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Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics. Dr . eng. ANDREI BALA , senior research scientist (CS I degree) – Head of department Dr. Doru Mateciuc , senior research scientist (CS III degree) Drd . Mihai Diaconescu , senior research scientist (CS III degree)
Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics Dr. eng. ANDREI BALA, senior research scientist (CS I degree) – Head of department Dr. DoruMateciuc, senior research scientist (CS III degree) Drd. MihaiDiaconescu, senior research scientist (CS III degree) Drd. LaurentiuMunteanu, engineer – IDTIII. Dr. Victor Raileanu, senior research scientist (CS I degree) – retired from 01.01.2012 Dr. Florin Radulescu , senior research scientist (CS II degree) – retired from 01. 07.2009.
Main research directions of the department 1. Lithosphere structure at regional and local scale Structure of the lithosphere in Romania, Moho Depth New models at the geologic and tectonic scale, with physical properties of the rocks Dynamics of the lithosphere by complex interpretation of the recent crustal movements Improvement of seismic hazard assessment Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Main research directions of the department 2. Studies of the crustal seismicity, seismotectonic models associated and assessment of the dynamic properties of the crust Crustal seismicity Seismotectonic models Assessment of the dynamic properties of the crust in Romania Improvement of seismic hazard assessment Reduction of seismic risk Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
3. Microzonation studies (local seismic hazard) of densely populated areas Site effects analyses Advanced methodologies in processing of seismic refraction data Sharewave seismic velocity determination in Bucharest Local seismic hazardwith special view to the Bucharest area Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
4. GPS Studies with applications to strain computation Computation of the stress and strain in the crust using Finite Element Method Maps with maximum and minimum strain field in the crust • GPS monitoring with application to local hazard GPS measurements with applications to the stability of the main hydropower dams Monitoring of landslide in geo-strategic areas Subsidence of the mining areas Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
1. Lithosphere structure at regional and local scale Contributions to: International projects: CF14: Tectonic evolution and Seismic Hazard of the South Carpathians Region F14: Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology – NERIES National projects: F59, F60, F61, F62 – Victor Raileanu –Director/responsible of the project Papers: A2Hauser F., Răileanu V., Fielitz W., Dinu C., Landes M., Bălă A., Prodehl C., Seismic crustal structure between the Transylvanian Basin and the Black Sea, Romania, Tectonophysics 430, 1–25, 2007.Times cited : 20. A16 M. A. Fillerup, J. H. Knapp, C. C. Knapp, V. Raileanu, Mantle earthquakes in the absence of subduction? Continental delamination in the Romanian Carpathians, Lithosphere, October 2010, v. 2, p. 333-340, doi:10.1130/L102.1 Times cited: 7. A25 Molinari, I., Răileanu, V. Morelli, A., A crustal model for the Eastern Alps region and a new Moho map in South-Eastern Europe. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Published online 24 Nov. 2011, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0431-y. O36Răileanu V., Dinu C., Radulian M., Diaconescu V., Bălă A., Popescu E., Popa M., Crustal seismicity and active fault systems in the SE of Romania, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seismic Risk reduction, Paper 14, Ed. Orizonturi Universitare Timisoara, 269-276, 2007. O37Răileanu V., Bălă, A., Dinu, C., Radulian, M., Popescu, E., Diaconescu, V., Mateciuc, D., Popa, M., Crustal seismicity and deep structure in the SE Carpathians and its foreland. Proc. CRC-461 International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, MATRIX ROM, Bucharest, p.86-89, 2007. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
VRANCEA refraction line – 2D velocity depth model After A2 Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Interpreted geological cross-section on Vrancea refraction line After A2 Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Interpreted depth-converted profile along Dracula1 and DACIA PLAN seismic profiles. AfterA16 The seismic refraction Moho from Hauser et al., 2007 is shown as a dashed red line after A2. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Crustal Models in Romania V. Raileanu, D. Tataru, B. Grecu , CRUSTAL MODELS IN ROMANIA I. MOESIAN PLATFORM, Rom. Jour. of Physics, 2012 V. Raileanu, D. Tataru, B. Grecuand A. Bala, CRUSTAL MODELS IN ROMANIA – II. MOLDAVIAN PLATFORM AND ADJACENT AREAS, Rom. Jour. of Physics, 2012 Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
