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Emerging Data Base Technologies & Applications. Dr. K. Raghava Rao,Prof. & Head,MCA Dept., KLUniversity. krraocse@gmail.com. Unit-1: Web Technology & DBMS Introduction.
Emerging Data Base Technologies & Applications Dr. K. Raghava Rao,Prof. & Head,MCA Dept., KLUniversity krraocse@gmail.com
Unit-1: Web Technology & DBMSIntroduction ~The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. ~The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. ~An Intranet is web site belonging to an organization, accessed by only members of organization. ~An Extranet is an intranet that is partially accessible to authorized outsiders. ~e-Commerce is a website where customers can place order and pay for it. ~e-Buiness is a complete integration of internet technology into the business.
Unit-1: Web Technology & DBMSWeb: web ~Web is a hypermedia-based system that provides a means of browsing information on the Internet in a non-sequential way using hyperlinks. ~Web is a very large client-server system: i)Connected through routers and switches ii)Communicating with TCP/IP protocol ii)With no centralised control ~Web consist of server and client where server provides information and clients(browser) requesting information. Examples: Web Servers: Apache HTTP Server,Microsoft IIS Clients: IE,NetScape, Mozilla.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Web: HTTP This protocol used to transfer web pages through internet An HTTP transaction consists of the following stages: i)Connection: the client establishes a connection with the web server ii) Request: The client sends a request message to the web server iii) Response: the web server sends a response to the client
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: HTTP ~HTTP is stateless protocol-means server retains no information between requests. ~This stateless property of HTTP is a benefit that permits clients and servers to be written simple logic and run applications with no extra memory or disk space from old requests. ~But this property makes it difficult to support the concept of a session that is essential to basic DBMS transactions. HTTP Request Type are: ~GET - retrieves resource user requested ~POST –Transfers data to specified resource ~HEAD – returns only http Header ~PUT-uploads resource to the server ~DELETE –deletes resource from server ~OPTIONS- request server’s configuration options
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) ~It is a specification defines a standard for encoding binary data into ASICII. ~ It is also standard for indicating the type of data contained inside a message . ~Web uses MIME standard to determine how to handle multiple media types. ~MIME types are identified using type/subtype format. It is shown in right side figure.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) URL(Uniform Resource Locator) ~HTML is a document formatting language used to design most web pages. ~HTML developed to use by various types devices to show information on web. ~HTML is an application of the Standardized Generalized Markup Language(SGML) ~Links are specified in HTML file using HREF tag and result display highlights the linked text by underlining them. ~ HTML document is a webpage which static and dynamic. ~URL: It represents location or address of a resource on the internet and how resource should be accessed.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: Web Services ~ A web service is typically an application programming Interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via HTTP and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. ~Web service established in building applications and process for the integration of heterogeneous applications in the future. ~Examples of web service: stock quote facility for current price of specified stock, map point for high quality maps. ~The standards and technologies used in web services: i)XML -eXtensible Markup Language ii)SOAP -Simple Object Access protocol based on xml used for communication over the internet. iii) WSDL -Web Service Description Language protocol based on xml to describe the web service. iv)UDDI – Universal Discovery ,Description and Integration protocol used to register web services for prospective users.
