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by Marta Matamoros Kathya Piedra Rocío Ling. RESTAURANT VOCABULARY COLLABORATIVE PROJECT . TASK DEFINITION. To learn about restaurant and food vocabulary by using bottom -up strategies ( from vocabulary to realia )
TASK DEFINITION Tolearnabout restaurant and foodvocabularybyusingbottom-up strategies (fromvocabularytorealia) 1.1 . L2 learnersneedtoacquire and learnvocabulary, idiomaticexpressions, and grammarstructurestoexpresswhattheyneedwhentheyeat at the restaurant. 1.2. L2 learners need to learn relevant vocabulary about food and restaurant as well as basic idiomatic expressions typically used at the restaurant, and to be exposed to realia to be able to understand and communicate better.
INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGY Different tutorials for the users have been developed using buttom-up strategies and technological resources. Restaurant vocabulary and idiomatic expressions are introduced, evaluated and reinforced by using different Internet sites, JQUIZ tool, two power point presentations with hyperlinks, and a movie maker .
POSSIBLE SOURCES The Internet provided a greatvariety of sources : video activities, restaurant vocabulary , pictures , illustrations, idiomaticexpressions, tutorials and quizesabout restaurant vocabulary. Bibliographical material wasresearchedtofindoutwhatdifferentauthorssuggesttoworkwithtutorials. Someauthorsthatrefertothis are : Ur, Penny (LearnerAutonomy, 2000) Brown, S. & Helgesen, M. (PracticalEnglishLanguageTeaching ;Listening) Harmer, Jeremy (ThePractice of EnglishLanguageTeaching, 1991) Carter, R. & Nunam, D. The Cambridge Guide toTeachingEnglishtoSpeakers of OtherLanguages, (2001) Killickaya, Ferit. (AuthenticMaterials and Cultural Content in EFL Classrooms, 2004) Kim, D. (InnovativeEducationalTechnology in the Global Classroom, 2009) Loneran, J. (Video in LanguageTeching, 1984).
Use of theInformation Thesources can beaccessedbyThe Internet, and at theMaster’sProgram Library. The bibliographical material consulted shed light on different Internet sites that could be accessed to consult material. It also guided the collaborative team to understand better how to deal with technological resources to teach vocabulary integrated to real contexts.
Ten different Internet links werechosen and uploadedonThe Top Ten ResourcesList. The links fromthe Internet wereselectedbecausetheypresented restaurant and foodvocabulary as well as idiomaticexpressionsrelatedtothetopic in a simple easy-toaccessway. Somerelevantpictureswereselectedtodesignpowerpointpresentations and Jquizactivities.Thebibliographical material guidedtheorganization of thetutorialspedagogically (bottom-up strategy) from a technologicallyorientedperspective.
ThecollaborativeteambrusheduponThe Internet sitesthatproveusefulto introduce new vocabulary and idiomsonvocabulary and idiomaticexpression at the restaurant. Theparticipantsselectedthemostinteresting web sites and uploadedthem in theirvocabularyresource page, then, ten top resourceswereselectedtoelaboratedifferent tutorial s managingbottom-up strategies. Theparticipantscollaboratedvia e-mail and wiki byaddingcomments, suggestions, and posting material designedtoteach restaurant and foodvocabulary and expressions.
Thetutorial consistsontwopowerpointpresentationsto introduce vocabularyaboutfood and idioms , and threegame-quizactivitiestoreinforcethe target vocabulary and idiomaticexpressions, a moviemakertoexposethelearnerstorealia and typicalexpresionsused at the restaurant .The learners will get started getting familiar with the target vocabulary by accessing the power point presentations. The technical requirements are the basic skills that enable the users to use the mouse and open the program and got to the next steps, click the links to watch the movie and use the tutorial to assess their understanding.
EVALUATION:Thetutorialsweredesignedtobeeasy-tohandle and self-explanatory. Learners can accesstheactivitiesbyfollowing up instructions. Thebuttom-up strategyallows gradual exposuretothe new material formbasicvocabularytointegratedchallengingcontextssuch as themoviemakertask.