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RÚBRICAS: por una evaluación ARMONIOSA. Lucy Padilla. By PresenterMedia.com. Agenda. Temas a desarrollar. Las rúbricas , son como las partituras en un concierto :. Indican a cada quién lo que tiene que hacer Promueven la práctica independiente Predicen el resultado
RÚBRICAS: porunaevaluación ARMONIOSA Lucy Padilla By PresenterMedia.com
Agenda Temas a desarrollar
Las rúbricas, son comolaspartituras en un concierto: • Indican a cadaquién lo quetienequehacer • Promueven la prácticaindependiente • Predicen el resultado • Seguirla (o no seguirla) es notable Permiten la claridad en el objetivo de la actividad Promueven la armoníaasesor-alumno
1Definición ¿Quéesunarúbrica? • Es una herramienta que enlista los criteriosque se establecen para evaluar cualquier tarea, incluyendo una gradación de la calidadpara cada uno de estos criterios.
2 Ventajas de evaluar con rúbricas Para el asesor: Para el estudiante: • facilita la evaluación • permite realizar retroalimentaciones detalladas que ayudan al estudiante a comprender sus debilidades y/o fortalezas. • les permite autoevaluar su aprendizaje • hace explícitas las expectativas de su profesor. Proporcionaunasensación de “justicia” Fáciles de usarpara ambos
3Tipos de rúbrica Existen dos tipos de rúbrica • Rúbricaholística: • describe el proceso global o el producto final como un todo, sin evaluar por separado sus componentes. • Rúbricaanalítica: • califica primero las partes individuales de un producto o del rendimiento y después suma las puntuaciones individuales para obtener la calificación total.
4Elementos de unarúbrica Existen dos elementos en unarúbrica • CRITERIOS A EVALUAR • Aspectos que el asesor considere relevantes en el desarrollo de competencias y que se tomarán en cuenta en la evaluación. • GRADOS O NIVELES DE EVALUACIÓN • Elemento cuantitativo en una rúbrica que interpreta el desempeño del estudiante al realizar una actividad.
6Implementación de unarúbrica A callout, this can be edited or deleted Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart utilizes features only available with 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template. A callout, this can be edited or deleted A callout, this can be edited or deleted A callout, this can be edited or deleted
Three Picture Page Layout A second line of text may go here. • A description of the first picture. You may change this text. • A description of the second picture. You may change this text. • A description of the third picture. You may change this text.
Table Page Layout A second line of text can go here. Here is the description of the table. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.
Comparison Table Layout A second line of text can go here. Here is the description of the table. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This table is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007.
Bar Graph Page Layout A Second Line of text may go here Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.
Pie Graph Page Layout Star Burst PowerPoint 97 through 2007 Compatible Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template. Star Burst Star Burst
Pie Graph Page Layout PowerPoint 2007 Enhanced Version Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart utilizes features only available with 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.
Smart Art Page Layout PowerPoint 2007 Enhanced Version This chart utilizes Smart Art which is feature in PowerPoint 2007. If you wish to make charts like this and don’t have PPT 2007, we have provided the graphical elements to help you build this yourself. Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish.
Picture Page Layout Here is a place holder for the text. You may delete this text. Image from PresenterMedia.com