The following triangle shows the basic architecture of the Web Service Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: Web Services
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: Web-DBMS Integration ~The requirements for Web-DBMS Integration are: i)The ability to access valuable corporate data in a secure manner ii)Data and vendor independent connectivity to allow freedom of choice in selection of dbms. iii)The ability to interface to database independent of any proprietary of web browser or web server iv) A connectivity solution takes advantage of all features of an organization's dbms v)An open-architecture approach to allow interoperability with variety system and technologies vi) A cost-effective solution and allows cost reduction in developing and maintaining applications. vii) Support for transactions, session , authentication and minimal administration overhead.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSWeb: Web-DBMS Approach ~Web as a platform for database systems can deliver innovative solutions both inter-and intra-company business operations. ~Advantages of Web-DBMS Approach: simplicity, platform independence, GUI, Standardization , Cross-platform support, Transparent network access, Scalable deployment, innovation. ~Disadvantages of Web-DBMS Approach: Reliability , Security, Cost, Scalability, Limited Functionality of HTML, Statelessness, Bandwidth, Performance ,Immaturity of development tools. ~Integrating Web & DBMS Approaches: i)Scripting languages ii)CGI iii)HTTP Cookies iv)Extension to web server v)java,j2ee,jdc,sqlj,jdo,servlets,jsp vi)Microsoft web solution platform vii)Oracle’s internet platform
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSScripting Languages: Java Script and Jscript ~Scripting languages allow the creation of functions embedded within HTML code. Using scripting languages we can extend browser and web server functionality by adding database. ~JavaScript and Jscript: i) The script may be executed within browser or at the server before the document is sent to the browser. ii) java script object oriented scripting language. iii) java script language resembles java ,but without java’s static typing and strong type checking. Difference of Java applets and Java Script. iv) There is client-side java script and Server-side java script. vii) java script complements java by exposing java applets to script developers
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSScripting Languages: VBScript ~It is identical to JavaScript/Jscript ~Its syntax more like Visual basic than java. ~VBScript grew out of Visual Basic. ~It is a procedural language and so uses subroutines as the basic unit. ~Visual basic is the basic for scripting languages in Microsoft Office packages. ~Visual basic also gave rise to ActiveX controls(VBX). ~VBX shared a common interface that allowed them to be placed on Visual Basic form. ~Visual Basic gave way to OLE Control(OCXs), which was renamed ActiveX. ~VBScript has no functions that interact with files on the user’s machine.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSScripting Languages: Perl and PHP ~PERT-(Practical Extraction and Report Language): is a high level interpreted programming language with extensive, easy-to-use processing capabilities. ~Perl combines features of ‘C’ and the UNIX utilities sed, awk ,sh and alternative to UNIX script. ~It is one of most widely used languages for server-side programming. ~Perl originally developed on the UNIX platform, there is no version of perl for windows platform PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor): open source HTML embedded scripting language supported by many web servers. ~It supports un-typed variables to make development easier. ~The goal of this language to allow web-developers to write dynamically-generated pages quickly ~Now a days PHP using with combination of data base systems MYSQL or PostgreSQL..
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSCommon Gateway Interface(CGI) : Introduction ~CGI is a Specification for transferring information between a Web Server and a CGI Program. ~The CGI defines how scripts communicate with Web Servers. ~A CGI Script is any script designed to accept and return data that conforms to CGI Specification. ~CGI Scripts can be written in almost any language, provided it supports the reading and writing of an operating system’s environment variables. ~For UNIX plafform, scripts can be written in Perl, PHP, Java , ‘C’, or almost any of the major languages. ~for Windows platform, scripts cab be written as DOS batch files, or using Visaul Basic, ‘C’/C++, Delhi , or even ActivePerl.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSCommon Gateway Interface(CGI) : Introduction ~Running a CGI Script from Web browser is mostly transparent to user. The following things occur when CGI script executes successfully: i) User call CGI script by clicking on a link or by pushing a button. ii) Browser contacts the Web server asking for permission to run script. iii)The server checks configuration and access files to check CGI script exists. iv)The Server prepares the environment variables and launches the script. v)The script executes and reads environment variables and STDIN. vi)The script sends the proper MIME headers to STDOUT. vii)The Server sends the data in STDOUT to the browser and close connection viii)Brower displays the information sent from the server.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSCommon Gateway Interface(CGI) : Introduction
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSCommon Gateway Interface(CGI) : Passing Information to a CGI Script ~There are 4 primary methods for passing information from browser to a CGI Script: 1)Passing parameters on the command line: HTML language provides the ISINDEX tag to send command line parameters to a CGI Script. 2)Passing parameters using environment variables In this passing data into CGI script is the use of environment variables. Server sets up environment variables before invoking the CGI Script. Ex: QUERY_STRING. 3)Passing data to CGI program via Standard input 4)Using extra path information.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSCommon Gateway Interface(CGI) : Advantages and Disadvantages of CGI Advantages: ~CGI is its simplicity, language independence, web server independence. ~CGI was de facto standard for interfacing web servers with external applications . Disadvantages: ~communication between a client and database server must always go through web server in middle which is so difficult when if large no. of users. ~lack of efficiency and translation support in a CGI-based approach, essentially inherited from statelessness of http protocol which causes more fundamental problems ~server has to generate a new process or thread for each CGI script. ~security a serious drawback with CGI.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSHTTP Cookies ~A cookie is a piece of information that the client stores on behalf of the server. ~one way to make cgi script interactive by using cookies. ~Information is stored in cookie comes from server as part of server HTTP ‘s response. ~A client have many cookies stored at any given time, each assoicated with a particular website or web page. ~Web servers identifies a user using cookies with http request. ~All cookies have expiration date and if it is longer time ,cookies stored in local hard disk else deleted from memory when browser closes. ~The format for a cookie is: Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH; [domain = DOMAIN_NAME; secure].
