • Chief Justice pro tempore, Texas Supreme Court, 1988 • Delegate, Education Commission of the States, 1995-1998 Nonprofit Organizations Boards of Directors • Chairman of the Board and Founder, Just for the Kids • Chairman, Dallas 2012 Olympic Committee • Texas Business and Education Coalition (Co-chair, 1994) Corporate Boards of Directors • Dell Computer Corporation • Enserch

  11. Brad Duggan Currently: • Executive Director, Just for the Kids • Chair, Texas Education Agency Student Performance Data Mart Advisory Committee • Member, Texas Task Force on Performance Management • Coordinating Committee Member, Texas Business and Education Coalition Previously: • Executive Director, Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (20 years) • Chair, Texas Society of Association Executives (1999) • Steering Committee Member, Texas Education Agency/IBM Reinventing Education Steering Committee (1999)

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