2. Studies of the crustal seismicity, seismotectonic models associated and assessement of the dynamic properties of the crust International projects: CF13: Set-up and implementation of key core components of a regional early-warning system for marine geohazards of risk to the Romanian-Bulgarian Black Sea costal area (MARINE GEOHAZARD) National projects: F10, F11, F12 – Drd. MihaiDiaconescu –director/responsible of the projects; F23, F24, F25 – dr. DoruMateciuc – responsible of the projects; F37. - drd. LaurentiuMunteanu – responsible of the project; F58. - dr. Florin Radulescu - director of the project. Papers: O129Răileanu V., Dinu C., Ardeleanu L., Diaconescu V., Popescu E., Bălă A., Crustal seismicity and associated fault systems in Romania, Procedings of the 27th ECGS Workshop: Seismicity Patterns in the Euro-Med Region, Luxembourg, 17-19 Nov.2008, in “Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie”, 153-159, 2009 (ISBN 9.7829-19-89702-5). O13Diaconescu M., Malita Z., Surseseismice in zonaMariiNegre, in ‘HazardeNaturale: Evenimente Tsunami in MareaNeagra’ (editor G.Oaie), 2007 Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-0-05181-0, pg. 71-80, 2007. O163 DiaconescuM. Maliţa Z. Cutremuredobrogene, Publishing house Granada, Bucharest, 2011, ISBN 978-973-8905-96-2 Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Distribution of crustal seismicity (Mw =2) in Romania. Known faults (light grey) ; proposed active fault (red). After O129. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Seismicity of the Black Sea Diaconescu M., Malita Z., Seismic sources in the Black sea area, in Abstract to Geoecomarina no.17/2011, 55-58, 3rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Black Sea Region, Bucharest, 1-10 October 2011 Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Structural map of the Getic depression Seismic sequence of 1-3 January 2012. Structural map of the Getic depression between Tismana valley and Cerna valley. Tectonic compiled after Matenco L., 1997; Geological Map of Romania, 1:200.000. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
3.1 Microzonation studies (local seismic hazard) of densely populated areas Contributions to: International projects: F8– NATO SfP Project: Site-effect analyses for the earthquake-endangered metropolis Bucharest, Romania; Dr. Andrei Bala – co-director from Romania. Papers: O6Bălă A., S.F. Bălan , J.R.R. Ritter, D. Hannich, G. Huber, J. Rohn, Seismic site effects based on in situ borehole measurements in Bucharest, Romania, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquake and Risk Mitigation, Oct. 4 – 6, Bucharest, Romania, 190 – 204, 2007. O93Bălă A., Bălan, S. F., Ritter J., Hannich D., Seismic site effect modelling based on in situ borehole measurements in Bucharest, Romania, in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation” (Eds. T. Schanz, R. Iankov), 30 August – 3 September 2008, Borovets, Bulgaria, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – C, Springer, Dordrecht, 101-111, 2009. O138Bălă A., Bălan S.F., Ritter J.R.R., Rohn J., Huber G., Hannich D., Site-effect analyses for the earthquake-endangered metropolis Bucharest, Romania, 127 p, Ed. Univ. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iasi, 2010, ISBN: 978-973-703-546-2, 2010. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Site-Effect Analysis for Earthquake-Endangered Bucharest (ref. SFP-981882) Since January 2006 experts from Germany and Romania have worked on a project to assess the likely nature of earthquake damage at specific sites in Bucharest. This has involved the identification of factors that amplify earthquake waves near the surface. Their approach has been to recover soil and rock samples from newly drilled boreholes, in order to assess the local geology, take in situ seismic measurements and conduct geotechnical static and dynamic tests. Project Co-Directors: • Dr. Joachim Ritter, Geophysical Inst., Univ. of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany (NPD) • Dr. Stefan Balan, Dept. Engineering Seismology, NIEP, Bucharest, Romania (PPD) • Dr. Andrei Bala, Department of Lithospheric Structure, NIEP, Bucharest, Romania • Dr. Joachim Rohn, Geological Institute, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Effective Date: 1 January 2006; Duration: 3 years, 2006 - 2008 ; Final Report – august 2009. http://www.nato.int/science/studies_and_projects/nato_funded/pdf/981882.pdf Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Position of the 10 sites in Bucharest City in which extensive in situ seismic velocity measurements presented in the table. The ten borehole sites are shown as circles and numbers. After O138. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Spectral acceleration for models down to a).50 m; b).70 m; c).100 m. After O138 a). b). c). Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
3.2 Microzonation studies (local seismic hazard) of densely populated areas National projects: F3, F4, F5 - Dr. Andrei Bala – director of the project. • Papers: • A9Bălă A., Grecu B., Ciugudean V., Răileanu V., Dynamic properties of the Quaternary sedimentary rocks and their influence on seismic site effects. Case study in Bucharest city, Romania, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29, 144-154, 2009. Times cited : 2. • O52Bălă A., Cristea P., Răileanu V., Nitica C., Continuous distribution of elastic parameters of the shallow quaternary layers along the 3C seismic profile East Bucharest, Romanian Reports in Physics 60, 111-129, 2008. • O97Bălă A., Arion C., Neagu C., Bălan S.F., In situ Borehole Measurements in Bucharest, Romania as a Tool for Assessment of the Seismic site Effects, A 4-a Conferinţă Naţională de Inginerie seismică, Bucureşti,18 Decembrie 2009, Ed. Conspress, Bucharest, vol 1, 31-40, 2009. ISBN 978-973-100-096-1 O137Bălă A., Modele geologice şi geofizice cu aplicaţii în evaluarea efectelor seismice locale în Bucureşti, Ed. GRANADA, 176 p, cod CNCSIS 332-2009, ISBN 978-973-8905-88-7, 2010. O160Bălă A., Hannich D., Ritter J.R.R., Ciugudean – Toma V., Geological and Geophysical Model of the Quaternary Layers based on in situ measurements in Bucharest, Romania, Romanian Reports in Physics, vol. 63, 250-274, 2011. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Test results for un-cohesive soils from Bucharest a). G/Gmaxcurves – 4 sites; b). Damping ratio – 4 sites After O97. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Test results for cohesive soils from Bucharest a). G/Gmaxcurves – 4 sites; b). Damping ratio – 4 sites After O97. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Mean sharewave velocity Vs-30and average Vs determined by seismic measurements in boreholes in Bucharest area After O160. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