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Java: Java topic will be covered later because it is having advanced sub topics where students need to have minimum knowledge.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform ~Microsoft .NET is a vision for the third generation of the internet where software is delivered as a service, accessible by any device, any time, any place and is fully programmable and pesonalizeable. ~The platfrom have various tools , services and technologies are: Windows2000, Exchange Server, BizTalk Server, Visual Studio,, HTML/XML, Scripting(Jscript and VB script) and components(java or activeX). ~Main composition of Micosoft’s technology : OLE ,COM , DCOM and now .NET. OLE –Object Linking and Embedding; COM-Component Object Model; DCOM-Distributed component object model
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform OLE: ~OLE is an object-oriented technology that enables development of reusable software components. ~OLE architecture allows applications to use shared objects that provide specific functionality. ~Object like text documents,charts,spreadsheet,e-mail,gaphics, ad sound clips all appear as objects to OLE application. ~When objects are embedded or linked , they appear within client application. ~When the linked data needs to be edited, the user dobule-clikcs the object, and the application that created it is started. ~We use OLE to store an object in Microsoft Office Access.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform COM: ~Microsoft extended this concept to allow functional components that provided specific services to be created and plugged from one application into another. ~COM is idea that objects provide services to other client applications. ~COM is an object-based model consisting of both a specification that defines the interface between objects within a system and a concrete implementation, packaged as a Dynamic Link Library(DLL). ~COM is a service to establish a connection between a client application and an object and its associated services.. One of major strength of COM lies in the fact that it provides a binary interoperability standard.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform COM: ~Microsoft extended this concept to allow functional components that provided specific services to be created and plugged from one application into another. ~COM is idea that objects provide services to other client applications. ~COM is an object-based model consisting of both a specification that defines the interface between objects within a system and a concrete implementation, packaged as a Dynamic Link Library(DLL). ~COM is a service to establish a connection between a client application and an object and its associated services.. One of major strength of COM lies in the fact that it provides a binary interoperability standard.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform DCOM: ~DCOM helps our components to become location independent. ~The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) extends the COM architecture to provide a distributed component-based computing environment, allowing components to look the same to client on a remote machine os an a local machine. ~DCOM does this by replacing the interprocess communicaiton between client and component with an apporpriate network protcol. ~DCOM is very suited to the three-tier architecture.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform Web Solution Platform(COM+): ~COM+ aims to provide more infrastructure for an application, leaving the developer free to concentrate on application logic. ~COM+ provides the basis for Microsoft’s next framework for unifying and integrating the PC and internet, called the Web Solution Platform. ~WSP defined as ‘architectural framework for building modern, scalable, multi-tier distributed computing solutions, that can be delivered over any network’
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Universal Data Access Figure:The OLE DB Architecture.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Universal Data Access ~ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) provides a common interface for accessing heterogeneous SQL databases. ~Microsoft has now defined a set of data objects, collectively known as OLEDB,that allows OLE-oriented applications to share and manipulate sets of data as objects. ~OLE DB Provides low-level access to any data source, including relational,non-relational databases,e-mail and file systems,text and graphics,business objects. ~OLE DB is an object-orienteed specification based on a C++ API.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : ASP Figure: Active Server Pages Architecture
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : ASP ~ASP is a programming model that allows dynamic, interactive Web pages to be created on the web server, analogous to Java Server Pages. ~ASP was introduced with the Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS) and support ActiveX scripting, allowing to use large no. of scripting engines within single ASP. ~ASP provides the flexibility of CGI, without performance overhead . ~ASP built around the combination of the following: i)Text ii)HTML tags, delimited by angle-bracket(<and>) symbols iii) Script commands and output expressions. Delimited by <% and %> symbols. iv) An asp script start to run when abrowser requests an ‘.asp’ file from the web server.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : ActiveX Data Objects ~ActiveX Data Objects(ADO) is a programming extension of ASP supported by the Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS) for database connectivity. ~ADO is designed as an easy-to-use application level interface to OLE DB. ~Since ADO was designed to combine features and replace RDO and DAO. ~ADO supports the following key features: i) independent-created objects. ii) Support for stored procedures , with input and output parameters and return parameters iii)Different cursor types iv)batch updating v) support for limit on the no. of returned rows and other query goals. vi) Support for multiple records ets returned from stored procedures or batch statements.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : ActiveX Data Objects Figure:ADO object model Figure: ADO.Net Object Model
