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Computing Facilities & Capabilities

Computing Facilities & Capabilities. Julian Borrill Computational Research Division, Berkeley Lab & Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley. Computing Issues. Data Volume Data Processing Data Storage Data Security Data Transfer Data Format/Layout Its all about the data. Data Volume.

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Computing Facilities & Capabilities

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  1. Computing Facilities & Capabilities Julian Borrill Computational Research Division, Berkeley Lab & Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley

  2. Computing Issues • Data Volume • Data Processing • Data Storage • Data Security • Data Transfer • Data Format/Layout Its all about the data

  3. Data Volume • Planck data volume drives (almost) everything • LFI : • 22 detectors with 32.5, 45 & 76.8 Hz sampling • 4 x 1010 samples per year • 0.2 TB time-ordered data + 1.0 TB full detector pointing data • HFI : • 52 detectors with 200 Hz sampling • 3 x 1011 samples per year • 1.3 TB time-ordered data + 0.2 TB full boresight pointing data • LevelS (e.g. CTP “Trieste” simulations) : • 4 LFI detectors with 32.5 Hz sampling • 4 x 109 samples per year • 2 scans x 2 beams x 2 samplings x 7 components + 2 noises • 1.0 TB time-ordered data + 0.2 TB full detector pointing data

  4. Data Processing • Operation count scales linearly (& inefficiently) with • # analyses, # realizations, # iterations, # samples • 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 1011 ~ O(10) Eflop (cf. '05 Day in the Life) • NERSC • Seaborg : 6080 CPU, 9 Tf/s • Jacquard : 712 CPU, 3 Tf/s (cf. Magique-II) • Bassi : 888 CPU, 7 Tf/s • NERSC-5 : O(100) Tf/s, first-byte in 2007 • NERSC-6 : O(500) Tf/s, first-byte in 2010 • Expect allocation of O(2 x 106) CPU-hours/year => O(4) Eflop/yr (10GHz CPUs @ 5% efficiency) • USPDC cluster • Specification & location TBD, first-byte in 2007/8 • O(100) CPU x 80% x 9000 hours/year => O(0.4) Eflop/yr (5GHz CPUs @ 3% efficiency) • IPAC small cluster dedicated to ERCSC

  5. Processing 9 Tf/s NERSC Seaborg 3 Tf/s NERSC Jacquard 7 Tf/s NERSC Bassi 0.1 Tf/s ERCSC Cluster 0.5 Tf/s USPDC Cluster 100 Tf/s NERSC 5 (2007) 500 Tf/s NERSC 6 (2010)

  6. Data Storage • Archive at IPAC • mission data • O(10) TB • Long-term at NERSC using HPSS • mission + simulation data & derivatives • O(2) PB • Spinning disk at USPDC cluster & at NERSC using NGF • current active data subset • O(2 - 20) TB • Processor memory at USPDC cluster & at NERSC • running job(s) • O(1 - 10+) GB/CPU & O(0.1 - 10) TB total

  7. Processing + Storage 9 Tf/s 6 TBNERSC Seaborg 2/20 PB NERSC HPSS 3 Tf/s 2 TBNERSC Jacquard 10 TB IPAC Archive 20/200 TB NERSC NGF 7 Tf/s 4 TB NERSC Bassi 0.1 Tf/s 50 GBERCSC Cluster 2 TB USPDC Cluster 0.5 Tf/s 200 GB USPDC Cluster 100 Tf/s 50 TB NERSC-5 (2007) 500 Tf/s 250 TB NERSC-6 (2010)

  8. Data Security • UNIX filegroups • special account : user planck • permissions _r__/___/___ • Personal keyfob to access planck acount • real-time grid-certification of individuals • keyfobs issued & managed by IPAC • single system for IPAC, NERSC & USPDC cluster • Allows securing of selected data • e.g. mission vs simulation • Differentiates access to facilities and to data • standard personal account & special planck account

  9. Processing + Storage + Security PLANCK KEYFOB REQUIRED 9 Tf/s 7 TB NERSC Seaborg 2/20 PB NERSC HPSS 3 Tf/s 2 TB NERSC Jacquard 10 TB IPAC Archive 20/200 TB NERSC NGF 7 Tf/s 4 TB NERSC Bassi 0.1 Tf/s 50 GB ERCSC Cluster 2 TB USPDC Cluster 0.5 Tf/s 200 GB USPDC Cluster 100 Tf/s 50 TB NERSC-5 (2007) 500 Tf/s 250 TB NERSC-6 (2010)

  10. Data Transfer • From DPCs to IPAC • transatlantic tests being planned • From IPAC to NERSC • 10 Gb/s over Pacific Wave, CENIC + ESNet • tests planned this summer • From NGF to/from HPSS • 1 Gb/s being upgraded to 10+ Gb/s • From NGF to memory (most real-time critical) • within NERSC • 8-64 Gb/s depending on system (& support for this) • offsite depends on location • 10Gb/s to LBL over dedicated data link on Bay Area MAN • fallback exists : stage data on local scratch space

  11. Processing + Storage + Security + Networks PLANCK KEYFOB REQUIRED 9 Tf/s 7 TB NERSC Seaborg 2/20 PB NERSC HPSS 8 Gb/s 3 Tf/s 2 TBNERSC Jacquard 10 Gb/s 10 TB IPAC Archive 20/200 TB NERSC NGF DPCs 10 Gb/s ? 10 Gb/s 10 Gb/s 7 Tf/s 4 TB NERSC Bassi ? ? ? ? 64 Gb/s 0.1 Tf/s 50 GB ERCSC Cluster 2 TB USPDC Cluster 0.5 Tf/s 200 GBUSPDC Cluster 100 Tf/s 50 TB NERSC-5 (2007) 500 Tf/s 250 TB NERSC-6 (2010) ?

  12. Project Columbia Update • Last year we advertised our proposed use of NASA's new Project Columbia (5 x 2048 CPU, 5 x 12 Tf/s), potentially including a WAN-NGF. • We were successful in pushing for Ames' connection to the Bay Area MAN, providing a 10Gb/s dedicated data connect. • We were unsuccessful in making much use of Columbia: • disk read performance varies from poor to atrocious, effectively disabling data analysis (although simulation is possible). • foreign nationals are not welcome, even if they have passed JPL security screening ! • We have provided feedback to Ames and HQ, but for now we are not pursuing this resource.

  13. Data Formats • Once data are on disk they must be read by codes that do not know (or want to know) their format/layout: • to analyze LFI, HFI, LevelS, WMAP, etc data sets • both individually and collectively • to be able to operate on data while it is being read • e.g. weighted co-addition of simulation components • M3 provides a data abstraction layer to make this possible • Investment in M3 has paid huge dividends this year: • rapid (10 min) ingestion of new data formats, such as PIOLIB evolution and WMAP • rapid (1 month) development of interface to any compressed pointing, allowing on-the-fly interpolation & translation • immediate inheritance of improvements (new capabilities & optimization/tuning) by the growing number of M3-based codes

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