4. GPS Studies with applications to strain computation.GPS monitoring for assessment of the local hazard • Contributions to: • International projects: • F63 SCOPES project – • Renewal and expansion of high academic teaching and advanced infrastructure for analysis of satellite geodetic data in Romania. • Papers • O153Rădulescu F., Mateciuc D., Geodetic satellite studies in Romania, Journal Of Oil and Gas , 12/2010, ISSN 1583-0322, 55 – 62pp, 2010, in Romanian • O166Mateciuc D., CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CRUSTAL DEFORMATIONS FIELD IN ROMANIA Ed. Tehnopress, Iasi, ISBN 978-973-702-872-3, 163pp., PhD Thesis. • National projects: • F23, F24, F25 – dr. DoruMateciuc – scientific responsible of the projects; • F38, F39, F40, F41 - Drd.LaurentiuMunteanu, scientific responsible. • National Patent no.: RO126246-A2 registered at OSIM: • “Technology diagnosing the stability of hidrotechnical dams” • authors :prof. Victor Mocanu, Drd.LaurentiuMunteanu, Cornel Paunescu. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
GPS measurements in Vrancea region a). b). Vrancea extended network, a) maximum principal strain map, μstrain, dimensionless, → - ε1 (maximum principal strain) vector, ● – GPS observatories (nodes of the finite elements mesh), ○ – cities, b) - ■ – recorded crustal earthquakes epicentres for each finite element, xx[1 – 42] – finite element encoding. After DoruMateciuc , PhD Thesis , dec. 2010. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Financial contributions of the research projectsof the Department for Lithosphere structure Financial contributions of the research projects coordinated by members of the Department for Lithosphere structure in k EUR / year. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Papers published in ISI journals by members of Department for Lithosphere structure Papers: Blue : Scientific papers published in journals considered significant, including Romanian Journals, with ISI quotation. yellow: Scientific papers published in journals with non-zero relative Article Influence Score . Relative article influence score = Article Influence Score /Reference Influence score of the review. The score is used by the Romanian Ministry for Education, Research, Youth and Sport in order to promote researchers to project directors and to admit researchers to higher grades. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Papers presented by the members of Department for Lithosphere structure to the international symposia and national workshops No. of presentations: blue– international symposia and congress; red - national workshops. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Department books In Dec. 2010 DoruMateciuc have presented his PhD Thesis: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Crustal Deformations Field in Romania. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Research activity– last 6 months • 1. In November 2011 – last call for proposals for PNCDI2 – the 4 researchers participate with 6 projects as directors or scientific responsibles at the actual call for proposals PNCDI2 – Partnership. • Dr. Andrei Balaparticipate as scientific responsible in the CHIST-ERA project: Measurement of Earthquakes from Seismic and Satellite Geodetic Data , director of the project Prof G. A. Houseman, University of Leeds / School of Earth and Environment. • 3.A. Bala, C. Arion, A. Aldea, In situ borehole measurements and laboratory measurements as primary tools for the assessment of the seismic site effects, paper accepted for publication in Romanian Reports in Physics in March 2012. • 4. V. Raileanu, D. Tataru, B. Grecu , CRUSTAL MODELS IN ROMANIA I. MOESIAN PLATFORM, Rom. Rep. in Physics, Vol. 64, No 2, 2012. • 5. V. Raileanu, D. Tataru, B. Grecu and A. Bala, CRUSTAL MODELS IN ROMANIA – II. MOLDAVIAN PLATFORM AND ADJACENT AREAS, Rom. Jour. of Physics, 2012 . Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6
Research Strategy • Increasing the number of researchers in the Department byattracting new young researchers and graduate students. • Increasing the participation of members of the Department to national research projects and to international research projects. • Increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals with Article Influence score positive. • Increasing the number of publications in scientificRomanian journals with ISI quotation : RRP, RJP. • Promoting and stimulating innovative research. Promoting interdisciplinary research to set up a common strategy in order to minimize the seismic risk. • Promoting GPS continuous monitoring in the aid of minimizing local natural risks. Department for Lithosphere Structure and Dynamics - Research –E6