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Remote Data Services(RDO) ~RDS is Microsoft technology for client-side database manipulation across the Internet. ~RDS provides a mechanism to send updated records to the Web server. ~RDS provides a caching mechanism thereby improving the overall performance of the application by reducing the no. of web server accesses. ~RDS is implemented as a client-side ActiveX control, included within IE5 or later, named as RDS.DataControl. ~To establish a connection to database, a DataControl object can be placed on web page. By default this object establish connection between itself and an object called ‘datafactory’ on the server. ~This object is a part of the ADO installation and its function is to make the requests o behalf of the client and return values back to the client.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Comparison of ASP and JSP JSP ~Write once , Run Anywhere philosophy of java environment. ~Run on java-enabled web server. ~It allows developers to extend JSP tags available and to create custom tags libraries to be used by other developers. ~JSP components(JavaBeans,EJB and custom tags) are reusable across platforms. ~It has advantage of benefitting from the in-built java security model and the inherent java type safety, making JSP potentially more reliable. ASP ~It is primarily restricted to Microsoft windows-based platforms.
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft.NET
CLR: ~Common Language Runtime(CLP):It is the heart of .NET Framework , is an execution engine loads , executes, and manages code that has been compiled into an intermediate byte code format known as Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIT) or simply IL , analogous to Java byte code. ~CLR allows one language calls another and even inherit and modify objects from another language. ~CLR provides a no. of services such as memory management , code and thread execution, uniform error handling, and security. ~ CLR enforces a strict type-and-code-verification infrastructure called the common type system , which contains a range of pre-built data types representing both simple data types for objects such as numbers, text and complex data types. Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft.NET
.NET Framework class Library: ~It is a collection of resuable classes,interfaces and types that integrate with the CLR providing standard functionality such as string management, input/output,security management,network communication, thread management,user interface design features. ~There are three components in class library, they are: i)Windows forms to support interface development ii) ASP.NET to support develeopment web applications and web services. iii)ADO.NET to help applications connect to databases. Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft.NET
ADO.NET ~It is the next version of ADO with new classes that expose data access services to programmer. ~ADO designed to 3 weaknesses of ADO, they are: i) providing disconnected access model with web . ii)Providing compatibility with the .NET framework class library iii) Providing extensive support for XML. ~ADO.NET has two main layers: i) a connected layer ii) disconnected layer ~ADO record set object has been replaced by a no. of objects of which main are: i)DataAdapter, which acts as a bridge between a vendor-dependent data source and a vendor neutral data set. ii)DataReder, which provides a connected, forward-only, read-only stream of data from the data source. iii)DataSet, which provides disconnected copies of records from a data source. ~A .NET framework data provider can be wirtten for any data source. .NET currently ships with 4 data providers: i).NET Framework data provider for SQL. OLEDB, ODBC and Oracle. Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft.NET
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft.NET
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMS Microsoft’s Web Platform : Microsoft Web Services&MS Access&Web Page Generation ~Here ms access data base integrate into web environment. ~ms access data base generating html and xml documents based on the following objects: i) Static pages ii) Dynamic pages using ASP iii) Dynamic pages, using HTX/IDC Files iv)Dynamic pages, using data access pages v)XML
Unit-1 Web Technology and DBMSOracle Internet Platform: Oracle Application Server ~middle-tier application server is designed to support e-Business. It supports a set of services for assembling a complete,scalable middle-tier infrastructure show in figure in previous slide. ~It is available in 3 versions: i) java edition ii) standard edition iii) enterprise edition Services of Oracle application servers: i) Communicaiton services ii) Oracle application server containers for j2ee(OC4J) iii) Business component for java (BCSJ) iv)Presentation services v) Web services and xml support vi)Oralce toplink vii) Oracle portal viii) Oracle wireless ix) business intelligence x) cahcing services xi)oracle developer kits